• (nodebb)

    It's possible the last one uses "hours c.e." as a date format. I get 2023.8833... years ...

  • (nodebb)

    LOL. Check out that bank's branch and commit to it if you like it.

  • Scragar (unregistered) in reply to Erik

    Likely that because there's no estimate for the delayed train it's incorrectly using 0 as the trains arrival time.

    So then it subtracts the second trains departure time from the first trains arrival time and gets a huge number that represents the second trains departure time in some unit(likely a float of days since 2nd Jan 1 C.E. since the time period looks to me like what happens in VB/ASP).

  • (nodebb)

    I wonder how you could be 0.1 bytes over storage limit.

  • (nodebb)

    Perhaps at that bank a pull-request is considered a bank robbery.

  • Brian (unregistered)

    "To facilitate the the expedient identification and verification of UK sort codes, it is recommended to utilise a sort code checker to ascertain the pertinent banking institution..." Ugh, that sentence makes me gag. I guess AIs are just as guilty as people of trying to sound smarter than they really are.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Melissa U

    I expect the magnitude is helpfully scaled for readability (kB, MB, GB, etc) but the fractional digits should have been set to 0 for "bytes". (along with changing the compare from >= to >, of course)

  • (nodebb)

    Apart from firefox having clearly messed up the expression beyond belief, I don't see any indication of the lambdas being changed to Ls.

  • (nodebb)

    Or at least it was Greek until Firefox thoughtfully translated all the lambdas and mus and sigmas in these probability formulas...

    Zalgodopoulos. He comes.

  • Officer Johnny Holzkopf (unregistered) in reply to zomgwtf

    Zalgodopoulos, ya tolko ponymayou voksal...

  • erffrfez (unregistered) in reply to thosrtanner

    "But the becomes distribution much flatter" should be used in all sorts of writing more often. It is such an enjoyable phrase to read.

  • (nodebb)

    Are. Can. How. What. When. Where... That navbar is the real gem here!

    Next web app, I'll find an excuse for my navbar to read Mais Où Et Donc Or Ni Car !

  • (nodebb)

    Dates are hard. Now hours are hard too.

  • airdrik (unregistered)

    Admittedly I did my own WTF reading the Latest Comments on that first one: when I read about Power Banks on International flights, at first I was thinking "power bank" as in maybe a really big and powerful banking institution and was starting to get curious as to what the AI had to say about that one. Took me a minute to realize how I'd misread that.
    Words are hard. I'm just gonna go over there and well, maybe try working on adding a branch to my power bank using git ...

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