Trisha had the misfortune to inherit some old Cold Fusion code. One particular block needed to see if a file existed before it continued, and apparently the original developer really wanted to be patient and make sure the file was there, so they wrote this:

<cfif not  fileExists(tPath)>
        <cfset CountR = 0>
        <cfloop index="ii" from="1" to="1000000">
                <cfset CountR = CountR + 1>
        <cfif not  fileExists(tPath)>
                <cfset CountR = 0>
                <cfloop index="ii" from="1" to="1000000">
                        <cfset CountR = CountR + 1>
                <cfif not  fileExists(tPath)>
                        <cfset CountR = 0>
                        <cfloop index="ii" from="1" to="1000000">
                                <cfset CountR = CountR + 1>
                        <cfif not  fileExists(tPath)>
                                <cfset CountR = 0>
                                <cfloop index="ii" from="1" to="1000000">
                                        <cfset CountR = CountR + 1>
                                <cfif not  fileExists(tPath)>
                                        <cfset CountR = 0>
                                        <cfloop index="ii" from="1" to="1000000">
                                                <cfset CountR = CountR + 1>
                                        <cfset Good2Go = "Yes">
                                <cfset Good2Go = "Yes">
                        <cfset Good2Go = "Yes">
                <cfset Good2Go = "Yes">
        <cfset Good2Go = "Yes">
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