• Tom (unregistered)

    If the input contains an =, we set blAction to true. mh, no: If the input contains an =, we set blAction to false.

    So if the input contains an =, we return everything after the first = (with spaces and further = removed). Otherwise we return the input with spaces removed.

  • Ginssuart (unregistered)

    Isnt it the other way round? The first check sets blAction to false. So the foreach loop actually skips all chars until after the first '='

    It returns an empty string if there is no '=' but returns everything after the frist '=' if there is any '='

  • (nodebb)

    Before anyone thinks this is an optimization; this line here: foreach (char t in value) generates an Enumerator for string; so it calls string.GetEnumerator() which in return uses a combination of MoveNext() and Current to iterate the characters.

    If you want to go for performance, always use the for statement instead.

    var length = value.Length; // Important, otherwise the for statement call the property all the time
    for(var index = 0; index < length; index++)
      var t = value[index];
      // The rest

    I'm not commenting the rest of the code, because it's weird with the space trim.

    public string FilterArg(string value)
      var startIndex = value.IndexOf('=');
      if(startIndex < 0) return "";
      var length = value.Length;
      var builder = new StringBuilder(length - startIndex);
      for(var index = startIndex + 1; index < length; index++)
        var character = value[index];
        if(character == ' ') continue;
      return builder.ToString();
  • (nodebb)

    if the value contains multiple spaces, I think this function munches the value by removing all those spaces, not just trimming it.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Ginssuart

    It returns an empty string if there is no '=' but returns everything after the frist '=' if there is any '='

    It doesn't, in fact, do that. It returns all non-spaces that meet the criteria you described.

    So if the string is "tokenname=Some Text With Spaces", it returns "SomeTextWithSpaces".

  • (nodebb) in reply to Ginssuart

    Yeah, I think the acceptance criteria where:

    • Start after '=', if not exist start at the beginning (I already mess that up in my implemention up there, should be if(startIndex < 0) startIndex = 0;).
    • Remove every space from remaining string.
    • Return result.

    Somehow the first requirement was turned upside down in the original implementation.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Ginssuart
    It returns an empty string if there is no '=' but returns everything after the frist '=' if there is any '='

    Everything after the first "=", except that all spaces are removed.

  • (nodebb)

    Also, the hilariously named variable blAction

  • (nodebb) in reply to Dragnslcr

    It's Voodoo code ;-)

  • Sauron (unregistered)

    Maybe the whole purpose of that function has always been to serve as a constructor for empty strings the entire time.

  • (nodebb) in reply to MaxiTB

    What you said about enumerating/looping over a string is false.

    For immutable objects, the compiler is smart enough to avoid using enumerators, and will instead rewrite it as a for loop for you (no pun intended): https://sharplab.io/#v2:D4AQTAjAsAUCDMACciDCAbAhgZ27A3rIsckiACyIBiA9gE4CimAxgBYAUIEADIgJYA7AA4BXAC4BKIiUIwS8xADN6AUxatE7NpjqJm/AQdGTpChVwCcWiQG5TiAL737CZJVp1OPI+KlyZ9vLKuuyCYvyIALyI3DYRADw+YgB0ADIqAgDmYqxxfADU+X5mZpahwuIA2nwAurb2TjAOQA=

    In addition, pulling the Length property call out to a variable is useless. See this JIT assembly (they're identical): https://sharplab.io/#v2:C4LghgzgtgPgAgJgIwFgBQcDMACR2DCANpBOgN7rZW45wAs2AYgPYBOAFHEgAzYCWAOwAOAV2ABKStQppqc7ADM22doOD9sAXmzcA3BoA8/YWIB0AGQCmAgObAAFvr4BqZ5NnzPXAJyqTwAG0+AF1xXSkqAF8I7BisXAYWVgBRAA9gVjAAY2BLABMrWwdOHmNRCRiZTyo1bEJrO3stMrNCxvCPTyVWFVq+Zr1DOoaHJ1d3avkfP3Kg0I65aLRIoA

