Usul is taking a college course on Java programming, and it’s doing an excellent job preparing him for the real world. Already, he’s been forced to cope with someone who knows one true fact and has run off to apply it in the dumbest way possible. This would be his professor.
Our true fact is this: A Java PreparedStament
object, used for running database queries, should be closed after use. This returns its connection to the pool and frees any resources the statement was using. You should do this, and you should do it as soon as you’re done with your connection.
Now, putting a call to stmt.close()
in every finally
block was just too much for Professor McCloseypants to deal with. So he provided this “convenience” object to deal with that problem.
It’s a lot of code, so we’re going to do this in pieces. First, let’s look at the declaration:
public class ClosingPreparedStatement {
Now, remember, the purpose of this class is to do everything a PreparedStatement
does, but add a self-closing behavior. Thus, the first problem here is that it doesn’t have an extends
or implements
declaration, so that it could share a common interface with PreparedStatement
public static boolean somethingFinalized = false;
Remember, this is a professor, providing this code as a model of what his students should be doing. For the capstone course, required for graduation.
Now, this is a wrapper around a PreparedStatement
, so guess how most of the methods work…
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @param arg1 delegate's parameter
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public int executeUpdate(String arg0, String[] arg1) throws SQLException
return stmt.executeUpdate(arg0, arg1);
Oh yeah. There are almost 1,300 lines of code in this file, and yes, they’re pretty much all like this. So, with all of that, how does this magical self-closing statement work?
* Closes the internal statement and delegates
* @throws Throwable if the delegate throws it
protected void finalize() throws Throwable
somethingFinalized = true;
} finally
He put it in the finalize
method. If you’re not intimate with Java’s memory management, keep in mind: the finalize
method is called by the garbage collector when it finally cleans up memory. You have no guarantees about when that will happen, or even if it ever well. So much for the “as soon as you’re done”.
Here is all 1,300ish lines of the file, in all its delegatory glory:
package datasource;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Array;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.NClob;
import java.sql.ParameterMetaData;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.Ref;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.RowId;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.sql.SQLXML;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Calendar;
* This Prepared statement will always finalized itself to make sure that
* everything gets cleaned up.
public class ClosingPreparedStatement
public static boolean somethingFinalized = false;
private PreparedStatement stmt;
* @param connection the connection
* @param sql the sql for this statement
* @throws SQLException if the prepared statement it contains throws an
* exception
public ClosingPreparedStatement(Connection connection, String sql) throws SQLException
stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
* @param connection the connection we should use
* @param sql the statement we will execute
* @param autoGeneratedKeys the keys
* @throws SQLException if we can't create the statement
public ClosingPreparedStatement(Connection connection, String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException
stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql, autoGeneratedKeys);
* Just delegates
* @throws SQLException if delegated call throws it
public void addBatch() throws SQLException
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate
* @throws SQLException if delegated call throws it
public void addBatch(String arg0) throws SQLException
* Just delegates
* @throws SQLException if delegated call throws it
public void cancel() throws SQLException
* Just delegates
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void clearBatch() throws SQLException
* Just delegates
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void clearParameters() throws SQLException
* Just delegates
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void clearWarnings() throws SQLException
* Just delegates
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void close() throws SQLException
* Just delegates
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void closeOnCompletion() throws SQLException
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public boolean execute() throws SQLException
return stmt.execute();
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @return the delgate's return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public boolean execute(String arg0) throws SQLException
return stmt.execute(arg0);
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @param arg1 delegate's parameter
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public boolean execute(String arg0, int arg1) throws SQLException
return stmt.execute(arg0, arg1);
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @param arg1 delegate's parameter
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public boolean execute(String arg0, int[] arg1) throws SQLException
return stmt.execute(arg0, arg1);
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @param arg1 delegate's parameter
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public boolean execute(String arg0, String[] arg1) throws SQLException
return stmt.execute(arg0, arg1);
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public int[] executeBatch() throws SQLException
return stmt.executeBatch();
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public ResultSet executeQuery() throws SQLException
return stmt.executeQuery();
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public ResultSet executeQuery(String arg0) throws SQLException
return stmt.executeQuery(arg0);
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public int executeUpdate() throws SQLException
return stmt.executeUpdate();
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public int executeUpdate(String arg0) throws SQLException
return stmt.executeUpdate(arg0);
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @param arg1 delegate's parameter
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public int executeUpdate(String arg0, int arg1) throws SQLException
return stmt.executeUpdate(arg0, arg1);
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @param arg1 delegate's parameter
