It's easier to teach a non-programmer to program in an object oriented language than it is to teach a Cobol programmer to do the same. That's my experience, and I think Clint would agree. He sent in this VB6 block that he inherited, developed by a self-proclaimed Cobol fanatic. There's not a lot code here, but nearly every line has something… special.
'Get the current fiscal year Function strGetYear() As String Dim stryear1 As String Dim stryear2 As String Dim n As Integer Dim nn As Integer Dim nnn As Integer Dim nnnn As Integer Dim date1 As Date Dim date2 As Date Dim date3 As Date stryear1 = PRF_strFY - 1 'PRF_strFY is a global variable stryear2 = PRF_strFY date1 = strTest_Date 'strTest_Date is a global variable n = 20 Do Until n = 0 date2 = "06/30/" & stryear1 date3 = "07/01/" & stryear2 If ((date1 > date2) And (date1 < date3)) Then strGetYear = stryear2 n = 1 End If n = n - 1 stryear1 = stryear1 - 1 stryear2 = stryear2 - 1 Loop End Function