• (disco) in reply to Edward_Meshuris
    The code is slow because the pretty girl in accounting is incessantly complaining to get the boy she likes to swing by.

    And maybe she put the WTF code in there herself to get him to call her! And the write call doesn't write anything, because, well... she's just an accountant.

  • (disco)

    Cupcake/article fairy!

  • (disco) in reply to Mathias

    Someone copied the binary into the calculator, converted until they got a 7 digit number, then typed the result back. Because, I don't know, it's only 7 digits. What could go wrong?

    Sloppy, yes. Possible, very.

  • (disco) in reply to accalia
    i think that number is now routinely left unconnected because of that song.

    For years, there was a movement to call the number in every area code and keep in a centralized location who, if anyone, answered.

  • (disco) in reply to algorythmics
    was none other than DBA Baracus. A member of the Alpha team.
    This is the best.
  • (disco) in reply to Shoreline
    On the left we have the main site and on the right we have the forum.

    On the main site comment preview Chrome tries to display http://what.thedailywtf.comhttp//img.thedailywtf.com/images/jane-bailey.jpg and obviously fails.

  • (disco) in reply to mratt

    http://what.thedailywtf.comhttpimg.thedailywtf.com/images/jane-bailey.jpg works.

  • (disco) in reply to ben_lubar

    As does http://icanwriteanythinginherereallybecausethisseemstobeignored.thedailywtf.com/images/jane-bailey.jpg

    But not http://icanwriteanythinginherereallybecausethisseemstobecompletelyignored.thedailywtf.com/images/jane-bailey.jpg

    The sweet spot is 64 characters: http://123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123.thedailywtf.com/images/jane-bailey.jpg


  • (disco)

    http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1035/9.htm sayeth:

    2.3.4. Size limits

    Various objects and parameters in the DNS have size limits. They are listed below. Some could be easily changed, others are more fundamental.

    labels 63 octets or less names 255 octets or less TTL positive values of a signed 32 bit number. UDP messages 512 octets or less

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