"It's curious that SVN is simultaneously both clean and unclean until the computer is restarted," Hesham M. wrote.
"As one of the few people who still play Draw Something, I like it that they want to keep us occupied for a while," writes R.C.
"Apparently, the legalese in Microsoft's licensing terms is all French to Chrome...Sacrebleu!," wrote Martina O.
"True, names of pizzerias are all too often just overused Italian clichés," Oton wrote, "but a 'Sample Text' pizzeria redefines originality!"
"That first option looks like it could be a good deal," writes Abe S., "if I'm staying in a castle."
"Firefox has a safety mechanism that lets you abort a script that's stopped working. In theory," Cal A. wrote.
Ryan T. writes, "I saw this today when I went to get some new passport photos from one of the automated photo booths. Needless to say I couldn't afford it!"
"Saw this while waiting for my mother's flight to arrive. Also...Access?" wrote Cheska C.