• Giulio (unregistered)

    I think he meant "if else". I wonder if he thinks i.e. has that adversative meaning in general contexts, too.

  • Prime Mover (unregistered)
    frist = ISNULL (null, frist)
  • Industrial Automation Engineer (unregistered)

    Remy missed a trick here: ("that means", or "that is to say", i.e. "in other words")

    which would have tickled my funny-bone.

  • (nodebb)

    The useless WHERE clause will evaluate to false if the column is null. So, it's actually "emp.BlaBla IS NOT NULL" written in a funky way.

  • Steve (unregistered)

    The WHERE is stupid but it does do something, at least on SQL server it will filter out NULL values So it's the same as a WHERE emp.LawbaseCode IS NOT NULL

  • (nodebb)

    The WHERE clause might be the legacy of an optional filter parameter that was removed at some point. Perhaps it used to be something like emp.LawbaseCode = ISNULL(@LawbaseCode, emp.LawbaseCode), where @LawbaseCode was a parameter with NULL as default. This would return the records matching @LawbaseCode if one was supplied, or all non-null records otherwise. Then somebody decided that filter was too restrictive and decided to just filter on the client side (the SQL client, not necessarily the application client side).

  • RussellF (unregistered)

    Shouldn't this be in the "Coded Smorgasboard" category, rather than the "CodeSOD" category?

  • (author) in reply to RussellF

    The site honestly has too many categories and the Smorgasbord isn't distinct enough from a CodeSOD, so I've mostly deprecated it for new articles.

  • Steevie (unregistered) in reply to Industrial Automation Engineer

    I was about to suggest

    | what "i.e." means (e.g. "that means", or "that is to say", or "in other words")

  • (nodebb)

    I remember working with someone designing an XML interface where he was prepared to give each subelement a unique sequential ID so that people wouldn't have to assume that XML preserves the order of elements... despite it always having preserved element order because that's critical for any sort of document that might be human readable. He'd worked out whole pages of documentation on how to do the issuing of the IDs correctly and to validate that they were sequenced, and we just thought "WTF!" and deleted it all.

  • Kythyria (unregistered) in reply to dkf

    An interesting quirk of SGML that isn't apparent in XML is a preference for streaming interfaces rather than anything DOM/Infoset-like (CONCUR in particular makes far more sense in that realm, insofar as CONCUR isn't a WTF).

    Not that DOM implementations are unordered; I would not be surprised if browsers tracked attribute order just in case some lunatic depended on it. Serialisation libraries, however... I could see a "helpful" one doing weird things to element ordering, not that makes assuming XML is unordered less of a WTF.

  • Bill Sorensen (github)

    Implementing Adobe Analytics was a nightmare. Never again.

  • Gearhead (unregistered)

    For Adobe Analytics it seems to be a pattern:

    _experience.analytics.customDimensions.eVars.eVar1 -_experience.analytics.customDimensions.eVars.eVar250: 	                             Sets the respective eVar dimension.
    _experience.analytics.customDimensions.listProps.prop1.values -_experience.analytics.customDimensions.listProps.prop75.values:   A string array containing the respective List Prop values.

    description of what those fields mean. And there's also this gem:

    event1 - event1000: Custom events, set however you’d like. Record how you use each event in your organization’s solution design document. The number of available events depends on your organization’s Analytics contract. Most organizations on non-legacy contracts have 1000 custom events available. Contact your organization’s account manager if you are not sure how many custom events are available to you.

  • Mark B (unregistered)

    OP for the confusing comment here.

    What the comment meant to say is "if this is true the provided credentials will be encrypted [by the sender]; i.e. the provided credentials will not be encrypted [by us]"

    Or maybe it was the other way around... who knows?

  • Technicality (unregistered)

    // [true, false] if this is true the provided credentials will be encrypted i.e. the provided credentials will not be encrypted

    Technically, it could be saying that if true, the provided credentials will be encrypted (for storage?), because the provided credentials are not (will not be, at the time that they are provided) encrypted.

    English is "funny" that way, i.e. it's a clusterflub. ;-)

  • David Mårtensson (unregistered) in reply to Steevie

    Doesn't its stand for "in effect"?

  • grosses Latinum (unregistered) in reply to David Mårtensson

    Like so many 2-letter acronyms in English, it is derived from latin: "id est". Other examples include e.g. , am, pm, ad, etc, but apparently not bc.

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