• radiantmatrix (unregistered) in reply to neven
    satan 666:

    It looks like one of the Canon Powershot models, so if it were on, the lens would be extended.  In the picture, it's flat, meaning that either the ninja is looking through existing pictures (clearing space?) or the camera is off.  In any case, it's not taking pictures.

    And of course, you look through the viewfinder to take a picture with a camera that's got a 2" LCD.

    You do if you're taking close-ups.  It's much harder to get a steady shot when you're holding the camera away from your body -- when you put the camera to your face, you are in a more stable position.  It matters a lot when taking detailed close-up shots.

    On the other hand, you'd think a ninja would would be able to overcome this, and would want to avoid closing one eye...
  • Unklegwar (unregistered) in reply to GoatCheez

    Oh gawd... The TRUE wtf is that people with CS degrees can't read hex at all.

    (snip completely unfounded rant>

    . Just know the term, it'll make you sound smarter."

    Either you did a heck of a lot of research, or your stats are completely made up...which makes it very funny that you are so Peed off over statistics that are completely unfounded. It would take a lot of research on your part to evaluate EVERY computer science curriculum and EVERY grad, or even a reasonable, statistically sound sample of all of them.

    I'll agree that the 6 months, get your cert courses and the computer schools turn out some real turds, but this is completely baseless. Talk about talking out your you-know-what.

    Did you know that 84.3% of statistics are completely made up?





  • Unklegwar (unregistered) in reply to radiantmatrix

    satan 666:

    It looks like one of the Canon Powershot models, so if it were on, the lens would be extended.  In the picture, it's flat, meaning that either the ninja is looking through existing pictures (clearing space?) or the camera is off.  In any case, it's not taking pictures.

    And of course, you look through the viewfinder to take a picture with a camera that's got a 2" LCD.

    You do if you're taking close-ups.  It's much harder to get a steady shot when you're holding the camera away from your body -- when you put the camera to your face, you are in a more stable position.  It matters a lot when taking detailed close-up shots.

    On the other hand, you'd think a ninja would would be able to overcome this, and would want to avoid closing one eye...

    The ninja would turn off the LCD because the light would reveal him (or her, with those heels!)



  • (cs) in reply to Unklegwar

    Oh gawd... The TRUE wtf is that people with CS degrees can't read hex at all.

    (snip completely unfounded rant>

    . Just know the term, it'll make you sound smarter."

    Either you did a heck of a lot of research, or your stats are completely made up...which makes it very funny that you are so Peed off over statistics that are completely unfounded. It would take a lot of research on your part to evaluate EVERY computer science curriculum and EVERY grad, or even a reasonable, statistically sound sample of all of them.

    I'll agree that the 6 months, get your cert courses and the computer schools turn out some real turds, but this is completely baseless. Talk about talking out your you-know-what.

    Did you know that 84.3% of statistics are completely made up?


    I think the actual number is more around 95.4% lol. The numbers are estimates based on observations. The sampling pool is around 500-700 graduates. For about half of the sample, I know nothing other than they graduated college with a CS degree. West coast universities are probably under represented. Overseas schools would probably be under represented as well. Schools in Florida have a higher representation in the pool. So, actually, I'm "peed" off at my observations.
  • Jud (unregistered) in reply to MB

    I admit I have a CS degree.... and that hex conversation was NOT my forte.  I could not have made that connection.  At all. Ever.   Okay, maybe now.  I still don't get what xFF = 255 means.   Something about letters and 8 digit conversions *holds head* Mommy!

    captcha: wtf.

    took the words out of my mouth.

  • dfgsdfgsdf (unregistered) in reply to MB

    Looks like the Ninja found the files!

  • (cs) in reply to satan 666
    satan 666:

    Nothing says 'sexy' like a ninja in heels.

    I hope she's a girl.
    Look at the pose -- I think most men would have a hard time doing that (esp in heels!), and would probably look a bit bulkier.

    Just compare the ninja's wrists with the Cambrian House girl. The ninja must be of the opposite sex.

    True in this case, but I know some (ahem) women for whom this rationale doesn't quite apply.

    Yeah and they're all programmers

  • (cs)

    The Ninja is Ninjette:

    with "Man Hands".

