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I wouldn't ever say "no WTFs" when it comes to vBulletin. It's much less so than 2.x, but big pieces are still greatly overengineered and it has its little nuggets of insane sprinkled around.
And even when there is a good technical reason behind it, that doesn't automatically absolve it of all WTF value! In this case, half the WTF is that someone would ask "Who has the best" and then allows multiple-choice answers, the other half is that vbulletin will equally weight someone who makes 20 votes with someone who makes 1.
Hey I recognize that schedule! Lots of people from my city here! (seven?)
I was introduced to this site about 9 months ago, and I was immediately hooked. I've read almost all of the old articles. Unfortunately over the last 4-5 months there has been very little, both in quantity and quality, posted that holds my interest and entertains me.
To those of you that say "if you complain about the (lack of) content, then submit something", I have sent in two good wtf code samples that have not been featured. Meanwhile there are days where there is only one crap article posted.
Yes, exactly. Everyone jumped on my back and called me a troll because I said what nobody else had the balls to say. I enjoy this site. I've been coming here for a while now, and it pains me to see these days where there's maybe if we're lucky a code snippet, and nothing else. I wait for half the day to get a laugh and read some new article, and usually I get disappointed.
For those saying "You have no right to complain about content on a free site" - that excuse is, and always has been, bullshit. The site may be free, but I'm still a customer as I partake of the service offered. I still visit the site. Therefore I do have a right to say that I'm not happy with the site's current focus. If all "free" sites ignored complaints due to "Well the site is FREE, so quit yer bitchin'!", nobody would visit them and the site would shut down.
I know for a fact that there's a lot of articles/content submitted to the site - certainly more than what gets posted daily. There should be no reason for an all-of-a-sudden lapse in content like we've had the past few days.
Ha that's the bus I used to take in Winnipeg. I always used that site to check bus times and never had that happen... although I did miss a lot of transfers
That's ridiculous. You just walk backwards for one minute. No problem!
Looking at the that first graph, my first thought was that they just stacked up the results from a lot of city-specific polls. That's certainly a poor (confusing) way to display the data, but I wouldn't have called it a WTF. But then, that doesn't explain the multiples of 10% down the line, so maybe there is a deeper stupidity lurking here...
captcha: muhahaha (heh heh heh...)
Of course, the poll question was something of a WTF for an approval poll, but we're supposed to be seeing programmer and sysadmin WTFs here, not random-web-admin WTFs. Do we get Time Cube posted next?
The questions approval votes are most naturally intended to answer are of the form "For each of the following items, what percentage of voters believe X?" or more generally, "For each of the following questions, what percentage of voters answer yes?" However, they also work perfectly well as a simple alternative to one-vote systems, although they probably aren't ideal in that respect unless you highly value simplicity. For instance, they would allow people to vote for both Nader and Gore, or even both Bush and Gore (to lock out people like Nader and Buchanan), where single-vote plurality/"first past the post" systems all but force a two-party system due to the spoiler effect.
There are many more interesting voting systems, too. My favorite is Condorcet voting for its conceptual elegance.
That's a really interesting comment on your intellect and/or attention span. You don't like what you have been reading here, but you have been coming back for months - if you require help to change your browser's home page location, I'm sure someone here would be more than happy to provide any assistance you may need. Or maybe you need help to edit a bookmark file - someone here may be able to help with that, too. If neither of the above suggestions seem to apply to your situation, and you have been coming here voluntarily, please remember this is a free site and just: PISS OFF, ASSHOLE! SOD YOU, AND YOUR COWORKERS - the rest of us are quite happy with the site as-is...
So, also, are the people who use the term "stadiums" 30 times more "common" than those who bother to use a proper vocabulary - it is a shame when people use incorrect language and then give the excuse that "it is common usage" - I believe most of us do not wish to be "common", although it seems to be quite acceptable to you. You probably don't object to being called a dork or a schmuck, either, although you might if you knew what it means... but probably not.
What's that? You don't use Thee or Thou! Unacceptable!
Besides, English is a germanic language, adding an s in the plural form IS more natural. Or common in your vernacular.
Just because you have a proper vocabulary doesn't mean that you aren't a dick! (Quelle malheur, old english used double negatives all the time, wonder why?)
springtime for hitler...
Actually, the 580% is easy to figure out.
Two people voted for every single option.
If we cut out those two people, we then see 8 votes left over. What we're seeing is 8 real votes and 2 spam-every-option votes.
There is no real WTF here.
English indeed is a germanic language, but 'stadium' is a romanic word. As such, different rules apply.
my vote as well. CAPTCHA: kungfu - yeah somebody needs a good spanking
I'm afraid your response to his criticism says a lot more about your character than his posts says about his intellect.
[quote user="Mitchell T"][quote] ...
Besides, English is a germanic language, adding an s in the plural form IS more natural. Or common in your vernacular.
Just because you have a proper vocabulary doesn't mean that you aren't a dick! (Quelle malheur, old english used double negatives all the time, wonder why?)
Well if we're going to be pedantic (and I am), "germanic" is too simplistic: English is an indo-european language. There's more French (actually Old French, from Latin) in English than there is German, although it's close. The word "stadium" has its roots in Greek and Latin, so one might tend towards using "stadia" rather than "stadiums"; however, as you point out, times change and both are equally used now. But I can assure you that "Quelle malheur" is used a lot less than "Quel malheur", what with it being masculine and all.
