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I don't get it.
I don't get it either...
Duh there was a work at home ad on the same page.
Hmm... I skipped over reading that because it looked... like an ad.
It took me a lot of re-reading to notice the ironic ad. Hooray for banner blindness!
I think this only goes to show that a lot of us just completely filter out and ignore online banner ads.
People advertise online?
Let's hope none of the site's sponsors are lurking! ;-)
I had the exact same problem. My eyes automatically skip past any banner ads.
That's neat and sad at the same time. Neat because that's cool that my brain adapted. Sad because it HAD to adapt.
that was dumb.
but what made it funny was the banner ad on the page for working at home!
the irony!
Heh, I was think that this is useful information for people who arn't aware of these kinds of things. I had to read the comments to even realise that there was a banner there!
You, I and the rest of the WTF readership :) I think this is the first time I've had to engage my brain all day.
Perhaps I need a new job.
Hey! did you guys see that awesome job offer at the bottom? I've already signed up for my easy cash 'n' hot babes.
Wait a minute, you get cash and hot babes? I thought you had to be a hot babe to get the cash. Man did I ever read that ad wrong.
even with adbock, my eyes still skip banners. I never did get it until reading the responses. Perhaps the banner blinders in more interesting the the blunder.
Wow, even with the comments it took me a while to find the ad. I spent a good 30 seconds staring at the image before I realized the colorful thing under it was what I was supposed to be looking at.
Aha! I thought that was a WTF banner, not part of the screenshot.
I think this post is proof that you need not ad block anything. We do that in an analog fashion automatically.
Here is another (un)fortunate soul who had to read the comments in order to see what this was about. Heh.
CAPTCHA: gotcha. I hate writing captcha's for the sake of writing them, but, this one is oddly appropriate. Again.
I like how there's a monster.com ad on the right ... I'm assuming monster.ca == monster.com [image]
That's hilarious. I didn't get it either until I read the comments. Banner blindness indeed.
Yeah, Alex, maybe you should draw one of those yellow ellipsey-thingies around the banner in question.
dubya would have done it.
I didn't have to read the comments to get it, but the only reason I noticed the banner at all is because there's a chick in it.
$7500/mo you say?
www.google.ca www.mapquest.ca www.lolroflpwn!!!1111eleven.ca
I was thinking California, but Canada does make more sense =)
HAAAAAAAAA THAT is hysterical!!! I totally didn't get it until I read the comments and went back and looked at the ad.
captcha: bling - speakin of work at home ads ...
I too suffer from banner ad blindness. Didn't get it at all until I read the comments. WTF!
To get that, you have to look like the girl in the ad.
(And it's not the kind of job you want people knowing where you live.)
i just skipped over the ad thinking it was an ad on WTF, not the subject of the posting.
That USPS PDF has its own issues: The text on the license shows blue eyes, but the girl whose license this supposedly is has brown eyes. Maybe his picture is being removed from the license, and she's the identity thief. In that case, she's 6'2".
And yes, even after reading the comments and checking a 2nd time, I still overlooked it.
I agree, this screen shot needs to point out the banner add is what you're supposed to be seeing; especially because the text "Avoid work at home scams" is circled. You're left wondering what the problem is with that text, but you don't actually look at the banner add....
I didn't get it until I read the comments either....
I too was initially pissed that adblock missed a banner.
captcha: digdug I feel the need to play mind-numbing games now.
I did got it the first time but only because I realized it was an advertising WTF.
But I did skip it before reading the article. The fact that I skipped it by reflex doesn't mean I wasn't annoyed by it, ad blindness doesn't mean you don't see ads, it only means that you see them as scrambled mosaic graphics devoid of meaning.
By the way, it happens to me IRL too, I realized it when I was looking for a plumber in the yellow pages, I didn't find a suitable one until some one pointed me to the big, banner like ads in the page, I was oblivious to them.
Now, seriously, captcha = "vern", what the fuck is that?
That's Canadian money. So like $750 a month in US Dollars.
And before anyone comments, yes I know it's only like a grand less with current conversions.
I had a similar experience. During the horrible mine accident in West Virginia last year, I was reading a news article on the Daily Mail's web page about it and the deaths of the miners. The news page had Google Ad Sense links at the bottom (which adds ads based on the text of the article).
One of those Google links at the bottom read "Miners Needed! Earn up to $7500 a month!"
Have been using AdBlock for quite a while, since the dial-up days. I don't really miss banners...
AdBlock also speeds up your browsing though, because it removes the request from the page completely. The one I use does, anyway.
Don't laugh.
I got this "job offer" after two "Private Caller" phone interviews for more than I was asking for the job.
All I had to do was submit my application form and W-9 (includes social security number, signature, address, etc) and banking information (We cannot guarantee timely payment otherwise!)
I had some friends check out the New Jersey address (I'm on the left coast) this was supposedly from. A vacant lot. The company in question is from Bangalore.
When I asked to meet with the manager I was told the job offer was rescinded.
OMG, I must be the wierd one. I actually got it on the first read. Either I'm superior because I don't auto-block "communications" like banner ads, or I'm seriously in line to go extinct because I don't block the ads. Probably the latter.
captcha: muhahaha - I knew it! I'm doomed!!
Also, why "23 People" and not just "People"? Is that supposed to make you think there are limited spots available and therefore entice you to apply faster? Who would possibly fall for that?
California would be described as .ca.us, actually.
Maybe they meant "Hot 23-year-old babe People".
It's always neat when the captcha answers the question correctly. People with the brains of a waffle would fall for this.
Where you've gone wrong is in assuming that these people don't exist. In reality, there's always another moron who will mortgage their house in order to help nigerians steal millions of dollars, and they'll fall for the "work from home" gags even more easily.
People are stupid. I thought everyone here already knew that.
I also didn't even notice the ad. We sure got punk'd!