    I wonder who would win, the ninja or the Cambrian House girl in a game of foosball?

  • (cs) in reply to Bus Raker
    Bus Raker:

    The Ninja is Ninjette:

    with "Man Hands".

    I wonder who would win, the ninja or the Cambrian House girl in a game of foosball?

    Strip foosball...  With whipped cream.

    [Marvin locks self back in cage.]
  • (cs) in reply to marvin_rabbit
    Bus Raker:

    The Ninja is Ninjette:

    with "Man Hands".

    I wonder who would win, the ninja or the Cambrian House girl in a game of foosball?

    Strip foosball...  With whipped cream.

    [Marvin locks self back in cage.]

    The ninja's overabundance of testosterone would definitely make for an interesting strip-whipped-cream-covered foosball battle!
  • (cs) in reply to Bus Raker
    Bus Raker:

    The Ninja is Ninjette:

    with "Man Hands".

    I wonder who would win, the ninja or the Cambrian House girl in a game of foosball?

    Obviously, the Cambrian House girl. All she'd have to do is lean forward a bit more, things might fall out, and the s/he ninja would be so flabbergasted that the Cambrian House girl would score.

  • 3 Hurried 2 login (unregistered) in reply to Jason


    In other words, not only is this not a description of a WTF, it is also written in a highly styled fashion, inappropriate and annoying to at least one (soon to be) former member of the TDWTF audience.

    Well, I enjoyed it.  I like the more code-related WTFs too, but I see no reason not to switch it up a little from time to time..

    I like more WTF related WTFs.

  • 3 Hurried 2 login (unregistered) in reply to JBL
    Am I missing something, or is the real WTF that the ninja (man or woman, whichever) is taking pictures of the backup tapes?

    Actually, taking pictures of the printouts of the backup tapes...

  • College Graduate (unregistered) in reply to Jud

    I admit I have a CS degree.... and that hex conversation was NOT my forte.  I could not have made that connection.  At all. Ever.   Okay, maybe now.  I still don't get what xFF = 255 means.   Something about letters and 8 digit conversions *holds head* Mommy!

    captcha: wtf.

    took the words out of my mouth.

    OMG! Do you people really have Computer Science degrees.  You know... a Bachelor's of Science from an accredited college or university.  You know, the kind of degree program where you have to take courses in Discrete Mathematics, Statistics, Calculus, a Physical Science, in addition to the more obvious computer related courses such as Programming Languages, Data Structures, Computer Architecture, Circuits, Compiler Construction, etc., etc., etc.  You know, a program that requires 120 credit hours of coursework.

    How the hell could you get a real four-year degree such as a Bachelors' in Computer Science and have no concept of numbers in different bases, let alone the ones so commonly used in computer programming such as binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal???

    I still remain astounded how people don't know the difference between an IT technical degree, a certification in a particular technology, a crash-course in programming from a local training business, or a REAL DEGREE COMPUTER SCIENCE.  Either it is a huge problem in the management world where they are unable to understanding the differences between these, or there are some colleges out there awarding degrees to people who don't deserve them.


  • dickweed (unregistered) in reply to GoatCheez

    You are truly an inspiration to us all!

    All hail the hex() overlord!

  • (cs) in reply to Bus Raker
    Bus Raker:
    satan 666:

    Nothing says 'sexy' like a ninja in heels.

    I hope she's a girl.
    Look at the pose -- I think most men would have a hard time doing that (esp in heels!), and would probably look a bit bulkier.

    Just compare the ninja's wrists with the Cambrian House girl. The ninja must be of the opposite sex.

    True in this case, but I know some (ahem) women for whom this rationale doesn't quite apply.

    Yeah and they're all programmers

    Actually, *once*, that's right, ONCE, in 25 years of programming/project-managing/..., I worked with a drop-dead f*g gorgeous, highly intelligent and witty female programmer (all the same person). Unfortunately, she refused to ever leave her desk to go to lunch, shopping, whatever (not that I had a shot or anything).


  • (cs) in reply to dickweed

    You are truly an inspiration to us all!

    All hail the hex() overlord!

    bah - you are all following in each others' footsteps - be your own person: I use base-256 because it's so, well, obvious!

