• A "non-E" mouse (unregistered)

    I'm strictly typing this FRIST comment to avoid bringing down the comments section.

  • (nodebb)

    You have got to love the marketing department that is promoting not the latest and greatest, but "We support old, obsolete stuff!"

  • (nodebb)

    I know nothing of FoxPro but I would expect this to fix it ...

    odbc_iif("SUM(price) = 0.00", 0.00,  
  • 516052 (unregistered) in reply to Nutster

    I genuinely do. It's a brilliant move really. Not only have they identified an unfilled market niche and managed to fill it but they did so in a way that secures them vendor lockin. I sincerely hope that who ever came up with that plan got a hefty bonus.

  • (nodebb)

    we need more cornify comments!

  • pif (unregistered)

    “database agnostic” code

    Which, as we all know, is TRWTF.

  • (nodebb) in reply to bjolling

    I would assume that would only reverse the conditions that would cause a crash.

  • Hamza Ghaffar (unregistered)


  • Chris (unregistered)

    So what happens if the first row's average turns out to be 10 exactly? Does it still blow up when the next row has an average of 9.99? Or does the "10" get output as "10.000000" or similar? I guess one fix would be to output the result in a fixed format for all outcomes. Sounds like the only way to work with FoxPro.

  • I dunno LOL ¯\(°_o)/¯ (unregistered)

    Cornify still works!

  • Brian (unregistered) in reply to Nutster
    You have got to love the marketing department that is promoting not the latest and greatest, but "We support old, obsolete stuff!"

    You overestimate the speed at which Corporate America moves. I worked for a company that still ran devices on Win CE 3... well into the 20-teens. Simply getting the eVC environment to run on Windows 7 was an adventure in itself. Why? Because a Win CE license was like $15, compared to a much higher cost for a more modern version of embedded Windows.

    So, a product that can support new companies running the latest and greatest, and old stagnant companies with the obsolete stuff, can hit a bigger market.

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