• Peter (unregistered)

    Its called, Nero burning Rom(e), hence the Colloseum burning

  • Hanzito (unregistered)

    Don't worry, Lyle. We'll replace ourselves with AI readers. That saves everybody time.

  • (nodebb)

    Oh boy, does no one remember Nero BurningROM? And the obvious pun in the name (Nero Burning ROMe), which gave rise to the... amphitheature in flames.

    I'm sad. I feel old.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Peter Street

    I remember it, too.

    Well, fuck me. It still exists. https://www.nero.com/eng/products/nero-burning-rom/?vlang=en although the Unreliable Source says it hasn't been updated since 2017.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Peter Street

    I remember it, too. Looks to me like our AI moderator needs to receive some additional training.

  • Richard Marshall (unregistered)

    Maybe a difference in typesetting would be useful to distinguish AI text from human text. As in this for human text, and this for AI text, for example. Overall, the jokes are surprisingly funny!

  • (nodebb)
    switch (answer)
    case YES:
        return true;
    case NO:
       return false;
    case EXPORTER:
       return FILE_NOT_FOUND;
  • (nodebb)

    O good, the want to use the final version of Genuine People Personalities and not the prototype whom we all knows would just go and get depressed!


  • an Italian cow (maybe a robot-cow?) (unregistered)

    Hallo from Italy. Here, "Nero" means "black", but it's also used to refer to illegal activities. Years ago, for some reasons I was sure that "nero" was used only by "pirates" to make illegal copies of the discs. The I saw the logo and realized the word-play...

  • an Italian cow (maybe a robot-cow?) (unregistered) in reply to an Italian cow (maybe a robot-cow?)
    • The = Then
  • Neveranull (unregistered)

    I thought I’d be frist, but I guess I’m out of luck.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Yazeran1

    Let's try the emergency backup personality!

  • Heinebold (unregistered)

    Everyone talking about the AI not knowing Nero well, but nobody wonders why it is also wondering about "missing rivers"?

    Also, the last sentence, "try 'exporter'", that's amazing if it is actually AI generated, that's a lot of transfer there.

  • ichbinkeinroboter (unregistered) in reply to Heinebold

    I assume the (Polish?) mentions a stream error. And the translation is off.

  • Your Name (unregistered) in reply to ichbinkeinroboter

    It's actually Hungarian, the other pluridiagraphic language of the region

  • (nodebb) in reply to Your Name

    The other what now?

  • markm (unregistered)

    "can you count the number of different languages in this dialog box?"

    Probably 3: English, Hungarian, and German (but I can really read only English anymore). Hungarian is mainly a mixture of Slavic, Magyar (a non-Indo-European language), and German, corresponding to their history: Magyars conquered and absorbed Slovakians and other Slavs, then had to coexist with Austrians and the Holy Roman Empire for centuries, finally merging into the Austro-Hungarian Empire until they were broken up after WWI.

    The first line is standard American English, which is definitely not Hungarian. The middle block has recognizably Slavic elements (ichbinkeinroboter's guess that it might be Polish wasn't too far off), but intermixed with Magyar and who knows what. A sentence with all German-derived words pops up in in Hungarian sometimes, but I think with odd spelling; the last line looks just like standard German to me so I think they code-switched to German.

  • Richard A. O'Keefe (unregistered)

    Ubuntu 22.04, snap 2.58 % snap --kill-me-dead error: unknown flag `kill-me-dead' So when trying to reproduce the bug, I was SOL.

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