    The compiler and runtime are smarter than you think. If you really wanted to optimize, you'd replace your iterate-by-character to use spans. Or even just a simple string.Replace.

    public string FilterArg(string value)
        int index = value.IndexOf('=', CultureInfo.Ordinal);
        if (index < 0)
            return "";
        char[] dest = new char[value.Length - index];
        int destIndex = 0;
        ReadOnlySpan<char> span = value.AsSpan(index + 1);
        index = span.IndexOf(' ');
        while (index >= 0)
            span = span[(index + 1)..];
            index = span.IndexOf(' ');
        // no more spaces; add rest
        int totalLength = destIndex + span.Length;
        return new string(dest.AsSpan(0, totalLength));

    NOTE: above code is untested.

    Addendum 2024-02-27 07:59: Should use CultureInfo.Ordinal when getting the indexes of the spaces.

    Also, was I just nerd-sniped by a comment?

    Addendum 2024-02-27 08:12: Yes: https://sharplab.io/#v2:C4LgTgrgdgPgAgJgIwFgBQ7EGZ0G90AERBiChx+ax1BAKgKYDOwAFAETAD2A1vVFAEMAtvQC8AZU4i69AB7ACAdQCWwABYFxABwEB

  • xorium (unregistered)

    As far as I can see, this will return everything after the first "=" with spaces removed, or if no "=" is present, the whole parameter with spaces removed. So it does something quite different from split(). It could have been done better, surely.

  • (nodebb)


  • (nodebb) in reply to colejohnson66

    You are correct for System.String but every other type will end up using an Enumerator in an exception scope. Hence you should not aim for exceptions, but use the same pattern implementation that offers the best result for all cases. You can try it yourself, just use a List<char> instead ;-)

    I didn't use spans on purpose; first of for .net framework you would need an additional package and it doesn't work as smoothly as it does with .net 5+. Plus honestly I haven't looked up/benchmarked CopyTo in comparison to StringBuilder; I doubt it's worth the loss of readablity, but maybe it's actually ending up more efficient. Worst case obviously would be CopyTo generating additional heap objects, negating the benefits. Do you have benchmark.net results?

    When it comes to CultureInfo, using CultureInfo.InvariantCulture for ASCII characters ('=', ' ') is good enough; that's the default for IndexOf, no need to make the code more verbose in this case. To my knowledge there is also no performance advantage, but again, haven't made a benchmark yet ;-)

  • RequiredName (unregistered)

    Interesting cases where there is no parameter value.

    Input: 'MyArg'; Output: 'MyArg' Input: ' MyArg'; Output: 'MyArg' Input: 'My Arg'; Output: 'MyArg' Input: 'MyArg '; Output: 'MyArg' Input: 'MyArg='; Output: '' Input: 'MyArg=MyValue'; Output: 'MyValue' Input: ' MyArg=MyValue'; Output: 'MyValue' Input: 'MyArg =MyValue'; Output: 'MyValue' Input: 'MyArg= MyValue'; Output: 'MyValue' Input: 'MyArg=MyValue '; Output: 'MyValue' Input: 'My Arg =MyValue'; Output: 'MyValue' Input: 'MyArg=My Value'; Output: 'MyValue' Input: 'MyArg= My Value '; Output: 'MyValue'

  • supermagle (unregistered)

    Simple version: int pos = value.LastIndexOf('='); return (pos < 0 ? value : value[(pos+1)..]).Replace(" ", "");

  • (nodebb)

    The repetitive appending of a character to the tmpValue variable is unlikely to be optimized away and does create N instances for GC to collect, where N is the length of the result string.

