Recent Best of the Sidebar

It's the Best of the Sidebar. What, did you expect more from a title like that?

Jul 2008

Meet The LAN Form

by in Best of the Sidebar on

This story was originally posted to The Sidebar by "citking".

Like many large organizations, the University of Initrode-Extension has a LAN Form. This all-encompassing form is responsible for authorizing everything from creating a new user to moving a network connection.

Hot Water Costs Money

by in Best of the Sidebar on

Originally posted to The Sidebar by "ObiWayneKenobi"...

Last year, I took a position as the “Director of IT Services” for a tiny, six-person e-commerce company. The fact that I wouldn’t be managing anyone should have been a red flag, but I hoped that I could get approval down the road to build a real IT department.

PICKing Javascript

by in Best of the Sidebar on

Originally posted to the Sidebar by "hulver"...

At my new job, they had been having some problems with email events on a "special" PICK-based web application. When something happened in the system that needed an action, an email would be sent to the relevant person telling them to do something. Sometimes these emails would not be sent, but sometimes the emails would be sent many times. The emails that were sent many times often got sent at strange times of night when nobody was using the system. It was a bit of a mystery.

Completely missing the point...

by in Best of the Sidebar on

Originally posted to the Sidebar by "Welbog"...

I'm working on bug patrol for a generic data-entry app. It has a grid view that lets users input data, as well as a set of other views in addition to the grid, such as a regular winform-like deal. One of the things the app has is a trigger-like system, in which classes of a certain interface are called at certain points in the life of a record. So if a record is deleted from any view, data about this deletion is passed to an object invoked via reflection. The idea being the 'trigger' doesn't have to care about what view the user is using, just the data.