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Well.... it might throw an exception if one of those properties doesn't exist...
Hey, the word function was spelled correctly!!
This looks like debugging code, someplace you could put a breakpoint in...
Yes - I'd definitely put this one down to "this is where we put the debug statement when something is broken".
Hey, at least it has descriptive names for the arguments... oh hang on.
Arguably even worse is that these arguments are clearly expected to be arrays yet have an additional string key called "condition". Arrays having any such non-numeric key (apart from the built-in and obviously useful "length") is a clear code smell as far as I'm concerned. And yes I know this particular code does nothing, but I have to assume since these properties exist they must be used somewhere in this codebase.
As a side effect, the function sets the global variable 'temp'.
keyword scopes the variable to the block it's contained within, so, nope.Admin
According to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/let :
Block-scoped, not global.
https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_let.asp says much the same thing:
It takes a full-time dev just to keep it running...
It is amazing how people are willing to continue to work in crappy code bases when it's so easy to make the code less crappy.
Good idea... if programmers ran the place. I assure you that some manager there isn't going to let your plan go through.
Hah! But first you need to
Unit tests totally require changes to the code, IF that code is deeply coupled to everything and a few inner platforms and a massive collection of global state.
Which is not to say improvement cannot and should not be made. But it requires a business, not a dev shop, that recognizes that investing time and present dollars on this below-decks work for zero immediate ROI will in fact have positive ROI later. Also not to mention the interpersonal politics that every bit of that technical debt represents decisions made by people (probably now senior people) who may still be there and are not eager to have their body of work questioned or abandoned.
Oops. Just eaten by Argle.
This isn't even anciemt legacy code, as it uses the ES6
Smooth choice using 'let' instead of 'var' for the loop index...
Another vote for a debug trap. There's some problematic data condition this detects, put a breakpoint on it when you're hunting for what caused it this time.
Perhaps there is a race condition present elsewhere in the code and this code is just trying to slow down a process to "hopefully" avoid the race condition... Otherwise, maybe someone is getting paid by the lines of code that they write.
This article has a side effect too, I learned about the mathematical use of ℵ. Cool.
Using debug statements for debugging. 50 years of programming have shown that good debugging utils are priceless. And yet, after 20 years of this shitshow of web dev they still don't have anything decent.
I don't think the input parameter ("varA") is an array (as access to its data is done through a field called "field"
The signature for varA seems to be something like
{ length : number; condition:boolean|any; field : Record<string,any>[] | any[]; }
Addendum 2022-06-07 04:39: That should be Record<string,any>[] | any[] [] (second array indicator got removed when by the commenting system?)
All things you propose take time. And that seems to be the problem here
Bonus points for the indentation. Four spaces for the first indent, five for the second, eight for the third and fourth.
and friends if you like println debugging, and thedebugger
statement if you like your breakpoints to be statements.But certainly in other languages the performance difference between a conditional breakpoint and an unconditional one inside a conditional, is the difference between "near instant" and "you have time for a staff meeting before the breakpoint is hit".
Oh yes, and there are perfectly good debuggers built right into browsers. Have been for a big chunk of that 20 years (and as extensions/external tools before that).