  • (nodebb)
    public string FilterArg(string value)
      int equalsIndex = value.IndexOf('=');
      if(equalsIndex == -1) return "";
      var sb = new StringBuilder();
      for(int i = equalsIndex + 1; i < value.Length; ++i)
        char c = value[i];
        if (c != ' ')
      return sb.ToString();
  • Foo AKA Fooo (unregistered)

    I think this is a rare case where a regex is more readable and expresses more clearly (cf. comments above ;) what the code does (whether that's what it's meant to do is another question, of course):

    s/[^=]*=//;s/ //g
  • (nodebb) in reply to colejohnson66

    I follow up from my pervious post (which is currently locked by moderation), and as expected your code suffers from a scaling issue do to heal allocations made by CopyTo:

    | Method        | value                | Mean      | Error    | StdDev   |
    |-------------- |--------------------- |----------:|---------:|---------:|
    | MaxiTb        | Key=Value            |  32.15 ns | 0.156 ns | 0.138 ns |
    | Colejohnson66 | Key=Value            |  25.11 ns | 0.227 ns | 0.212 ns |
    | MaxiTb        | Scali(...)one   [51] |  79.51 ns | 0.711 ns | 0.665 ns |
    | Colejohnson66 | Scali(...)one   [51] | 201.66 ns | 0.422 ns | 0.352 ns |
    | MaxiTb        | token(...)paces [31] |  65.02 ns | 0.159 ns | 0.133 ns |
    | Colejohnson66 | token(...)paces [31] |  57.50 ns | 0.326 ns | 0.305 ns |

    The arguments for the benchmark were:

        [Arguments("tokenname=Some Text With Spaces")]
        [Arguments("Scaling=  So many  spaces   here  in   this   one  ")]

    So I think it's pretty clear, that in this case spans make not much sense.

    Source: http://www.maxisoft.org/thedailywtf/maxisoft.the-daily-wtf.zip

  • (nodebb) in reply to Mr. TA
    | Method        | value                | Mean      | Error    | StdDev   |
    |-------------- |--------------------- |----------:|---------:|---------:|
    | MaxiTb        | Key=Value            |  31.79 ns | 0.169 ns | 0.150 ns |
    | Colejohnson66 | Key=Value            |  24.93 ns | 0.045 ns | 0.040 ns |
    | MrTa          | Key=Value            |  32.35 ns | 0.266 ns | 0.249 ns |
    | MaxiTb        | Scali(...)one   [51] |  76.20 ns | 0.190 ns | 0.159 ns |
    | Colejohnson66 | Scali(...)one   [51] | 225.35 ns | 0.924 ns | 0.864 ns |
    | MrTa          | Scali(...)one   [51] | 106.30 ns | 0.454 ns | 0.379 ns |
    | MaxiTb        | token(...)paces [31] |  64.40 ns | 0.172 ns | 0.152 ns |
    | Colejohnson66 | token(...)paces [31] |  57.07 ns | 0.195 ns | 0.163 ns |
    | MrTa          | token(...)paces [31] |  95.23 ns | 0.252 ns | 0.223 ns |

    My guess it's do to the not preallocated StringBuilder and obviously you are calculating the length every single time instead of caching it into a local variable. Not 100% if the additional negation has an effect, I personally always prefer to test against zero when possible even tho .net is super efficient with the operator != (it must be implemented separately).

  • Yazeran (unregistered) in reply to Mr. TA

    Surely you know we have to exercise the GC otherwise it will become slow and unresponsive..... :-)

  • CrashCodes (unregistered) in reply to xorium

    In addition to spaces, this will also strip out "="s.

    The real wtf is the function name that doesn't seem to come close to describing its behavior, but how do you name a function that does so many things?


  • (nodebb)

    OK OK, fastest version:

    public string FilterArg(string value)
      int length = value.Length;
      int i = 0;
      for(; i < length; ++i)
        if (value[i] == '=') goto found;
      return "";
      var sb = new StringBuilder(length - i);
      for(; i < length; ++i)
        char c = value[i];
        if (c != ' ')
      return sb.ToString();

    Addendum 2024-02-27 15:16: @CrashCodes just noticed your comment, my latest version neglects to check for equal sign, but I hope @MaxiTB runs it as is to compare against the other versions, including the regex one, to finalize the "competition" :)

  • (nodebb) in reply to CrashCodes


  • (nodebb) in reply to Mr. TA

    Someone is getting desperate and is using goto; here ya go:

    ´´´ | Method | value | Mean | Error | StdDev | Median | |-------------- |--------------------- |----------:|---------:|---------:|----------:| | MaxiTb | Key=Value | 31.94 ns | 0.196 ns | 0.164 ns | 31.88 ns | | Colejohnson66 | Key=Value | 25.50 ns | 0.590 ns | 1.447 ns | 24.65 ns | | MrTa | Key=Value | 34.94 ns | 0.127 ns | 0.106 ns | 34.94 ns | | MrTa2 | Key=Value | 30.87 ns | 0.099 ns | 0.077 ns | 30.87 ns | | MaxiTb | Scali(...)one [51] | 89.16 ns | 0.485 ns | 0.454 ns | 89.05 ns | | Colejohnson66 | Scali(...)one [51] | 199.82 ns | 1.105 ns | 0.922 ns | 199.61 ns | | MrTa | Scali(...)one [51] | 102.90 ns | 0.232 ns | 0.181 ns | 102.89 ns | | MrTa2 | Scali(...)one [51] | 86.67 ns | 0.231 ns | 0.216 ns | 86.64 ns | | MaxiTb | token(...)paces [31] | 64.62 ns | 0.148 ns | 0.123 ns | 64.59 ns | | Colejohnson66 | token(...)paces [31] | 56.63 ns | 0.361 ns | 0.320 ns | 56.53 ns | | MrTa | token(...)paces [31] | 95.36 ns | 0.429 ns | 0.380 ns | 95.32 ns | | MrTa2 | token(...)paces [31] | 66.87 ns | 0.505 ns | 0.472 ns | 66.71 ns | ´´´

    Considering that I eye-balled the first version, should I give it another go too? :-)

  • (nodebb) in reply to Mr. TA

    Sorry, mess up the formatting and sadly here's no way to get rid of previous posts even when logged on, so here it is again:

    | Method        | value                | Mean      | Error    | StdDev   | Median    |
    |-------------- |--------------------- |----------:|---------:|---------:|----------:|
    | MaxiTb        | Key=Value            |  31.94 ns | 0.196 ns | 0.164 ns |  31.88 ns |
    | Colejohnson66 | Key=Value            |  25.50 ns | 0.590 ns | 1.447 ns |  24.65 ns |
    | MrTa          | Key=Value            |  34.94 ns | 0.127 ns | 0.106 ns |  34.94 ns |
    | MrTa2         | Key=Value            |  30.87 ns | 0.099 ns | 0.077 ns |  30.87 ns |
    | MaxiTb        | Scali(...)one   [51] |  89.16 ns | 0.485 ns | 0.454 ns |  89.05 ns |
    | Colejohnson66 | Scali(...)one   [51] | 199.82 ns | 1.105 ns | 0.922 ns | 199.61 ns |
    | MrTa          | Scali(...)one   [51] | 102.90 ns | 0.232 ns | 0.181 ns | 102.89 ns |
    | MrTa2         | Scali(...)one   [51] |  86.67 ns | 0.231 ns | 0.216 ns |  86.64 ns |
    | MaxiTb        | token(...)paces [31] |  64.62 ns | 0.148 ns | 0.123 ns |  64.59 ns |
    | Colejohnson66 | token(...)paces [31] |  56.63 ns | 0.361 ns | 0.320 ns |  56.53 ns |
    | MrTa          | token(...)paces [31] |  95.36 ns | 0.429 ns | 0.380 ns |  95.32 ns |
    | MrTa2         | token(...)paces [31] |  66.87 ns | 0.505 ns | 0.472 ns |  66.71 ns |
  • (nodebb)

    Before I head to bed, I cooked up a personal V2 (balancing for bigger sub string values):

        public string MaxiTbV2(string value)
            var length = value.Length;
            var index = 0;
            while(index < length)
                if(value[index++] == '=')
                    var start = index;
                    var builder = new StringBuilder(length - index);
                    while (index < length)
                        if(value[index++] == ' ')
                            if (start < index - 2) builder.Append(value.AsSpan(start, index - start - 1));
                            start = index;
                    if (length > start) builder.Append(value.AsSpan(start, length - start));
                    if (builder.Length > 0) return builder.ToString();
            return "";

    Now I would prefer to post the results here, but the character limits doesn't allow it (even without everything else).