The correct solution is obviously that he should run from the back of the bus to the front whilst it is travelling, thereby getting a head start on the transfer.
Well, I usually visit this site to read about somebody doing stupid [emphasis]REEEEALLL[/emphasis] things, and in this case your comment is pure gold.
I don't [emphasis]REEEEALLLYY[/emphasis] care about the site's name change or even the content area, I just want to have some [emphasis]REEEEALLL[/emphasis] fun before I start my [emphasis]REEEEALLL[/emphasis] day at my [emphasis]REEEEALLL[/emphasis] office.
I think the quality could be higher, but as it depends on user submissions, I don't blame the site for that. But some of the articles are really long (i.e. more than a quick look while I wait for a build at work), and all those needless words end up diluting the core WTF in my opinion. This is probably why I prefer the CodeSoD and Error'd entries.
The only article that really made me laugh recently was the EAW cool cam one, but as one commenter noted, even that was copy/edit/pasted from another web site (but this site brought it to my attention so no problems with that for me).
I continue to read the site in spite of this in the hope that the next article will be a good one. Is it that hard to reconcile a belief that most of the articles don't make me laugh any more, but I continue to read the site for the ones that do?
Spelling Seattle correctly would have been a bonus.
As a response to the childish little agoraphobic basement dwellers who hang around this site's forums being all "holier than thou":
"The whole lot of you couldn't wipe your own backsides with a flash light, a map, a spare arm, three miles of toilet paper and God himself showing you the fucking way."
... or to paraphrase the above in a more fine-grained language that you may understand:
This site is allegedly a self sustaining entity which pays for itself, and lines Alex's pocket a little bit, with this really cool stuff called "advertising revenue". What this means, my little munchkins, is that Alex makes money to sustain the site by advertising on it.
Now, the better the site, and the more people who visit the site, the greater the revenue generated by advertising and, conversely, the crappier the site the poorer the fiscal return from advertising.
In fact, when a site falls below the lowest lever of acceptable quality and traffic throughput advertisers will stop putting their advertisements on the site and the fiscal return would be zero.
To pull from popular economics, which I know none of you narrow minded little trolls understand, every visitor to the site may be considered a direct source of revenue because it is the volume and demographic spread of visitors which define the value of the advertising real estate being sold. So the less content raping whores who flit through here the less interested the advertisers are in placing ads.
In short, if the content on this site doesn't jack up soon there will be a negative impact on the site's ability to sustain itself. That's a bottom line statement people and trolls.
And while we're at it, stadia is in fact the correct ENGLISH for referring to more than one stadium (we call this a plural). Would the Americans here either please stop claiming to speak English or actually learn the full language.
There's an aphorism in the form a question that one hears occasionally in my part of the world: "How long do you spur a dead horse?" Do you know the answer?
Let me help. You spur a horse when you're sitting on it and you want it to take you somewhere, or get there faster. In other words, you want your spurring to change the behavior of the horse.
So, here you are, sitting in the saddle of this dead horse, spurring it. How long will you keep that up, trying to get that horse to move? Figured it out yet?
Okay, never mind, I'll tell you. You keep spurring that horse until you realize that he is dead and is never going to do what you're trying to get him to do, no matter how long you do it.
What do you do then? Hopefully, you get off and walk away. But, if you're really braindead, maybe you keep sitting there, still spurring anyway... how long did you say you've been complaining about this site's content? Four or five months?
You know, the content of the site really has gone downhill. But it isn't what the site's crew posts here that sucks. It's the fact that it's all but impossible to find a thread where 1/4 or more of the posts are not guys like you crying about not getting what you want.
Here's a clue for you, slow learners: things are not going to change. That horse is dead. Get off. Walk away.
Here's another one: those of us who enjoy this site do not want you and your fellow pouters mucking it up with your constant baby tantrums. So please, go find a website where you can be happy. Then we all can be.
Yay for Toronto FC.
40% of the 580% can't be wrong.
Do you mean American? I haven't heard enough UK-English to know if it's Frankensteined.
I live in the US and try to convince people to quit calling it "English". I've said for many years that we speak "American" over here. It gets particularly interesting when the many regional/cultural dialects are thrown in.
Also: Opera 9 spell check doesn't recognize "stadia", but includes "stadias" as a suggestion.
No, no, no.... you need to WALK BACKWARDS!
The above is only true if Alex et al., truly see this as a business, that the whole point of doing this is to make money.
If that were the case, then he could say, "Gosh! I'm losing customers/money, and I be redouble my efforts to improve this site!"
More likely, though, it's a labor of love, not-for-profit, and the ingrateful whining as a result is much, MUCH more likely to elicit a reaction of "Fuck this shit, I try to do something fun and interesting and this is the thanks I get?" And simply taking the site down. And then the complainers will have ruined it for everyone. To be sure, the gripers would LIKE this. It means they had a real EFFECT on something in their impotent little lives! Better no one gets anything than they don't get what they want.
And as much as you want to twist the ad revenue into meaning you are somehow a paying customer, it's tortured bullshit at the end of the day. You're only kidding yourself with it.
Finally, the idea that a reader revolt will force the site to get better also depends on a large majority of the readers agreeing with you that the site is no longer worthwhile as is. Don't think you win on that score either.