"At first, I was a little skeptical about buying a 3rd party battery, but after looking at the extra features, I'm sold!" writes Emily S..
Charlie wrote, "If you ask, me it's more like 'Broken News'."
"The meteorologist in service at Weather.com would like to correct Lord Kelvin. Absolute Zero temperature is not -273.15 Celsius," writes Daniel.
"Yeah, having Brian Cox and Jason Bradbury as keynote speakers is pretty cool, but how they ever managed to get Generic Hero to sign on is beyond me!," wrote Mike S.
David writes, "The weather is so bad even BBC weatherman Philip Avery won't put his name to the forecast."
"I wonder how many I'd have to buy to get a whole handkerchief," John S. wrote.
Cristian writes, "Visiting the Microsoft Partner site with the new Internet Explorer 11 results in the rather surprising message."
"Lots of people make fun of Bing, but here's what MS Office Clipart search believes that a 'database' looks like," Tim W. writes.