"According to Rocksmith's global stats, it looks like there's no point attempting to beat the arcade high score," Andrew M. wrote.
"While contacting a magazine company regarding a billing error, it appears they have rather demanding requirements for contacting customer service," writes Ryan S., "I had to override the CSS and HTML to add my own submit button, but it sent!"
Elijah G. wrote, "Ya know, maybe it's just me, but American Horror Story is looking a little bit...funny."
"Apparently, my car insurance firm has a unique way of dealing with marketing email unsubscribers - assign them a new email address," writes Matthew.
"While taking a survey, this popped up," writes Mike D., "In my opinion, when in test mode, always choose High."
"I’m not sure what email blast service Apress uses, but I think they might want to submit a feature request that the Send Final and Send Test buttons be moved a little further apart," RoN writes.
"I searched on Google to see how much R$ 212.42 was in dollars, but for some reason, it converted the temperature of a speed of some gas in dollars instead," Maxime E. wrote.
Cristian writes, "I'm not entirely sure what Word wants me to agree or not agree to here."