Recent Feature Articles

Sep 2017

An Emphasized Color

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One of the major goals of many software development teams is to take tedious, boring, simplistic manual tasks and automate them. An entire data entry team can be replaced by a single well-written application, saving the company money, greatly improving processing time, and potentially reducing errors.

That is, if it’s done correctly.

Poor Shoe

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"So there's this developer who is the end-all, be-all try-hard of the year. We call him Shoe. He's the kind of over-engineering idiot that should never be allowed near code. And, to boot, he's super controlling."

No Chemistry

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Tyler G.’s “engagement manager”, Sheila, had a new gig for him. The Global Chemical Society, GCS, had their annual conference coming up, and their system for distributing the schedules was a set of USB thumb-drives with self-hosting web apps.

“You’ll be working with two GCS representatives, Jeff and Graham,” Sheila explained. “They’ll provide you with last year’s source code, and the data for this year’s schedule. You’ll need to wire them up.”

Classic WTF: #include "pascal.h"

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It's Labor Day in the US, where to honor workers, some people get a day off, but retail stores are open with loads of sales. We're reaching back to the old days of 2004 for this one. -- Remy

Ludwig Von Anon sent in some code from the UI component of a large, multi-platform system he has the pleasure of working on. At first glance, the code didn't seem all too bad ...

procedure SelectFontIntoDC(Integer a) begin
 declare fonthandle fh;
 if (gRedraw is not false) then begin
   fh = CreateFontIndirect(gDC);
   SelectObject(gDC, fh);