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public int executeUpdate(String arg0, int[] arg1) throws SQLException
return stmt.executeUpdate(arg0, arg1);
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @param arg1 delegate's parameter
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public int executeUpdate(String arg0, String[] arg1) throws SQLException
return stmt.executeUpdate(arg0, arg1);
* Closes the internal statement and delegates
* @throws Throwable if the delegate throws it
protected void finalize() throws Throwable
somethingFinalized = true;
} finally
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public java.sql.Connection getConnection() throws SQLException
return stmt.getConnection();
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public int getFetchDirection() throws SQLException
return stmt.getFetchDirection();
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public int getFetchSize() throws SQLException
return stmt.getFetchSize();
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public ResultSet getGeneratedKeys() throws SQLException
return stmt.getGeneratedKeys();
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public int getMaxFieldSize() throws SQLException
return stmt.getMaxFieldSize();
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public int getMaxRows() throws SQLException
return stmt.getMaxRows();
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException
return stmt.getMetaData();
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public boolean getMoreResults() throws SQLException
return stmt.getMoreResults();
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public boolean getMoreResults(int arg0) throws SQLException
return stmt.getMoreResults(arg0);
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public ParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData() throws SQLException
return stmt.getParameterMetaData();
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public int getQueryTimeout() throws SQLException
return stmt.getQueryTimeout();
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public ResultSet getResultSet() throws SQLException
return stmt.getResultSet();
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public int getResultSetConcurrency() throws SQLException
return stmt.getResultSetConcurrency();
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public int getResultSetHoldability() throws SQLException
return stmt.getResultSetHoldability();
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public int getResultSetType() throws SQLException
return stmt.getResultSetType();
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public int getUpdateCount() throws SQLException
return stmt.getUpdateCount();
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public SQLWarning getWarnings() throws SQLException
return stmt.getWarnings();
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public boolean isClosed() throws SQLException
return stmt.isClosed();
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public boolean isCloseOnCompletion() throws SQLException
return stmt.isCloseOnCompletion();
* Just delegates
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public boolean isPoolable() throws SQLException
return stmt.isPoolable();
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @return the delegates return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> arg0) throws SQLException
return stmt.isWrapperFor(arg0);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setArray(int parameterIndex, Array x) throws SQLException
stmt.setArray(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x) throws SQLException
stmt.setAsciiStream(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @param length delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException
stmt.setAsciiStream(parameterIndex, x, length);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @param length delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException
stmt.setAsciiStream(parameterIndex, x, length);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setBigDecimal(int parameterIndex, BigDecimal x) throws SQLException
stmt.setBigDecimal(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x) throws SQLException
stmt.setBinaryStream(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @param length delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException
stmt.setBinaryStream(parameterIndex, x, length);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @param length delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException
stmt.setBinaryStream(parameterIndex, x, length);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setBlob(int parameterIndex, Blob x) throws SQLException
stmt.setBlob(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param inputStream delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setBlob(int parameterIndex, InputStream inputStream) throws SQLException
stmt.setBlob(parameterIndex, inputStream);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param inputStream delegate's parameter
* @param length delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setBlob(int parameterIndex, InputStream inputStream, long length) throws SQLException
stmt.setBlob(parameterIndex, inputStream, length);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setBoolean(int parameterIndex, boolean x) throws SQLException
stmt.setBoolean(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setByte(int parameterIndex, byte x) throws SQLException
stmt.setByte(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setBytes(int parameterIndex, byte[] x) throws SQLException
stmt.setBytes(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param reader delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, Reader reader) throws SQLException
stmt.setCharacterStream(parameterIndex, reader);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param reader delegate's parameter
* @param length delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, Reader reader, int length) throws SQLException
stmt.setCharacterStream(parameterIndex, reader, length);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param reader delegate's parameter
* @param length delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, Reader reader, long length) throws SQLException
stmt.setCharacterStream(parameterIndex, reader, length);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setClob(int parameterIndex, Clob x) throws SQLException
stmt.setClob(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param reader delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setClob(int parameterIndex, Reader reader) throws SQLException
stmt.setClob(parameterIndex, reader);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param reader delegate's parameter
