• (cs)

    The thing I don't like about cartoons is when someone explains it. If I were you I'd just put the cartoon there without any explaining text.

  • cA (unregistered)

    I totally agree with onckelinx. If you are afraid that someone would not get the point then skip it!

  • Ubersoldat (unregistered)

    Magenta? oh! And I believe magenta is a work under copyright, so forget about it dude... anyway, it's a funny one, the first one I find funny... but as the others said... no explanation please

  • (cs)

    Hey, I like how the cubicals are like a rat's maze, and the OC didn't even mention it!

    Oh, and <generics>

  • (cs) in reply to cA
    I totally agree with onckelinx. If you are afraid that someone would not get the point then skip it!
    I would suggest reading the comment again. It's not an explanation of the comic, it's a musing spurred by its contents.
  • Gonzalo (unregistered)

    not funny at all

  • d000hg.wordpress.com/ (unregistered)

    I'd also prefer to see the comic without accompanying stories or explanation. If the author wants to add this, why not add it as a comment rather than on the main page?

  • Vollhorst (unregistered) in reply to d000hg.wordpress.com/
    I'd also prefer to see the comic without accompanying stories or explanation. If the author wants to add this, why not add it as a comment rather than on the main page?
    Well, why not just ignore it? You can do it, really. Just try hard enough! We all believe in you! Do it! Do it! DO IT!
  • Will (unregistered)

    Get rid of the crap cartoons and concentrate on publishing funny stories. The only WTF here is someone thinks these are good enough to publish

  • bhousel (unregistered)

    Is there a way to remove Mandatory Fun Day from the site's rss feed? That's usually how I read it..

  • foo (unregistered)

    I don't mean to sound rude, but is there a way to block 'Mandatory Fun Day' posts from the main feed? Or must I subscribe to each of the other feeds separately?

  • not bhousel (unregistered) in reply to bhousel
    Is there a way to remove Mandatory Fun Day from the site's rss feed? That's usually how I read it..

    what he said.

  • (cs) in reply to bhousel

    I am crushing your head! :D

  • (cs)

    First: Tired cliche (evil boss). -10 points

    Second: You could have at least parodied the Simpsons and made him look like Mr. Burns (and the assistant like Smithers), instead of going over the top and making him look like the love-child of Magneto and Shredder. -50 points.

    Third: Nice touch on the rat maze lookalike cubicles from the high view. +10 points

    Final Score: -50 Points. FAIL.

    This one sucked. Try harder next time.

  • Mel (unregistered) in reply to onckelinx

    The thing I like about this cartoon is that there's something a bit extra. Most I look at and just go "Hm. Funny" and move on with my life. This one I look at, think "Hm. Funny", and then I get to picture all my old bosses running to get their very own Mr. Magneta buisness suit. Better than anything anyone could draw!

    The comment isn't an explanation - an explanation would be "Big evil bosses want to suck the life out of their employees".

  • Jon B (unregistered) in reply to ObiWayneKenobi

    You forgot to score the classic Kids in the Hall reference: + 100 points.

    I'm crushing your head!

  • blatant ripoff (unregistered) in reply to ObiWayneKenobi

    MFD = WTF

    WTF = Where's The Fun

  • Tim B (unregistered)

    I know this argument has been made on every tube's comment board since the beginning of time, but it really does take a special kind of ignorant petulance to complain about free content. Great jumpin jeebus, people... give it a few weeks to see if it improves, and if it doesn't, STOP READING IT.

  • that guy (unregistered) in reply to Will
    Get rid of the crap cartoons and concentrate on publishing funny stories. The only WTF here is someone thinks these are good enough to publish

    A peek into "Will"'s day-to-day life ...


    The Real WTF(TM) is, of course, how MS paint can't pick a pallate for GIF files. Or maybe it's that I use MS Paint.

  • Coward (unregistered) in reply to bhousel

    I don't use RSS to read the site, but I do agree that MFD should be segregated from the rest of the sites content - no necessarily because it is bad, but because it just doesn't seem to fit well with the rest of the content.

    Anyhow... Alex made this note in the comments from MFD 1.3:

    • Igorning MFD is actually amazingly easily in this case. Here's how! if (rssTitle.startsWith("Mandatory Fun Day:") || webTitle.IsColor("Obsidianish") ignore();.

    Maybe that helps?

  • (cs)

    If you're going to steal a Kids in the Hall joke, at least get it right. It's "I crush you!", not "I squish you!". Christ.

