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Hey there!
I'm Matt.C, and I made the ridiculous Flash game you see above. Enjoy!
If you've got any questions about the game, feel free to ask 'em down here in the comments. (In image form, of course.)
If any of you are (un)lucky to have seen the original Magenta Kong arcade cabinet back in the early eighties, you'll probably remember the hideously garish banner art on the front and sides, and if you were especially lucky, you'll have been around when the screen used to smoke (and the smell) after it had been on for more than a few hours.
The Magenta Kong cabinet came with a pretty useless manual, if you got it at all (and they didn't give you the Chinese one by accident). Here's the 'SCENARIO' pages from the English MK manual, if they're any help to you. (Along with some complimentary scrawls from my (much) younger self.)
Addendum (2008-09-02 22:55): Watch out, dialup users! The manual photograph is quite large: ~900k.
Sorry folks - no MFD Extra from me today - no way am I going do anything that might steal Matt C.'s spotlight (I know you're all disappointed)
Great effort and a great result. My hat goes off to you, sir!
Think of all the things you could have done with the time you wasted on that.
Yes, I KNOW. :(
Not sure about the Ctrl to jump and A to move left, and D to move right. I can save as a bookmark AND select all whilst jumping!
LOL! This is awesome! :D
Hoe did you make the sounds?
I don't have any sound. Does anyone else have this problem? Sound works for other programs, so it's not like I have my volume muted or anything stupid like that.
Addendum (2008-09-04 23:51): Update: it's fixed now. There were too many Flash-based advertisements in other browser tabs. Closing them solved the problem.
I can't get the game to start, pressing 1 has no effect even when the applet window is focused. Pressing P makes the "Pause" message come up but that's pretty much just an insult when the game hasn't even started yet. Tried regular 1 and numeric keypad 1, but no joy. Starting to think it's just a title screen mock...!
WTB: hammer
This is awesome, and it's ball-crushingly hard just like the original DK. Makes me want to watch that movie again.
This is awesome. I haven't played with Actionscript since college. Wish I could get motivated to do things like this.
Massive props.
Still can't get this to work although if I press 3 on the title screen I get 9999 points and asked to enter a name. I win!
Awesome! But is there a kill screen at the end?
WASD is extremely annoying for non QWERTY users . Why not use the arrow keys ?
I found a bug in your game, as you can see. :)
Ok, that is so awesome, and it's so impressive that you spent the time recreating the game in such detail. And the manual is sheer genius -- everyone must look at that now.
However, I've noticed some minor inconsistencies from the original Magenta Kong I wiled away so many hours playing as a child:
Seriously though, you are a genius. Let me know if you need someone to have your babies.
TRWTF is that it doesn't work in Firefox :(
There are WAY more barrels in this than in the original, and they're often spaced too close together to have any possibility of clearing them. Also, where's the hammer?
Anyway. Better this than an actual MFD "comic" strip. Hooray!
You need to make sure that the focus is set into the flash applet by clicking on it. Otherwise it won't get any key events...
That's the exact reason I added WASD, just in case your browser is strange.
I've tested it in a couple of different Firefox 2s and 3s (all under Windows, however) and it works fine.
This game has the wrong name. The game it's parodying wasn't called "Mario Kong." Cobol Bill is the bad guy, so it should be called "Cobol Kong."
That lets you say things like: In Xanadu did Cobol Kong a stately pleasure dome decree...
It don't work. I tried Firefox and that new fancy-dancy Chrome browser, and no-go. Or am I being punked?
Ok I did some more testing.
It does work in IE, amazingly. It doesn't work in Firefox 2, 3 or Chrome on my computer. Or, more accurately, every control seems to work (pause, mute, unmute, high score tester thing) EXCEPT pressing 1 to start a new game (the most important one.)
The non-working browsers all have the Flash 9.0 r45 plugin installed. I'm not sure what version of Flash is in IE, but I wager it's the same.
All this sums up to: WTF?
Is it just me or does the little runner guy I keep getting killed look like shin-chan?
In FF3, pressing 1 to start works fine for me.
It did that for me the first time I pressed up, but clicking on the game again fixed that and I managed not to die in the process. (running Firefox 3 btw)
I somehow got like 2000 points from a single jump over a barrel.
When I got the high score, I had to use the cursor keys and control; WASD and K suddenly stopped working.
Just go to https://thedailywtf.com/images/mfd/2/magentakong.swf.
Doesn't work here either. Though I've got some hilariously messed up results from button-mashing; from flashing 'paused' at me over the top of a credits screen, to a garbage highscore-table (I think) over a garbled intro screen... this game's fun.
more applause
Having played the original, back in the day, I was quite impressed by the accuracy (and preserved fun) of this remake! Playing it just now, I made it to 125 m before I was frustrated by the dreaded triple-barrel.
...does anyone remember the Atari version? In the '2nd' stages, you had to walk over the junctions instead of jumping. ... well, that, and it looked like crap in comparison to the arcade game, but you could play it at home!
How in the world did you manage to create a browser-specific Flash applet? I tried this in IE, Safari, Opera, and a couple of Gecko-based browsers, and it consistently fails to work in anything other than Internet Explorer.
In the other browsers, it ignores any keypresses other than P (Pause) and 3 (see below).
Even when running under IE, it seems to have some issues; in particular, pressing 3 during gameplay causes a "Name Registration" screen to come up superimposed over the game, with there being no obvious way to get rid of it.
Another weirdness: I notice that the cursor keys work in addition to the WASD keys, but they also scroll the browser page at the same time.
Works just fine for me in Firefox 3.01
Worked fine for me in Opera 9.52 also
That's weird; I'm consistently getting this behavior on two different computers.
I'd suspect a Flash version compatibility issue, but then why is it working in IE?
And it's not just me; there are other people making the same complaints in the comments.
What operating systems are you two running Firefox and Opera under? Both of the computers I tried this on were running WinXP SP2.