    Source: http://www.maxisoft.org/thedailywtf/maxisoft.the-daily-wtf.zip Results: http://www.maxisoft.org/thedailywtf/maxisoft.the-daily-wtf.txt

    I also included benchmarks for the fixed original version which performs obviously horrible. Additionally I tried memory profiling but beside the original version all other version where pretty much in the same ball yard.

    @colejohnson66's code as he mentioned has a bug, sadly his last link doesn't work for me, otherwise I would have included it as his V2. It should do better for longer strings, similar to my V2 but they way he implemented it will really tank in performance with a lot spaces present (as can be seen in the new test results).

  • (nodebb)

    For those interested how all the algorithms did, here the TOP3 for all benchmark cases:


    1. MrTA (v2)
    2. Maxi TB (v1)
    3. Colejohnson66


    1. Maxi TB (v2)
    2. Colejohnson66
    3. MrTA (v1)


    1. MaxiTB (v2)
    2. MaxiTB (v1)
    3. MrTA (v1)

    "tokenname=Some Text With Spaces":

    1. Colejohnson66
    2. MaxiTB (v2)
    3. MaxiTB (v1)

    "Scaling = So Many Spaces Here In This One ":

    1. MaxiTB (v1)
    2. MrTA (v2)
    3. MaxiTB (v2)

    "Super Long = This Is SuperDupaExtraLongVariant Of ThePreviousMoreSpaceFocusedScalingVersion Just To TestForWayLongerStrings !":

    1. Colejohnson66
    2. MaxiTB (v2)
    3. MaxiTB (v1)

    This shows pretty nicely that at a certain points there is no optimal algorithm, it ends up more a case of readability and which use-cases are the most common. And yeah, the original code is so far off the other implementations (which are usually very close together), it's always on the dead-last spot by far.

  • (nodebb)

    This isn't a split.

    1. It returns everything after the first equals--it doesn't split again if there is another equals.

    2. It returns the value if there's no equals.

    And I'm pretty sure I understand the use case here: this is part of a configuration file processor. Some parameters are name=value and some are just name with an implicit =true.

    simplemagle's answer with a trim added is the right answer.

    And don't ask me why they are processing the things without a value as values rather than as names!

  • NoLand (unregistered) in reply to LorenPechtel

    this is part of a configuration file processor.

    Yes, to me, this looks much like part of a lexer for some basic parsing.

  • Nick (unregistered) in reply to NoLand

    My interpretation of this code is that it is part of a URL parser… Given a URL like http://www.example.com/page?param1=value1&param2=value2&param3&param4, the calling code clearly found out how to get the Query Params part of the string (so now has param1=value1&param2=value2&param3&param4), successfully split the string on the & character, but needed a way to get the “value” part of these four different parameters, where for param3 and param4, there is no value, so they just want the name of the parameter…

    They don’t expect spaces (because those tend to get URL encoded as %20 anyway), and they don’t expect additional equals signs (although technically, they might one day need to parse something like param5=SomePaddedMD5==, at which point they’ll want to fix this again!)

    I’m pretty sure in my early days of web dev I came across services that expected parameters in this format - I’m not entirely confident that it’s correct according to standards though.

  • (nodebb) in reply to NoLand

    Jop, the code itself is properly an anti-pattern to begin with if it is used for configuration parsing, because the proper way to do this in .net is using the options pattern:


    In other words, you use the options extension to aggregate configurations across all sources (files, DB, env, cmdargs,...) and then use the options binder to bind it to POCOs. This also allows you have have observable configuration properties (for example for on-the-fly feature toggles), but personally I prefer my configuration to stay static.

  • NoLand (unregistered) in reply to MaxiTB

    The funny thing is, if you have a look at classic books on parsers and compilers, this is pretty much what you get. So it may depend on the direction, you're coming from.

