• RLB (unregistered)

    The USD is not the only dollar in the world - it wasn't even the frist. Maybe that Citibike site believes the submitter is not in NYC, and converting USD to AUD or CAD.

  • David (unregistered)

    It's fairly sensible to avoid fractions when dealing with currencies, so 330 could be GBP 3.30, which would roughly convert to USD 3.99.

  • Chris (unregistered)

    The captcha thing is absolutely not an error, it can sometimes show images where nothing matches. The submit button says "skip", and I've seen this with a prompt telling you to press skip if no squares match.

  • Robin (unregistered)

    My German is not great but even I know "stunden" is hours, not days, without even having to ask Google translate.

  • (nodebb)

    No, the 330 to 3.99 conversion is much more simpler. An LCU (Lyft Currency Unit) is currently 1.21 US cents.

  • WTFGuy (unregistered)

    In the Makercast, Konrad asks

    ... I'm totally okay with the HH:MM but what does the u in front of it want to tell me?"

    it tells us that stray characters in format specification strings breaks the formatter. That's Step 1. We also know that Step 3 in every 3vil h@xx0r$ plan is PROFIT!!1!.

    Our challenge here at TDWTF is to design and implement step 2.

  • Dan Bugglin (google)

    For some applications it may be fine to track money in cent amounts as the base unit, so you don't have to use floating point calculations.

    Google often uses Captchas to improve its machine learning. So a Captcha where selecting no boxes is the correct answer is not out of the question.

  • Anonymous') OR 1=1; DROP TABLE wtf; -- (unregistered)

    Java's SimpleDataFormat clearly specifies that the 'u' pattern letter means "Day number of week (1 = Monday, ..., 7 = Sunday)". Since 8 May is a Sunday, clearly this code was trying to display a string such as "8. May 712:34" (if 12:34 were the scheduled time of day).

    As a non-German-speaker, I have to say that Fußgängerüberwegen is an awesome word that I learned today.

  • (nodebb)

    "The real WTF is a function that converts 330 to 3.99,"

    No, no, no, it's a ENUM that maps to the common prices that the site uses. $3.99 is 330th in the list of common prices. $19.99 is 1, $49.99 is 2, and $88233427.43 is 2147483648, the least common price that the site can handle.

    Any prices outside the ENUM must be approved by the CEO and signed off by the Director of eCommerce to be hardcoded manually into the HTML after a CAB meeting.

  • matt (unregistered)

    I can't tell if "Err'd" is supposed to be a thematic choice with the old-timey talk, but "t'were" is definitely wrong. "'twere" is short for "it were" and so the apostrophe (which curls like a 9, not like a 6, mind you) goes before the T.

  • Yikes (unregistered)

    Are we getting a glimpse into the profit margin for Lyft? That is, do they make $0.69 for every $3.99 of sales? I really doubt it. I'm more a fan of the LCU notion expressed above. It's probably not GBP, as suggested, since it only operates in Canadia and the US. Btw, somehow it's a Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund stock and its name used to be Zimride, which is one of those truly awkward company names that tries to incorporate a founder's last name, despite the obvious ego-tripping non-sequitur.

  • Loren Pechtel (unregistered)

    Google's check-the-squares captchas always start out with the button saying "skip" if you haven't selected anything and the directions say to press skip if there are no matching squares. They're very rare but I've seen them before.

    I can easily see this as a machine learning test, those parking spaces look a lot like a crosswalk.

  • Dave Smith (unregistered)

    How much is sales tax where that advert was... advertised?

    3.99 is 21% more than 3.30 (approximately), so not stupidly outside the realms of a "before tax" price?

  • (nodebb)

    The expired-cert thing seems to be region-specific, when I access the Asia-Pacific site I get a cert issued in February. So it's a bug that's selectively non-visible to different parts of the world.

  • Tim (unregistered) in reply to David

    Indeed, what he said - ensuring you only ever use integer maths when dealing with monetary amounts is Software Engineering 101 (or damned well should be.) Any time you see monetary amounts internally represented as a float it's a code smell that tells you very bad things are happening in that codebase.

    That example shows a bug, but not a WTF.

  • MacFrog (unregistered) in reply to lunchlady55

    OK, so in this special case, 0 maps to FILE_NOT_FOUND...?

  • Raj Vedanta (unregistered)
    Comment held for moderation.
  • malikaffan (unregistered)
    Comment held for moderation.

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