Recent Best of the Sidebar

It's the Best of the Sidebar. What, did you expect more from a title like that?

Jun 2008

Silent But Deadly

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From René V...

“Recently, a customer came in who was apparently just as overheated as his computer. When we cracked it open, it was pretty evident that it had something to do with his “quieting modifications. We now recommend better, quieter components.

DR on a (near) daily basis

by in Best of the Sidebar on

Originally posted to the Sidebar by "jetcitywoman"...

"A Bit More Dire" started me reminiscing about the dispatch center where I used to work. I LOVED working there and hated to leave. It was a consolidated county 911 dispatch center, where consolidated means that they had all the dispatchers for the county and every city — fire and police — together in one room. Working off one system. They were busy, one police dispatcher for the largest city typically worked/monitored abour 30 units (cops) at a time during the afternoons. It was hectic, dynamic, and doing the computer support for them was terrible at the time, but after I'd left I really missed it. Here are the highlights.

The Exemption Pass

by in Best of the Sidebar on

Originally posted to the sidebar by "compaqdrew"...

At my old public high school, the District (maybe even the State) mandated that every class must have a final exam, and it must account for 20% of the student's grade. Of course, this fails to explain how it is even possible to give a final in, say, Vocal Music. The teachers hated it and even the principal sympathized, and thus was born the Exemption System.

The Quake Server

by in Best of the Sidebar on

Originally posted by "Da' Man"...

It was in the good ol' days of the era. I worked as a web programmer for this really sleek web and design agency — that is, not much pay, but lots of great parties. Cool chicks, too... well, not too bad altogether, at least in my memory.

There Will Be Some Benefit

by in Best of the Sidebar on

Originally posted to the Sidebar by "ServZero"...

I do a bunch of contract web-development and received this lead in my inbox this morning: