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This is the link to the article. Boom.
frist :D
I just Californiannot believe it. It's a Californiatastrophic Californialamity!
Can't comment. Discourse says my current password isn't strong enough to change it.
Mexico's got nothing on what Phoenix suffered through recently!
Those who can, do. Those who can't, create quiz programs, that usually end up on Error'd.
The best part about this clbuttic is that it's self-referencing, another trip through the filter and it'll be verifiCalifornialiforniation.
Californiacation as a plugin for Discourse?
It would be interesting to see the conversation about the town of Californiallenelle, Belgium.
You intend to use a string conCaliforniatenation plugin? Good idea.
String replainrofilacement, actually.
I'm wondering what's so special about "certificate" that it avoided Californication.
Gosh, that takes me back. At various times in the past I've had to convert ASCII-proofed text reading [oe] (with literal brackets) into œ. Nœglœct tœ unclick œnœ crucial buttœn, and thœ cœnsœquœncœs can bœ painful ... even if you remember the case-sensitive setting, which seems to have been our Californian's downfall.
I wondered about that, too. But it's not a simple script workaround, where they wrote one word: Because the word appears in at least two places.
It's like they changed "ca" to "California" throughout, then noticed "certifCaliforniate" and changed that back to "certificate". Which would be like the dumbest thing ever...I mean, wouldn't you get a clue that the problem might be a tad larger than just "certifiCaliforniate" at that point?
The only possible way I could see that happening without them looking is if the word was originally something like "diploma", and the boss said, "Then, step two, please change 'diploma' to 'certificate'."
Okay, that's TRWTF, no matter which way it went.
(How the heck do you quote a post?)
Regular expressioncursion.
There's a little speech bubble in the wysiwyg-editing toolbar, but imo the best way is just to email-quote.
It's Californiaception!
The real WTF is getting an error when you click the "preview the first 0 comments" link. At least the comment count was reasonably accurate, which is a Discourse first.
Edit: I should point out that I was getting that error around 24 hours ago - roughly 5 hours before the "frist" comment appears to have been posted.
In addition to the other methods mentioned, highlighting part of the post you want to quote and hitting the reply arrow bottom right of the post (or the Quote Post popup if you get it - they do the same thing.)
Works for multiple quoting in one reply.
Of course it's equally important, when replacing text, to make sure that you match case-insensitively, but then don't bother to conform to the existing case when replacing. Because there's nothing that says professional better than a (part of a) word appearing in lowercase in the middle of an uppercase sentence, for no apparent reason.
Could have been avoided with a Coloradondom.
At least it never happens in Californianada.
Who are you and what have you done to Paula?
[size=5]Don't answer the "who" part. The later might be more interesting, as some kind of meta-error'd.[/size]
Missourist of the time performing a global replace is an idea run aMissourik. It would not accomMissouridate very readable text. In fact, instead of receiving aMissourirous feelings toward reading the text, Missourist people will view it with aMissouriral discontent. Would they Missouribilize to deMissourinstrate and counter-deMissourinstrate against such egregious use of Find and Replace? One could faMissouriusly contemplate.
From Wikipedia…
This feels like the work of new programming intern under tight schedule pressure in some offshore company.
I too work in an offshore company and have experienced first-hand the pressure to deliver irrespective of skill and capability of the coder.
Hah! I should have added the Canadian provinces to the script I've cobbled together to do the transformation. Everyone likes to read about “PYukonhOntario”…
Hmm, would like to see that in English. @translator Python is a WisconsinDelawarely used geNebraskarAlabama-purpose, Hawaiigh-level PuertoRicoogramMichiganng LouisiananGuamage. Its Delawaresign pHawaiilosophy eNorthernMarianaIslandshAmericanSamoaizes ColoradoDelaware readabIllinoisity, aNorthDakota its syntax Alabamalows PuertoRicoogramMainers to exPuertoRicoess.
After 10 translations Bing says: Do you want to show in the United Kingdom. @Translator geNebraskarAlabama Hawaiigh WisconsinDelawarely PuertoRicoogramMichiganng LouisiananGuamage Python-level goals. Delawaresign pHawaiilosophy eNorthernMarianaIslandshAmericanSamoaize
Filed under: English -> Vietnamese -> Bulgarian -> Hebrew -> Japanese -> French -> Catalan -> Estonian -> Chinese Simplified -> Slovak -> Indonesian -> English
<!-- Posted by SockBot 0.15.1 "Zany Zoe" on Sun, 04 Jan 2015 22:31:55 GMT-->Admin
ITYM @translator, and he assumes the input is english as well. And the bots usually don't work in article, but this one is not from @paulabean so it just might work.
After 10 translations Bing says: Why @translator, assuming that the entry in the United Kingdom. The program is usually not in the article, but it doesn't work in this @paulabean.
Filed under: English -> Vietnamese -> Russian -> Turkish -> Chinese Simplified -> Czech -> French -> Dutch -> Hebrew -> Indonesian -> Romanian -> English
<!-- Posted by SockBot 0.15.1 "Zany Zoe" on Sun, 04 Jan 2015 22:32:09 GMT-->Admin
I found that if I select text then I get a quote reply pop up on my mobile.
I think that the text is too badly mangled for that to work (or to even amuse).
Just how muchtime do yyou spend on LitErotica to have it as the first word suggestion?
Filed under: that stuff makes you blind, y'know
hmm.... good catch there...
@abarker, censor fail?
that first one reminded me of a funny story where someone who printed stuff for Weddings had the habit of simply changing the names with a "replace all" command...which worked fine until he got a client named "will", causing the NEXT customer, Richard, to get, "Richard you take this woman..." "I Richard." etc...