• (nodebb)

    There are so many nested braces here

    Brace: {

    Bracket: [

    Parenthesis: (

    Addendum 2022-03-14 07:45: { frist btw }

  • Prime Mover (unregistered) in reply to Jeremy Pereira

    The English language is different:

    Square bracket: [

    Round bracket: (

    Parenthesis: A (usually short) section of exposition which is required to be set apart from the main argument, usually indicated in text by enclosing that section within round brackets, or between paired emdashes or endashes, or perhaps commas.

  • (nodebb)

    Jesus F-ing Christ! Who the hell writes like that?! You need to use constants!

    if($_GET['size_cat'] == CONST_59E9)

    Addendum 2022-03-14 07:55: Or, if you're a pro:

    if($_GET[CONST_SC] == CONST_59E9)

  • WTFGuy (unregistered)

    I suppose we could say the contractor made a real hash of the whole project.

  • my name is missing (unregistered)

    I once inherited a transactional iPad app written by a company that specialized in making apps for movies - every single UI item on every single screen was absolutely positioned (setting the frame). Of course the first request I got was to support rotation of the device... if you hire a company who only knows hammers, don't expect a drill.

  • (author) in reply to Jeremy Pereira

    All of those are braces- they surround and hold together a linguistic segment, emBRACEing it. They are also brackets and parentheses.

  • Anonymous') OR 1=1; DROP TABLE wtf; -- (unregistered)

    Who puts a hyphen in the middle of their MD5 digest like that?!

  • Argle (unregistered)

    I think I get strange views of some of these stories. Let's roll with the idea that the coder thought someone could see his PHP code. Suppose it's me. The first thing I'd do is pull up the page and see if I can see the source with my browser and confirm or deny my worry. But that first requires that I have an urge to see my software as the user sees it. Sadly, it's all too common to not see your software as the user sees it.

  • (nodebb)

    MD5 leads to mas consumption of MD202 - film at 11....

    Addendum 2022-03-14 12:06: MD2020 ....

  • MaxiTB (unregistered)

    My LISP days are already a few decades back, but didn't LISP use parenthesis instead of brackets?

  • löchleindeluxe (unregistered)

    Ah, this gives me flashbacks to Java… 1.2?…, when you couldn't switchcase over String literals, and of course, that is what, as a newbie programmer, I desperately needed.

  • Mik (unregistered)

    To answer to the title: never use that hell of WordPress!!

  • (nodebb) in reply to löchleindeluxe

    While in a case like this you'd better use an enum (if Java had anything as advanced as that), a switch statement over strings isn't something unthinkable. What's unthinkable is that someone could have been so stupid as to design a language whose mistreatment of strings would make such a switch impossible and what's even more unthinkable is that people still used the language.

  • urmet (unregistered)

    haven't read past the title yet but "can't use wordpress" sounds like heaven

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