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The irony of this is, everyone who wrote this type of crap passed an interview.
Throwable t = new Throwable(); if (t.getStackTrace()[1].getClassName().contains("What")) { System.out.print(" the Fuck"); }
copy sqlplus.exe Acces.exe
I hope you fine folks realise that Alex and co are just trolling the fuck out of you all on a daily basis!!! Figure it out already, we have these who/whom arguments every other day and yet Mark has just gone and forgotten it all and accidentally employed a commonly corrected misuse of the word 'who' - in the title no less! Bullshit! You're all being trolled! He's reading this now and cackling in the way only a heartily fed troll could.
Perhaps true, if you were being charged for access to the content of this supposedly for-profit publication. You're not, and the site sells absolutely nothing to you in order for you to receive said access, either. So being a pedantic a-hole can't be justified here; they're still a-holes.
No one mentioned the additional WTF. Why wasn't the exception invalid_calling_pgm fully commented so the user can figure out what going wrong. Here is a starting suggestion.
At least he wasn't throwing divide by zero.
I think you may not be aware that the first meaning is rare and nonsensical in this context, and the second meaning results in a very odd filename of ".vshost.exesomeexecutable".
The word you're looking for is "append".
Maybe try Beano?
Voodoo Coder, Leo, ih8u, NSCoder: The "whom" expression is colloquial, hearkening to the days of operator-assisted telephone switching. The headline is intended to be a cute allusion to it. The grammatical WTF does not belong to the content writer.
Just change the exe name of SQL*Plus to Access.exe and have at!
[quote user="http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/000095399/functions/exec.html"] The requirement on a Strictly Conforming POSIX Application also states that the value passed as the first argument be a filename associated with the process being started. Although some existing applications pass a pathname rather than a filename in some circumstances, a filename is more generally useful, since the common usage of argv[0] is in printing diagnostics. In some cases the filename passed is not the actual filename of the file; for example, many implementations of the login utility use a convention of prefixing a hyphen ( '-' ) to the actual filename, which indicates to the command interpreter being invoked that it is a "login shell". [/quote]So it's far from unprecedented that an app might tamper with argv[0] when launching another, and indeed it is far from unprecedented that it should be used as a cheap and crappy substitute for some sort of proper parent-child IPC... [/quote]
This is a SQL stored procedure, not a POSIX application. A remote SQL database should never depend on the OS running some application.
The SQL database is an agnostic data-store. It should send some data set in response to a query. Stored procedures ought to be limited to some data transformations.
Well... no.
Whom is for object, both direct and indirect.
And, well, both of you examples were for direct objects...
If you are going to complain about someone doing something incorrectly(even though you know what they meant) you really ought to correct them correctly.
Sounds like one of those shops where if you can't reproduce the bug running in debug mode with the IDE then the bug isn't a real bug but short between the keyboard and chair :)
Did Leonard Cohen say "whom" or "who" ? I'd call this artistic licence (spelling ? I'm French. We're pretty anal on grammar here too)...
On the other side, I'm pretty sure he said "shall", not "should".
There is a lot of programs out there that do practically the same thing - encryption/decryption, compression/decompression, etc., where really, having separate executables is a waste of space, waste of memory, and honestly, duplicated code. One program to do it would suffice, but there are those who'd prefer the program be descriptive - gzip to compress, gunzip to decompress, for example. Why have two copies when one would do, but gunzip by default will decompress the file, while gzip will compress. (You can alter the behavior using a command line argument).
In busybox's case, it's required. One single executable doing 100+ jobs is mandatory when you've got an itty-bit of RAM and itty-bit of storage space (a few megs). A single executable means it's only loaded once in memory and can perform basically all tasks. It's larger because it can do so much, but takes less RAM than running a bunch of tools at once, and is smaller than the equivalent collection of utilities if you had them all separate.
... perhaps the original coder passed his job interview because he knew how to spell a commmon word like dependent?
Captcha: commoveo
RAISE invalid_calling_pgm;
This security attempt is easliy fooled. Just rename sqlplus.exe to p_program_name.exe and you are in.
A few more WTF's:
If PL/SQL does as I suspect case-dependent string comparisons, the code is going to mysteriously break even if the name is okay but somebody prettied up the name into mixed-case "CashRegister.Exe".
as others have mentioned there are an infinite number of variations of the name string that map to the same name: ./cashregister.exe, ../Bin/cashregister.exe, ../Debug/cashregister.exe
I was looking for this. 10 to 1 that it was patched just like that.
Surely, he's not the only one cracking up when reading all this. Anywayz, I think I leveled up my grammar just by reading this...
... OR p_program_name = '[executable name].vshost.exe'
See how easy it is? An alternative solution would be Learn To Deal and accept that you simply can't run the program from inside the IDE. After all, it's important to Be Environmentally Conservative.
Don't be discouraged. You'll get it soon!
If so, it's the worst way to go about it. Just set up a specific database user/role that has access to that stored proc, and then use that role in the program.
Then I assume you would apply the same standard to any ad-supported, content-producing site and consider it unremarkable to find a similar disdain for grammatical matters at, say, www.washingtonpost.com or www.newyorktimes.com?
Beware debugger, it does things behind your back :-)
You're comparing apples to baby wolverines.
I can't believe I would have to say this...but:
thedailywtf.com != The New York Times
Grammar Nazis = pedantic a-holes
Seriously, you need a better argument to justify this kind of correction. It'd be a little different if it was written in the kind of grammar you find in an email from a Nigerian Prince with extra money to move...but this is a common error, and likely an intentional one...
you're a crap developer?
Just make a copy of sqlplus.exe and rename it to Acess.exe and run, Oracle will now let you connect. I hope this is not a security feature, Oracles documentation specifically states that this is a totally stupid thing to do!
But surely the subject is different in both these phrases. I am it is not exactly the same thing as It is I.
The answer to "Who is it?" is "It is I" (not I am it, and not It am I) - IT is the subject, much like I.T. is the subject here, so why we digress into grammar is beyond me.
On the other hand, "Who am I? Why, of course, I am IT"
OMG Am I becoming a grammar Nazi?
Captcha: capio
TRWTF is that there is probably a small group of people on these forums who are not insanely annoyed by this post.
Who or whom gives a $!#%?
Has he been talking to you too? We might be related, if we both stand to inherit the same money. Let's meet sometime. I'll bring the same Bank details I already gave him.
If you haven't learned Haskell yet, you are definitely ready to.
I think you meant:
Grammar Nazis == pedantic a-holes
In that case the WTF is that it should be "shall". As in, "Whom shall I say is calling?"
I've never heard the phrase from a telco employee but it is common elsewhere. Just going by memory you'll hear it in The Jerk, My Fair Lady, and probably a few other movies. I've seen it in books too. Sometimes the character saying the line was telco operator but writers also seem to like having butlers use the phrase.
How do you like the grammer in this:
IF .. .AND. {p_program_name != '[executable name].exe')
Seriously, a web site about programming, and you think that grammer checks are ridiculous?
Maybe people here like to pick apart other peoples' syntax because they spend the other 99% of their day having a compiler pick apart theirs.
I could really go for a lesson in grammar right about now.
Anybody? No? Aawww...
I see why they call you "Bad Context"... here, let me fix the quoting for you.
<clouseau>Zat is wat I said, eedeeot!</clouseau>Admin
Of course - Ernestine ! I knew it sounded familiar.
Addendum (2009-01-26 18:40): Oops - got confused which POS editor I was using !