"I travel a lot for work and watch my 'premier (elite) qualification' with United fairly closely," writes Lincoln, "Imagine my surprise when I was looking at my account and United was showing 4,100 qualifying segments as my beginning balance. Sadly, like many aspects of the new United, 4100 plus 37 equals....78."
"Hmmm...I wonder if my eStatement is really ready though?" writes Dave T.
Gabriel wrote, "Gotta love strings...especially those that shouldn't happen."
"I don't care what anybody says. I think Ram-square-root-greater-than-or-equal-to-n is a great name for a baby boy!" writes Danny B.
"I wanted to know how to import settings into the new release of Opera. I didn't get an answer, but I'm comforted that Opera understands recursion, I suppose,"Rob H. writes.
"The Norwegian newspaper Osloby (Oslo city) have a webpage where you can submit stuff you want Oslo city to fix, like faulty street lights and so on... but when you try to use the web page (fiksdette.osloby.no) with Internet Explorer...," Philip O. wrote.
"Hmmm...I'm not a mechanic but I think that the bus needs a reboot," writes Marco.
Honestly, I'm surprised that Jack N.'s submission from League of Legends didn't result in a division by null error.