Hanna's co-worker implemented a new service, got it deployed, and then left for vacation someplace where there's no phones or Internet. So, of course, Hanna gets a call from one of the operations folks: "That new service your team deployed keeps crashing on startup, but there's nothing in the log."
Hanna took it on herself to check into the VB.Net code.
Public Class Service
Private mContinue As Boolean = True
Private mServiceException As System.Exception = Nothing
Private mAppSettings As AppSettings
'// ... snip ... //
Private Sub DoWork()
Dim aboutNowOld As String = ""
Dim starttime As String = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(5).ToString("HH:mm")
While mContinue
Dim aboutnow As String = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm")
If starttime = aboutnow And aboutnow <> aboutNowOld Then
'// ... snip ... //
starttime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(mAppSettings.pollingInterval).ToString("HH:mm")
End If
aboutNowOld = aboutnow
End While
Catch ex As Exception
mServiceException = ex
End Try
If mServiceException IsNot Nothing Then
EventLog.WriteEntry(mServiceException.ToString, Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error)
Throw mServiceException
End If
End Sub
End Class
Presumably whatever causes the crash is behind one of those "snip"s, but Hanna didn't include that information. Instead, let's focus on our unique way to idle.
First, we pick our starttime
to be the minute 5 seconds into the future. Then we enter our work loop. Sleep for one second, and then check which minute we're on. If that minute is our starttime
and this loop hasn't run during this minute before, we can get into our actual work (snipped), and then calculate the nextstarttime
, based on our app settings.
If there are any exceptions, we break the loop, log and re-throw it- but don't do that from the exception handler. No, we store the exception in a member variable and then if it IsNot Nothing
we log it out.
Hanna writes: "After seeing this I gave up immediately before I caused a time paradox. Guess we'll have to wait till she's back from the future to fix it."
It's not quite a paradox, but it's certainly far more complex than it ever needs to be. First, we have the stringly-typed date handling. That's just awful. Then, we have the once-per-second polling, but we except pollingInterval
to be in minutes. But AddMinutes
takes doubles, so it could be seconds, expressed as fractional minutes. But wait, if we know how long we want to wait between executions, couldn't we just Sleep
that long? Why poll every second? Does this job absolutely have to run in the first second of every minute? Even if it does, we could easily calculate that sleep time with reasonable accuracy if we actually looked at the seconds portion of the current time.
The developer who wrote this saw the problem of "execute this code once every polling interval" and just called it a day.