* @param length delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setClob(int parameterIndex, Reader reader, long length) throws SQLException
stmt.setClob(parameterIndex, reader, length);
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setCursorName(String arg0) throws SQLException
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setDate(int parameterIndex, Date x) throws SQLException
stmt.setDate(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @param cal delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setDate(int parameterIndex, Date x, Calendar cal) throws SQLException
stmt.setDate(parameterIndex, x, cal);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setDouble(int parameterIndex, double x) throws SQLException
stmt.setDouble(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setEscapeProcessing(boolean arg0) throws SQLException
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setFetchDirection(int arg0) throws SQLException
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setFetchSize(int arg0) throws SQLException
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setFloat(int parameterIndex, float x) throws SQLException
stmt.setFloat(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setInt(int parameterIndex, int x) throws SQLException
stmt.setInt(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setLong(int parameterIndex, long x) throws SQLException
stmt.setLong(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setMaxFieldSize(int arg0) throws SQLException
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setMaxRows(int arg0) throws SQLException
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param value delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setNCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, Reader value) throws SQLException
stmt.setNCharacterStream(parameterIndex, value);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param value delegate's parameter
* @param length delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setNCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, Reader value, long length) throws SQLException
stmt.setNCharacterStream(parameterIndex, value, length);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param value delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setNClob(int parameterIndex, NClob value) throws SQLException
stmt.setNClob(parameterIndex, value);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param reader delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setNClob(int parameterIndex, Reader reader) throws SQLException
stmt.setNClob(parameterIndex, reader);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param reader delegate's parameter
* @param length delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setNClob(int parameterIndex, Reader reader, long length) throws SQLException
stmt.setNClob(parameterIndex, reader, length);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param value delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setNString(int parameterIndex, String value) throws SQLException
stmt.setNString(parameterIndex, value);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param sqlType delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setNull(int parameterIndex, int sqlType) throws SQLException
stmt.setNull(parameterIndex, sqlType);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param sqlType delegate's parameter
* @param typeName delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setNull(int parameterIndex, int sqlType, String typeName) throws SQLException
stmt.setNull(parameterIndex, sqlType, typeName);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x) throws SQLException
stmt.setObject(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @param targetSqlType delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x, int targetSqlType) throws SQLException
stmt.setObject(parameterIndex, x, targetSqlType);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @param targetSqlType delegate's parameter
* @param scaleOrLength delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x, int targetSqlType, int scaleOrLength) throws SQLException
stmt.setObject(parameterIndex, x, targetSqlType, scaleOrLength);
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setPoolable(boolean arg0) throws SQLException
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setQueryTimeout(int arg0) throws SQLException
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setRef(int parameterIndex, Ref x) throws SQLException
stmt.setRef(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setRowId(int parameterIndex, RowId x) throws SQLException
stmt.setRowId(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setShort(int parameterIndex, short x) throws SQLException
stmt.setShort(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param xmlObject delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setSQLXML(int parameterIndex, SQLXML xmlObject) throws SQLException
stmt.setSQLXML(parameterIndex, xmlObject);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setString(int parameterIndex, String x) throws SQLException
stmt.setString(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setTime(int parameterIndex, Time x) throws SQLException
stmt.setTime(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @param cal delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setTime(int parameterIndex, Time x, Calendar cal) throws SQLException
stmt.setTime(parameterIndex, x, cal);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setTimestamp(int parameterIndex, Timestamp x) throws SQLException
stmt.setTimestamp(parameterIndex, x);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @param cal delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setTimestamp(int parameterIndex, Timestamp x, Calendar cal) throws SQLException
stmt.setTimestamp(parameterIndex, x, cal);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @param length delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setUnicodeStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException
stmt.setUnicodeStream(parameterIndex, x, length);
* Just delegates
* @param parameterIndex delegate's parameter
* @param x delegate's parameter
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public void setURL(int parameterIndex, URL x) throws SQLException
stmt.setURL(parameterIndex, x);
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
return stmt.toString();
* Just delegates
* @param arg0 delegate's parameter
* @param <T> delegate's parameter
* @return delegate's return value
* @throws SQLException if delegate throws it
public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> arg0) throws SQLException
return stmt.unwrap(arg0);
