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Better yet... can IIS run on non-x86 platforms? Or anything not running Windows? (I have had apache running on an ARM platform, running Linux. 32MB of RAM, 16MB of flash. Can IIS run on that?).
Though, I've switched to thttpd... and the platform has been upgraded to 32MB of flash and 64MB of RAM...
It's astonishing how many 'web designers' think that query strings represent actual pages.
I understand it going the other way. I've seen people thinking that all /filename.html URLs were actual files, not realizing that someone did some SEO stuff and those were actually being pulled from a DB. I've had to sit and patiently explain that URLs are sometimes not files even when they look like them, and there is no filename.html to edit, that when you ask a website for a URL it can literally return anything it wants, from an actual file to something it just made up, and different sites do different things.
But thinking query strings are actual pages is just...mindboggling. Why the hell would anyone voluntarily name pages like that?
And actually doing a site that way, of course, is even worse. The question is, did the designer do it because they think it's some sort of crazy standard, or were they trying to fool someone?
Even if there's a reason to create a static page mirror of a site, why have a *.aspx suffix? Use an *.html or other static suffix in case your mirror later ends-up on a site with an ASP handler (note: I've never set-up an MS webserver or ASP, but I know Apache modules well.).
I think this consultant defrauded the customer. It looks like a sham to make the customer think there were ASP dynamic pages.
arg! Iam so tired of the apache/IIS wars... yeah I have a bunch of sites that are reporting as Apache, thats what happens when you run an Apache firewall. So what? Did you guys really think Apache was all that and a bag-o-chips?
Actually, he's right. It's not a WTF. It's what others mentioned above as wget caching. Nothing exciting to look at here...move on...
Actually, he's right. It's not a WTF. It's what others mentioned above as wget caching. Nothing exciting to look at here...move on...
I could just see that... /xml/1.xml /xml/2.xml /xml/3.xml ... /xml/15.xml /xml/16.xml /xml/17.xml
I can appreciate what you're saying, but, can you even begin to imagine what maintaining this beast would be like for somebody else?
That sort of approach is only cool if you either a) the client specified they will never update their website with new pages / products b) you are a sociopath, you bill your client then run like hell
Nothing on the form is validated and the "userid" shows they have 52 (as of right now) registered users
type=P = Patient type=D = Doctor
And you can view details on existing accounts.
Better yet...You can just write an ISAPI plugin and be done with it. Next please. If you /really/ honestly need to modify the source of your web server, then have at it.
Somehow I doubt you or 99.99% of other users of apache have touched the source code at all. If you have, then congratulations...You're one of the .01%. Yay?
While I'm starting to believe that this was a cached template, it makes me wonder why they didn't just use static templates in Dreamweaver. I guess maybe they knew ASP.NET more than they knew Dreamweaver or something.
Luxury! We used to dream of having fancy-pants vacuum tubes.
When I were a lad we had to cut cogs for that Mr. Babbage's difference engine with nowt but our teeth.
I'm probably going to get a WTF for not reading others talking about this, bit it's something I've done back in the days when static hosting was far far cheaper than dynamic and, although "dynamic" the page is effectively static as it doesn't change much. You build a dynamic site then use wget to get it and upload the wgotted files to the static hosting company.
[Captha is Pinball - what ever happened to all the pinball machines you used to get to play on everywhere.]
I think the likes of Visual Studio are fine for simple rapid development projects that aren't expected to stand up to heavy maintenance, but if the project is non-trivial proper software design soon pays for itself again and again in the maintenance phase, robustness to change, all sorts!
YourMoFoFriend is of course right and the troll is a troll, but there is some benefit, at least to me, in having easy to pickup languages. My first language was QBasic (not even QuickBasic, the demo version you used to get with DOS).
I saw some kids at school playing around with it, and they showed me IF THEN ELSE, GOTO, LET, PRINT and INPUT. I read the help file and was very happy writing text adventure games for a few months.
After a while, I realised how limiting the language was and decided to learn some "proper" languages. Prior to this I had no interest in programming, and I suspect if the first language I tried had been C++ or perl this would still be the case today.
For every (hundred) accountants who learn VBA, there's one who becomes a decent coder.
That is a real WTF
...and all those VB-or-not-VB-Flamewar-mongers should redirect themselves to /dev/null, i mean, nul. And smile :-)
You know what happened here! They hired a bunch of consultants to design the web site, who used a content-management system, and provided an e-commerce service. They parted company with them acrimoniously, and so had to hastily get the site up again on a new server. So they wget'ed the whole thing, and uploaded it.
C'mon people, this is the best method to counter SQL-Injection LOL Captcha: muhahaha . Muhahaha
Yes, we will make hackers cry and we will also cry. Imagine hundreds or even thousands of products.
OH-MY-GOD this is too much for me
Just had to revive this one... it appears i4 have been inflicting this "design" on their customers (check out the very bottom of the page).