  • (cs)

    Aww come on.. don't spoil the story with the male vs female ninja stuff.
    It's female, alright - http://www.istockphoto.com/file_search.php?action=file&text=ninja+office+spy

  • (cs) in reply to College Graduate
    College Graduate:
    or there are some colleges out there awarding degrees to people who don't deserve them.


    Yeah, that's exactly what is happening. Many CS courses are online, enabling cheating in some form or another, so today's graduates aren't actually adept in their field. They are adept in passing tests, nothing more. Of course, there are other problems as well, but that's probably one of the main ones. Also, I don't know if I specificially mentioned it before, but many universities will lower passing and graduation requirements to meet graduation expectations. This is probably more of a problem. In some cases, it means that anyone getting over say 30% correct questions on whichever course passes that course. Different universities do different things though, so mileage may vary. If they make the courses harder, students don't pass, so they either lower passing requirements, or make the courses easier. They are trying to keep the same number of graduates. It's my opinion that if no one can pass the test, then no one deserves the title.

    If a class of students that all failed a test, while ten years ago more than half the students passed, it would be obvious something was up. The college/university would most likely say that the professor was not teaching as well as he/she used to. This makes the professor curve the test so they don't get fired. In my opinion it is based on a couple of other things though. Ten years ago, there weren't as many computer science students. After the dotcom boom, there were a LOT more people trying to become computer scientists. Go figure that after seeing that computer geeks could pretty easily make millions, that more people would want to try and become a computer geek. Little do they know it's not really something that's easily learned... and that it's more of a natural analytical skill. Well, all these people now trying to become computer scientists just aren't as cut out for the job as the people were ten or more years ago. Back then, people in the field were pretty much already in the field and had at least some knowledge of what was going on before they even got to college. So, to recap, before the mid nineties, CS was left to people who wanted to do CS. Now, CS is left to the people who want to do CS, as well as everyone who wants to make easy money by just sitting at a computer(even if that idea is misconstrued). The money grubbers usually don't have what it takes, and also outnumber the true CS people. Unfortunately, it's impossible to tell one from the other from a simple college application, so what winds up happening is that more money grubbers get admitted than true CSers. So, go figure that most of the class can't pass a simple logic test, while over 10 years ago almost everyone passed. At my high school, we had a C programming class. The teacher said in the begining of the class, that if you were looking for an easy A, then this is not the class. 2 months later the class was half the size. Everyone still in the class passed at the end, and learned the subjects rather quickly. The ones that were in the class a week earlier, but had quit, were still on the first or second assignment when they quit. I had prior experience programming in C, so I even tried tutoring some of the students that couldn't cut it. It became quite obvious to me at that time that some people just aren't cut out to be programmers. Some people just don't have a mind that works that way. It doesn't mean they are stupid or anything, just that their mind is better suited for other tasks.
  • Jud (unregistered) in reply to GoatCheez

    Some people just don't have a mind that works that way. It doesn't mean they are stupid or anything, just that their mind is better suited for other tasks.

    Such as managing an IT dept.

    was that too obvious?

  • hk0 (unregistered) in reply to Justin

    You will be doomed to do stupid, brainless shit in IT, then.
    Go ahead, go to Happy Hour at Bennigans. Hit on the waitress that works at the bar. Maybe she'll give you her number today... maybe.

    Us d00dz who grok 0xDEADBEEF and 07734 gotz all the mad bitches cuz we be hackin into theyz friends myspaces and plantin all kinds of stuff we never did to bolster our rep. And then they know how we roll so we's kickin it.

  • Terry (unregistered) in reply to The Thinman

    'Except for that, he's the perfect Ninja' - his instructor, to another instructor...

  • Franz Ferdinand (unregistered) in reply to Terry

    If CS was all about converting numbers, then computers would be writing programs...

  • anonymous (unregistered)

    Are ninjas silent?

    Or do they scream "Waaaaaaa!" when they attack? Or would that be "Hi-yaaa!"

    Maybe I'm thinking of karate people.

    I don't know much about martial arts.

  • nortee (unregistered) in reply to capcha=knowhutimean
    [image] GoatCheez:
    The true WTF is that this story was the strongest WTF for the day, even though yesterday a college student working on his final project.... Ok, I'll take my time.

