• RLB (unregistered)

    Yup. Blocked for the same reason as the frist time.

  • (author) in reply to RLB

    Somehow the anticipation of this was funnier than the reality. Good thing you didn't have to pay for it.

  • TS (unregistered)

    It turns out that if you put "advert" in your href, "advert" in your alt text and "advertisement" in your image name, ad-blockers think it might be an advert. Who could have foreseen that?

    Now, will the spam-blocker do the same thing?

  • dusoft (unregistered)

    Ad image is missing again, but nice try fr1st!

  • That guy coming to English as a second language (unregistered)

    What's the watershed thing?

  • (nodebb) in reply to That guy coming to English as a second language

    What's the watershed thing?

    What a watershed is depends on where you live.

    In North American usage, it refers to a drainage basin, the collection of land where tributaries drain into a particular main river. (The map in the image shows this kind of watershed.)

    In other English-speaking usage, it refers to a drainage divide, the boundary between neighbouring drainage basins.

  • That guy coming to English as a second language (unregistered)

    I meant, in the watershed bit, what's the WTF?

  • Steve (unregistered)

    So, what's the translation from welsh?

  • WTFGuy (unregistered)

    @Steve just above.

    It translates roughly as "Now that we have your private certificate, all your base are belong to us."

  • (author) in reply to That guy coming to English as a second language

    @That Guy: There's two gags here. The obvious one is "oh look, Wikipedia has a bug". lololol.
    The less obvious one is that it is a reference to an earlier column https://thedailywtf.com/articles/up-up-down-down-left-right-left in which we are treated to the imaginary tale of a little lost river who can only plead with the world by sneaking messages out through a web site. But NOW we learn that it's not just the poor Rubicon that we must pity, it's this entire watershed in Texas too! HELP!

    Unfortunately, as with all jokes, explaining kills it.

  • (nodebb) in reply to That guy coming to English as a second language

    You don't think the red text in the box is a WTF?

  • Neveranull (unregistered)

    This comment is confirmed. There is an problem with this comment, and it cannot be confirmed.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Lyle Seaman

    If we're enumerating gags, we should also note the word "roamin'", a reference to the relationship that the Rubicon river has with Roman emperor Julius Caesar.

  • (nodebb)

    it seems that there is a place that consists of Sweden, Norway, the central parts of Denmark and a tiny little piece of Russia. do not let Putin know this! then maybe he claims this "scandinavia". This invented land.

  • (nodebb)

    I especially like how they not only botched the population of Scandinavia but also the outline by missing Finland.

  • Toboe (unregistered) in reply to tjahns

    The outline is fine. Including Finland is an inaccuracy common enough to get mentioned as 'sometimes also including'.


  • spek (unregistered) in reply to oscarCarserud

    Where are you getting tiny bits of Russia from?

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