  • Ryan (unregistered)




  • (cs)

    The pro-comic people's argument of "if you don't like it, don't read it" is pretty bogus. The readership is not just an audient void, but the contributor of 99% of the articles on here. We are the content. We have every right to use our collective will to expel that which does not belong. If we do not do this, then sure we can "just scroll on past u moron" but eventually the signal-to-noise ratio will reach intolerably low levels.

  • *sigh* (unregistered)

    Honestly, these comics are terrible. Maybe if we got to see how the contractor's soul was to be crushed and it was funny, this comic would be funny. As it stands, there's barely any humor to be scraped from the bottom of this barrel.

  • Peter (unregistered) in reply to Will
    Get rid of the crap cartoons and concentrate on publishing funny stories. The only WTF here is someone thinks these are good enough to publish
  • Stewart Johnson (unregistered)

    These comics are not funny. They are sh!t.

    I've commented on all of them so far to say that I don't want them in the feed for DailyWTF, but now I'm unsubscribing.

    Alex, you're probably thinking, "I'm not seeing a drop in my traffic" but I was subscribed using Google Reader which caches, so you won't notice the direct traffic. But know that you are definitely losing readership because of this poor decision to feature a crap comic.

  • dave (unregistered)

    Just. The. Comic. No commentary

  • Rob (unregistered)

    I feel bad that the guy making these comics is getting trashed left and right. I mean, today's was sort of funny, but even then it was not particularly original. When I look at a web comic I want something that I haven't seen before, or I get bored with it real fast. Maybe as a bit of constructive criticism to the author: try something original. You're drawings aren't bad, and you clearly have a sense of humor, just try something that hasn't been done already.

  • Tim B (unregistered) in reply to Publius
    The pro-comic people's argument of "if you don't like it, don't read it" is pretty bogus.

    Then, two sentences later...

    We have every right to use our collective will to expel that which does not belong.

    Pot, meet kettle.

  • Q1234 (unregistered)

    Where's the punchline? Or if not a punchline, at least an attempt at humor.

  • Stevey (unregistered)

    Is there a joke in there somewhere?

  • John (unregistered)

    Dilbert already trod this ground, only it was much funnier.

  • Joker (unregistered) in reply to Rob

    I agree, the drawings are not the problem, the problem is that there isn't anything surprising or funny in the plot.

    It's just a boring recitation of known archetypes.

  • Joker (unregistered) in reply to Rob

    I agree, the drawings are not the problem, the problem is that there isn't anything surprising or funny in the plot.

    It's just a boring recitation of known archetypes.

  • Brannigan (unregistered)

    Scott Adams once wrote about how he came up with a strip about a fake opera singer, and called him Placebo Domingo. He was very proud of the pun. But when he opened up the newspaper, he saw the exact same pun in a different comic. His had not been sent to print, but if he did, the other comic's author would have assumed he stole it from him. It was a coincidence. He came up with a concept of his own, just to find that someone else had come up with the exact same thing.


    And yes, I completely came up with Mr. Magenta’s outfit on my own, and did not steal it from any pop-culture villain.

    ... a helmet with horns and a cloak? You've never, ever seen that before? I hope you're not serious and that I'm missing the humor in your statement. There again, I missed it in the comic too.

  • Dave (unregistered)

    I've liked the comics so far. Whether they belong as primary content on this site is another discussion. I think most people just don't realize that certain comics take time to ramp up (not all, but most comics). Don't get discouraged by the bitter readership of this site.

  • Thomas Clark (unregistered) in reply to Brannigan

    I think what is keeping your strip from appealing to a broader audience is the age group that it seems to represent. Your characters and the sophistication of your humor seem to reflect the humor and interests of someone about 20-25. Now, I've never seen any statistics for readership, but I can imagine that most people who read the Daily WTF are older than that, and probably salty, seasoned industry professionals trying to get to the end of a Friday. Here is what I humbly suggest to appeal to a wider audience:

    How to make a "WTF" on the rocks (web comic cocktail) -1 part Dilbert - for cynical irony -2 parts On The Fast Track - for clever puns -1 part Non-Sequitor - to compliment the flavor of the Dilbert -1 part cultural references - because television shows like "Family Guy" are able to stay afloat on these alone -1 part Doonesbury - remove political seeds first, ensuring witty dialog is not squished and bruised -1 part ideas you steal from www.XKCD.com or www.slashdot.com -some ice cubes (to make it just the right temperature)

    This cocktail will have the same taste and flavor of the well know Alex WTF columns, but will have a more graphic taste.