    Having said that, using a string index method to start with and a classic for loop instead of an iterator would have (a) sped the thing up, and (b) may be closer to any C source that may have served as an inspiration. It's really this peculiar mix that is particularly smelly, like the worse of all worlds.

  • NoLand (unregistered)

    PS: Doing the same with split() would afford

    • performing the split()

    • inspecting the length of the resulting array or vector

    • if it's 1, return the first element

    • if it's 2, return the second element

    • if the language doesn't support a limit to split() and it's more than 2, re-join()-ing the parts from 2 and up (e.g.,, unshift() and join() by "=") and return the resulting string.

  • (nodebb)

    Final version:

    public string FilterArg(string value)
      int length = value.Length;
      int i = 0;
      for (; i < length; ++i)
        if (value[i] == '=') goto foundEquals;
      return "";
      for (; i < length; ++i)
        if (value[i] != ' ') break;
      for (--length; length >= i; --length)
        if (value[length] != ' ') break;
      if (i == length) return "";
      int iStart = i;
      for (; i < length; ++i)
        if (value[i] == ' ')
          goto foundSpace;
      return value[iStart..length];
      char[] chars = new char[length - iStart - 1];
      int iRes = i - iStart;
      for (++i; i < length; ++i)
        char c = value[i];
        if (c != ' ')
          chars[iRes++] = c;
      return new string(chars.AsSpan()[0..iRes]);

    This achieves either first place or ties for first place for all arguments in @MaxiTB's test suite.

    Addendum 2024-02-29 20:55: PS. It's also first in memory allocation in all tests.

  • MaxiTB (unregistered)

    Ironically we ended up with Spans in the end; the only issue of cole's implementation ended up being spaces :-)

  • (nodebb) in reply to Mr. TA

    I updated my project with your final solution, for that's it; was a fun little tinkering around but now I focus more on new stuff :-)

    Source: http://www.maxisoft.org/thedailywtf/maxisoft.the-daily-wtf.zip Results: http://www.maxisoft.org/thedailywtf/maxisoft.the-daily-wtf.txt

  • (nodebb)

    I made it even a little bit faster by using stackalloc. Strangely though, the benchmarks where that code path is not hit - like no equal sign or no intermediate space after equal sign - ran a tiny bit slower with stackalloc. I think it's probably a fluke of benchmarking - the difference is so small, like 1-2 ns, it's within the margin of error. Still, when the code path is hit, it's significantly faster, and allocated memory is significantly down, as well (for obvious reasons).

    public string FilterArg(string value)
    	int length = value.Length;
    	int i = 0;
    	for (; i < length; ++i)
    		if (value[i] == '=') goto foundEquals;
    	return "";
    	for (; i < length; ++i)
    		if (value[i] != ' ') break;
    	for (--length; length >= i; --length)
    		if (value[length] != ' ') break;
    	if (i == length) return "";
    	int iStart = i;
    	for (; i < length; ++i)
    		if (value[i] == ' ')
    			goto foundSpace;
    	return value[iStart..length];
    	Span<char> chars = stackalloc char[length - iStart - 1];
    	int iRes = i - iStart;
    	for (++i; i < length; ++i)
    		char c = value[i];
    		if (c != ' ')
    			chars[iRes++] = c;
    	return new string(chars[0..iRes]);
  • (nodebb) in reply to Mr. TA

    The only problem with stackalloc is what happens if you blow the stack up. A lot of programs (and programmers!) don't cope well with that at all. The key advantage of the heap is that it is comparatively huge; I've run programs with heaps larger than 1TB (yes, that was a nice server machine and a very nasty gigantic matrix).

  • (nodebb) in reply to Mr. TA

    You have to be careful with stackalloc; it's not something I personally use for arrays beyond 64 bytes. Don't forget, items on the stack have also a minimum size of 4 bytes (32 bit integer), so per char you are using 4 bytes instead of 2. So if you have strings with a length of 16 characters or more, you will start noticing unwanted side effects.

  • Erk (unregistered)
    Comment held for moderation.

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