• (nodebb)

    In all the years of me doing software, I never thought of doing this trick, even as a joke. I guess I learned something today? 🤣

  • (nodebb)

    In some ways, the worst part is that

    would have worked.

    Pity also that the RGB code for the colour in the style given is COCOCO and not C0C0C0...

    Addendum 2023-12-07 10:01: Ugh... ((hr style="color=#COCOCO"))

  • TheCPUWizard (unregistered)


    1. Use the
      tag to define thematic changes in the content ...


    1. The
      element is most often displayed as a horizontal rule that is used to separate content (or define a change) in an HTML page.

    Item #2 is key to controlling the visual aspect [in CSS] while item #1 defines the semantic reason (i.e. there are other ways to get a horizontal line)

  • (nodebb)

    It's missing some Javascript to adjust the font size until the rule is approximately the correct overall width to fit the page space as supplied by the browser.

  • (nodebb) in reply to dkf

    You can also use font-weight:bold to get a thicker line :)

  • Randal L. Schwartz (github)

  • (nodebb)

    Yeah, there's one catch.

    actually spans to 100%, you cannot do that with underscores.

    Addendum 2023-12-07 11:12: Ha, funny, the tag actually translates here :-)

  • matt (unregistered)

    "That either of those tags IS wrong"; either is singular and takes a singular verb.

  • The MAZZTer (github)

    Am I the first person to recognize that <hr /> is the horizontal rule tag, not <br />? br is a line break.

    Addendum 2023-12-07 12:03: Edit: oh, looks like just most people accidentally posted a real hr, lol.

  • (nodebb)


  • Your Name (unregistered)

    Probably posted in all the held comments as well, but the real WTF is the clusterfuck HTML and CSS have become. All this div-shittry should not even exist.

    Why not

    <menu> <menuitem>Start</menuitem> <menuitem>About</menuitem> </menu> <content> <leftborder> <link>hxxp...</link> <link>hxxp2..</link> </leftborder> <centercontent> Actual content </centercontent> </maincontent> <floatingtoolbox> ... </floatingtoolbox>
  • Officer Johnny Holzkopf (unregistered)

    What about "I am <blink>not</blink> old fashioned"? You now need JS and/or CSS for the full Geocities vibe... very modern... plastic... I'm not even a robot!

  • DeeKay (unregistered)

    Soooooo.... dissing on HTML "users" means that it counts as programming again?

  • (nodebb)

    What I love about these WTF COD is the intrinsic imagination of the authors trying to get a specific job done by any means.

    There's some spirit in that.

    Sure, contempt is a possible way to see these. OTOH I've written some code that clearly showed that I had no idea how to solve a specific task only to find later there were way better ways to do it.

    (Contempt and head shaking is however perfectly reasonable when someone continues doing it the wrong way after being shown how to do it properly)

  • hasseman (unregistered)

    Many comments are that good it would be nice to have a like functionality on them. People can mark them as good or just like them./

  • Kell S (unregistered)

    Nah, to get to Geocities level you also need to use the <blink> tag - and the gif-animation must be rotating.

  • (nodebb)

    @Ralf: For sure the majority of our TWFs really show that our industry utterly lacks any kind of organized training plan, and damn near everyone just picks up by osmosis and imitation knowledge about some random fraction of the languages and tool they use. And even less knowledge of tools thay don't use, but could to great advantage.

    In everyone's defense, the state of the art has undergone continuous wrenching change since I started in the 1970s and had already gone through a couple of revolutions before then. OTOH, the "Do it cheaper and faster with barely-skilled labor so therefore half-assed" mantra of our industry's management sorta forces the workers into this defective mold. No matter how much time and money is wasted unnoticed by that same clock- and budget-watching management's decisions.

    Every dev from every shop both great and small probably ought to spend about 2 months per year in full time training. To close the gaps and to keep up with the ever moving leading edge of tools & techs. Not gonna happen of course, but IMO that's what would be needed to get us past the stone-age handicrafted (read "bodged-up") crap our industry mostly produces now.

  • Erk (unregistered)


  • Someone Else (unregistered)

    Using the WYSIWYG creator for marketing emails in Microsoft Dynamics 365, if a person selects to underline text, instead of inserting appropriate CSS code to underline, Microsoft instead like's to use the HTML tag.

    The HTML tag was used for underlining (and not CSS), till it was depreciated in HTML 4 which came out in '98/99. HTML 5 reintroduced the tag "to mark text as having some form of non-textual annotation applied" (for example to represent a spelling mistake) while you should be using CSS now to underline text.

    Microsoft uses the tag for underlining, as Microsoft Outlook doesn't yet support the HTML 5 standard... and we wont talk about Outlook pushing "mso-" css classes & not supporting CSS for height & width. The really sad thing, Outlook went backwards with HTML/CSS support when they decided to stop using IE as the rendering engine for Outlook and instead to use Microsoft Word as the rendering engine (which i think was around Office 2010/2013)

    ** At my last job i had to write HTML/CSS code for Marketing emails in D365, where the majority of business customers used MS Outlook as the email client. Sometimes staff would create 1 off emails with the WYSIWYG designer... so then i'd have to spend several hours going thru the garbage code D365 auto created and fix it - so it would actually render properly in MS Outlook.

  • (nodebb)

    I think it says something about me that my gut response to the variant numbers of underscores for each instance was to consider how I might solve the problem with a client-side javascript function fed by an UnderscoreCt parameter--

    but, phooey, you could still break that by feeding the wrong number each time. So it would have to be governed by a const global instead... :)

  • enkorvaks (unregistered) in reply to DeeKay

    HTML may not be programming, but <a href="https://esolangs.org/wiki/HTPL>HTPL is...

  • Cole (unregistered)

    Marquee rocks at his time. Now you'll get stuck or have to mess with a lot of lines of CrossSh.tSchema to achieve the same

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