Dear Daily WTF Readers,
Please, take a moment of your time to consider the plight of the poor 'for' loop and its sister 'case' in the below code which has chosen to remain anonymous as per its submitter.
Torn from their mother at an early age, they toil, day and night without rest, as a cog in some oversized corporate wheel. They are forced, often brutally, to piecemeal together a hopefully valid telephone number from the leftovers of a processed string. They're tired, hungry, and begging for retirement to that place in the sky where all bloated code goes when it dies.
So, please, send whatever you can (really, anything will do) to the For Loop Liberation Front world headquarters.
For Loop Liberation Front
44 Front St. 2nd Floor
Berea, OH 44017
If you include a SASE, you'll recieve a Daily WTF sticker or two as a "thank you" for supporting this cause.
Thank you.
Public Shared Function ApplyPhoneNumberFormatting(ByVal phoneNumber As String) As String Dim cleanPhoneNumber As String Dim formattedPhoneNumber As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim i As Integer If phoneNumber Is Nothing Then Return String.Empty End If cleanPhoneNumber = StripNonNumericCharacters(phoneNumber) If cleanPhoneNumber.Length = 0 Then Return String.Empty Else For i = 0 To 12 Select Case i Case 0 formattedPhoneNumber.Append("(") Case 1 formattedPhoneNumber.Append(cleanPhoneNumber.Chars(0)) Case 2 formattedPhoneNumber.Append(cleanPhoneNumber.Chars(1)) Case 3 formattedPhoneNumber.Append(cleanPhoneNumber.Chars(2)) Case 4 formattedPhoneNumber.Append(") ") Case 5 formattedPhoneNumber.Append(cleanPhoneNumber.Chars(3)) Case 6 formattedPhoneNumber.Append(cleanPhoneNumber.Chars(4)) Case 7 formattedPhoneNumber.Append(cleanPhoneNumber.Chars(5)) Case 8 formattedPhoneNumber.Append("-") Case 9 formattedPhoneNumber.Append(cleanPhoneNumber.Chars(6)) Case 10 formattedPhoneNumber.Append(cleanPhoneNumber.Chars(7)) Case 11 formattedPhoneNumber.Append(cleanPhoneNumber.Chars(8)) Case 12 formattedPhoneNumber.Append(cleanPhoneNumber.Chars(9)) End Select Next Return formattedPhoneNumber.ToString End If End Function