    Crush and combine in a tumbler. Serve shaken, not stirred. (see! there's a cultural reference now)

  • (cs) in reply to Dave
    I think most people just don't realize that certain comics take time to ramp up (not all, but most comics). Don't get discouraged by the bitter readership of this site.
    Just for comparison, xkcd #5: [image]

    Well, that one's actually funny. But you should see the previous four! They're nothing but sketches.

  • Thomas Clark (unregistered) in reply to Thomas Clark

    Oh, and on the topic(s) of where this strip belongs and the originality of the artist..

    1. I think it's placement, or nay I say, it's existence, will be up to how well the readers receive it over time. Who knows, you naysayers may have a change of heart.

    2. I completely thought that suit was a rip off of "Sark" from the super fabulous and written by individuals expressing no understanding of how computers worked 80's classic TRON.

  • (cs) in reply to NSCoder
    I think most people just don't realize that certain comics take time to ramp up (not all, but most comics). Don't get discouraged by the bitter readership of this site.
    Just for comparison, xkcd #5: [image]

    Well, that one's actually funny. But you should see the previous four! They're nothing but sketches.

    If you read the FAQ, you'll see why. XKCD wasn't started as a webcomic; it was a repository for the chap's notebook sketches that he didn't want to throw away.

  • Tim the Enchanter (unregistered)

    Spot the "Kids in the hall" reference.

  • Thomas Clark (unregistered) in reply to NSCoder

    You should be more comprehensive in your surveys before you publish your analysis.

    Here are some examples more akin to the caliber I was referencing. (sorry for verbiage, it came out that way)

    http://www.xkcd.com/378/ http://xkcd.com/178/ http://xkcd.com/221/ http://xkcd.com/224/

    ALTHOUGH it does appeal largely to the aforementioned 20-25 year old demographic, and a lot of it is the pseudo-romantic musings of an angsty young person, it can be profoundly funny at times. I think he could find inspiration in at least the minimalist art and presentation if that particular flavor of humor isn't palatable.

  • Greg (unregistered)

    oh my god these comics are the worst comics

    please stop


  • Jake (unregistered)

    Sure... No similarity to the Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles whatsoever... :)

  • paul (unregistered)

    oh look

    another "joke" about contract workers

    followed by a paragraph that explains the "joke" because the comic can't stand on its own


  • (cs)

    Bad writing + Bad art = GENIUS

  • (cs)

    I think you should go with a Kingpin ripoff. The doublewide body, the spiffy dress suit, perfect for business lampooning. You could call him the Lynchpin, or the Kingpencil, or something of the sort.

  • (cs)

    It reminds me of Super-Deluxe on FARK. It is something so full of crap that it will eventually spawn its own collection of people that post just out of pure hatred for the presentation.

    Given that the forum software no longer seems to be the total WTF it was before, I think the comic is intended to fill the gap. It is comforting to know that we do not simply laugh at other people's WTF on this site, but in fact the site is more than capable of generating its own WTF with great frequency.

    Personally I find the artwork poor to the point of distraction. The artist is making a valiant attempt to draw human figures, but obviously does not have the chops to pull it off. Hopefully as time goes on they will find their footing - look at the first Penny Arcades compared to their latest stuff.

    Right now it is just like watching two trains speeding towards each other on the same track with no way to stop. You just cannot pull your eyes away from something so tragic. On the upside its demise should provide a solid month of WTF articles.

  • Anonymous (unregistered)

    The first XKCDs are the author trying to score a head from his girlfriend with pseudo-romantic emo doodles.

    The 1.5 isn't so bad, but my comic is STILL better. [image]

  • (cs)

    Summary of the comments so far: Blah, blah, blah. Whine, whine, whine. MFD is not my favourite web comic! MFD is not xkcd/Dilbert/dinosaur comics! I don't like your drawing style! I don't like your writing style! I think you should die! I wish you would die!

    Personally, I quite liked this one, I think the comic is improving. I absolutely loved the amount of detail of the first frame, with the maze, the miserable look of the employees and --especially-- the demon/minotaur tormenting some poor underling on the left!

    Well, his technique may still require refinement but, as other posters said, many web comics today are quite unlike their original form.

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