Recent Best of the Sidebar

It's the Best of the Sidebar. What, did you expect more from a title like that?

May 2008

Stupid Secretary WTF

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Originally posted to the sidebar by "snoofle"...

This morning, I had to deal with one of our HR secretaries, and it was déjà vu.

The Wrong Thing to Say

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Originally posted to the sidebar by "snoofle"...

Some time back, I worked for a large company (now defunct). It was your basic IT department of about 150 people organized into groups of ~10, all on a big open cubicle farm on one floor. Every barrel has it's bad apple. Ours would routinely view kiddie porn - during work hours. He would occasionally leave the images up on the screen when he walked away. Finally, someone got offended enough to say something to HR. HR had "the talk" with him. A few weeks later, he did it again. The same person was offended, again, and complained to HR, again. The same person from HR had "the next talk" with him. A few weeks later he did it yet again. The same person made a much more formal complaint to HR. The head of HR told his #1 to sit down with everyone in IT, 5 at a time, with their immediate boss and their boss, and lay down the law.

The Upgrade Treadmill

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Originally posted by "Weng" as a response to Book shop WTF...

Among my other pursuits, I'm logistics manager at a non-profit that does electronics recycling. One of my favorite customers is an IT manager for a large banking chain.

Security Downupgrades

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Originally posted by an anonymous reader...

I work at a smallish startup with about 40 people. It's generally been WTF-free, as the management is usually competent. Unfortunately, things have been sailing towards WTF-land with the arrival of a new CEO a few months ago. He has already built up a steady stream of WTFs, but his latest one just takes the cake.

Nuns and Regexes Do Not Mix

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Originally posted by "Corona688"...

We run an old text game built on an ancient and mysterious codebase. It occasionally does strange things for reasons that've been lost to the mists of time.

Code examples and interviews

by in Best of the Sidebar on

Tsk, tsk. After all the requests to plz email me teh codez, and the Daily WTF community's failure to recognize student initiative, "MonkeyCode" posted a similar story in the sidebar...

We're looking for some new developers on our team here at our online travel reservation startup. London being London at the moment, it's proving hard to get good quality candidates to actually show up for an interview. Little did we know how bad the quality can be at times.

The Problem Child

by in Best of the Sidebar on

Originally posted by "DrillSgtK"...

In the late 90’s, I worked for a small, “start-up/spin-off” dot com company. We were originally The University’s distant learning department, but had been re-constituted as a for-profit company, owned by The University to service The University. A year and a half old, the company had grown from six people working out of a trailer on campus to a seventy-five person operation with three offices and large co-location site in a data center. The IT staff, however, remained the same size: three of us.