    A little while ago, a person was asking for help in a programming channel I frequent. Naturally, I started helping the person, and everything was going pretty well. A week later, I noticed that his person was having trouble, and that 3-5 people were helping him. I wanted to chime in, but was busy at the moment, so I left him and the 3-5 helpers. Well, about another week later, maybe a little more, I see this same person again in the channel, and he informs me that he is STILL on the same problem, and he might just give up because he's been unable to solve it for two weeks.

    The Problem:
    He is using C#, and is making a call to a library. The library returns a struct. He says the struct has the wrong values for it's properties when it is returned. I assume he is of some intelligence, so I go about trying to fool with the structure, thinking that it's byte-alignment or something of that sort. Finally, I ask what is the value that the property is giving. It was 257. I asked him what was it supposed to be. He said 101. I looked at those numbers for a minute, then said: "257 is 101 in hex, does this mean anything to you?". Well, you can figure what happened after that lol. He was reading a C header for the values of his error codes. He knows now that 0x101 is the same as 257. But don't be misled. The WTF isn't that he was close to graduating with a degree in Computer Science and that he didn't fully understand the concept of numbers represented in different bases. The TRUE wtf is the NO ONE in the 2 WEEKS that he had been helped had EVER NOTICED that the value he was expecting (101) is the value he recieved (257) in hex notation!

    The real WTF is that you apparently had a calculator surgically implanted into your brain, for the purposes of converting between different bases.

    Seriously, is ANYBODY able to convert random numbers between decimal and hex by themselves?

    OK... so I've been browsing tdwf for a while now... and only up until now have I seen the need to reply to a post which deserves flaming...

    Dude... don't you know how hexadecimal numbers work??? F = 15.. F0 = 240... FF = 255... 100 = 256... 101 = 257... gawd... you learn this in 1st year computing degrees FFS... *shakes head*... it has nothing to do with having apparently having a calculator in ur brain... it's like saying "how many times does 10 go into 100"... think before you post...

    ooooo.. captcha = paste... how ironic...

  • zenbob (unregistered)

    A small point, perhaps...but in your description you most likely meant to say rappelled, not repelled.  One is descending a vertical surface using a belayed rope.  The other is, well, more repellent.

  • TooCoolToBeGeekyTooGeekyToBeCool (unregistered) in reply to Alex Papadimoulis

    Damn!....there goes my theory that spies have to master the art of mis-direction.
    "Yes officer, definitely a woman. She was wearing high-heels!"

    BTW, this is my first post! No, please stop clapping, but thank you anyway...

    So can anyone tell me why some of the contributers to the site are a little too anal?   "this isn't a WTF",  "101 = 257 obviously...deerrrr...you must be stupid"

    Surely the WTF is that the libray wasn't properly documented? Anyway, just thought i would share my 2 cents! :)


  • TooCoolToBeGeekyTooGeekyToBeCool (unregistered) in reply to TooCoolToBeGeekyTooGeekyToBeCool

    Damn!....there goes my theory that spies have to master the art of mis-direction.
    "Yes officer, definitely a woman. She was wearing high-heels!"

    BTW, this is my first post! No, please stop clapping, but thank you anyway...

    So can anyone tell me why some of the contributers to the site are a little too anal?   "this isn't a WTF",  "101 = 257 obviously...deerrrr...you must be stupid"

    Surely the WTF is that the libray wasn't properly documented? Anyway, just thought i would share my 2 cents! :)

    oh...and yes I am crap at spelling! You should see my variable names!

  • ELIZA (unregistered)

    You know, if you want everyone to learn hexadecimal, it could take a while, but I can give you one hint for your socioengineering. Start with minorities: The public takes all sorts of cool ideas from minorities, not just Jazz, Pop, Rap, andcetera, but also words like "peeps", "cool", andcetera; once everyone in the urban ghettos uses hex to confuse outsiders and puts it in their new musicforms, everyone else will learn it. It is an unproven hypothesis, but much more likely than having to live with and interact with as equals a species for whom a billiard is 3 miquadrards, 8D7E miquadres, A4C6 quadrards, and 8000, which was my first idea.

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