Remy Porter

Computers were a mistake, which is why I'm trying to shoot them into space. Editor-in-Chief for TDWTF.

Feb 2012

Steve's Email

by in Feature Articles on

For a ramen-fueled college student, a job offer that actually involves doing the work you're in school to learn and has a paycheck that can't be beat flipping burgers is a wonderful score. For Ted, that score came from a company run by alumni from his school that gave out pretty plum gigs to top students.

They were a support company, that contracted out to run the IT infrastructure for other companies. While the support company actually cut Ted's check, they were a small company. 90% of their business came from a single customer, the PubCong publishing conglomerate. It was for PubCong that Ted would be actually working.

I've Got Your Number

by in Feature Articles on

"The system is down!" cried the voice at the end of the phone. "We've run out of numbers!"

"You've… run out of numbers?" asked Daryl.