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IF currentPost = Frist THEN HoldCommentForModeration(); END_IF;
IF currentPost = Frist THEN HoldCommentForModeration(); END_IF;
If (postId == 3) { return "Thrid" } else { return "FILE_NOT_FOUND" }
I bet the compiler spits out the same machine code either way. If it's functionally correct and is just about style, is it really a WTF?
OK, condense it, then ask an average developer to set a breakpoint on on or the other condition... If you can get an 80% pass rate where there is no measurable difference in the time it takes the developer to do so, then great. Otherwsie the code (nearly) as written has value.
It might make sense for the method to exist, if, say, at different times or in different implementations of the virtual function, what's meant by "match" has varied, but the actual code is indeed ludicrous.
You're missing the "hat he uck" of a WTF.
Every time I see something like this in my own code base, another synapse snaps, another pair of neurons dies, and I lose another 0.000001% of the will to live.
I would not write that myself, as a simple if statement is more readable. But it may be a case of over-applying a useful pattern, where complex flows are split up to be more readable.
In this way the code becomes more readable. But it shouldn't be misused as in the example above
(btw, I know there are better ways of validating a user, but this was just an example)
This looks like C# and as a C# developer I respectfully disagree that a method like this has any value, I strongly feel that it's actually a burden on any code base where such a pattern was applied.
If I'm looking through code and see its use for the first time, perhaps like so:
I would most likely be wondering about the implementation of that method and be curious as to what the Id matching logic was, I would then navigate into the method only discover that there is no particular matching logic.
If it was instead just:
What was happening would have been immediately apparent and would not have made understanding the code needlessly harder. It even uses less characters!
In terms of debug-ability, there are options such as watch, quickwatch or conditional break points depending on what you may need which would be far better than forever burdening fellow developers with harder to read code.
Maybe it should be its own class? Maybe implemented as a singleton. And an abstract at that, with templated type subclasses. And a ternary. Always need a ternary. Because ternary. Yeah, make this "useful . . ."
As someone who used to write assembler and C back when processor cycles were precious, the idea of pushing values onto the stack and calling a function is horrible. Just write the fscking code.
if (today==Wednesday) { delete(EasyReaderVersion); log(WARN,"You let us down, Remy!", wc_DISAPPOINTMENT); }
Seen similar logic before that had behaviour removed until it was just a straight comparison, but was originally intended to do more, so I'm mostly willing to let this kind of thing slide as long as the method is deprecated so no one tries to add new copies and/or removes existing references as a part of the warning clean up(which ideally happens whenever you make a change, but I've been in teams that only do this once a release).
I once worked with a company that required a change request for every line of code that was committed. The effect was that refactoring code that worked but could be better written never happened.
The comment "// else return" tells me that the original author had just learned that they didn't need to use an "else clause" if the "if clause" had a return. Unnecessary comments is also indicative of a new programmer.
I would not be surprised if the underlying WTF was change control rules that were too strict.
Conditional breakpoints are actually quite slow. If it gets hit enough times before the condition is true, it's possible that writing an extra
if(condition) { Debugger.Break(); }
and recompiling winds up being faster than using a conditional breakpoint.Admin
I like how the "then" statement is contained in a block but the "else" statement isn't, just a little bit of inconsistency that's like a cherry on top of the sundae of awfulness. I have a sneaking suspicion that he originally wrote it without the block and didn't understand that the semicolon at the end of "return true;" was what was breaking his if statement, so he hacked at it until he stumbled upon putting into a block. Problem solved!
You seem to miss the point. There is no need for else block or else statement at all (and it's not used anyway). Just use the default return after condition and drop the else usage.
There's a popular philosophy of else-less programming. This generally involves replacing a chain of if/else if/.../else with sequential if blocks that each end with return, and the else block is just top-level code after the last one. This is just a simple example of it.
Of course, these adherents would also use
return <condition>
to avoid theif
There is temporary value tho this style: breakpoints. But yeah, code should be before a push and stuff like this should not go through a code review.
Very true about them being slow and I have often done an if statement similar to what you've described, but such if statements and Debugger.Break statements should ideally never get committed and most certainly should never get merged into your main branch.
The last example is obviously a:
[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public bool CheckIfIdMatch(int currentProductId, int foundProductId) => currentProductId == foundProductId;
Which pretty much means it's a method doing the obvious while in a dirty way giving the impression of being way more complex due to the fact that it is actually longer to type than the condition itself.
...and then one day a requirement comes along that says any "currentID" in the range of 4000-5000 should match a "foundID" of 6. Go change that everywhere.
I'm more disappointed that Monday afternoon's blocked comments never got reviewed.
Chances are that the code base at that point uses a mixture of the function and == anyway.
It's close, but not quite the same. You end up extending your code to include a function to compare integers. https://godbolt.org/z/8bosTxdY4
What I presumed at first glance was that the comparison operation was being performed on an object/class of some sort, which would allow the comparison to change neatly if ever were the case, however this was sadly not true. The one plus is that no matter what you use for the ID variable names, there's an aspect of self-documenting code based on the comparison call (if it's actually used!).
I think you've missed an important point, by putting the ID comparisons into its own function it can be modified later to provide additional functionality. For example say you just want an approximate match on the product because anything close enough will do. So your new WTF checkIfIDMatch() would be:
and suddenly you've got fuzzy matching by changing only one line of code.
(I have no idea what markup format is used here and can't find any documentation on it anywhere so apologies if there are spurious markup tags in the above, I used several in the hope that one of them is the form that's used here).
Addendum 2022-08-26 01:45: Ah, looks like it's BBCode.
This honestly seems like being overly pedantic... is the code great? No. Is it bad? Also no. And with any decent compiler or interpreter this will be crunched down to a branchless version and inlined. So on one hand we have a not-great but human-readable version that will be compiled efficiently, and on the other hand we have technically-better-but-less-readable version... that will compile to the same code. Getting het up about this one is just being snooty, really.
@Barry Margolin ref
There's a different convention that says all
s should have explicitelse
s (even if empty) as proof that the developer thought about what to do in that case. Not a totally insane approach. And not conceptually too different from a coding standard that requires adefault case
entry in everyswitch
statement.In this code the dev decided to be "economical" and the explicit
clause is only in the comment, not in the code. True that it's functionally equivalent, but that is ... unwise ... keystroke optimization that sets up a screw-up for the next maintenance action on this function. It's a mistake akin to indenting a conditional clause but without enclosing braces. It looks like you could later add another statement under there, but it won't execute the way it looks.We're not writing for CPU cycles, nor for min keystrokes. We're writing for the next person to touch the code. Make that person's job easy. Because it may well be you 6 months from now.
You get code like that if you have metrics defined by SLOC...
YAGNI, bro. Don't write code in anticipation of possible future requirements; write code to get the job done and refactor it when you need to. If you do the former then you're just creating tech debt to meet requirements that don't even exist.