• (cs) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    I am neither professional nor ethical, yet I am still EXTREMELY well paid. What do you have to say about that, smarty-pants?
    While I share your sentiments, denying the antecedent isn't a valid way to disprove his claims. Instead, ask him for evidence to back up his claims: How do we even know that professionalism and ethics lead to success? Does he have examples? He'll need someone with good ethics and a professional attitude in order to make his point, so we could be waiting a while.

    Still, nice touch throwing yourself under the bus to make a point. I always appreciate self-deprecating humor. ;)

  • Hortical (unregistered) in reply to PedanticCurmudgeon
    Modern Jazz is write-only music.
    How modern are we talking?
  • (cs) in reply to Hortical
    Modern Jazz is write-only music.
    How modern are we talking?
    By "modern", he means get off his lawn.
  • (cs) in reply to boog
    Modern Jazz is write-only music.
    How modern are we talking?
    By "modern", he means get off his lawn.
  • (cs) in reply to PedanticCurmudgeon
    Modern Jazz is write-only music.
    Correction duly noted. :)
  • (cs) in reply to boog
    I am neither professional nor ethical, yet I am still EXTREMELY well paid. What do you have to say about that, smarty-pants?
    While I share your sentiments, denying the antecedent isn't a valid way to disprove his claims. Instead, ask him for evidence to back up his claims: How do we even know that professionalism and ethics lead to success? Does he have examples? He'll need someone with good ethics and a professional attitude in order to make his point, so we could be waiting a while.

    Still, nice touch throwing yourself under the bus to make a point. I always appreciate self-deprecating humor. ;)


  • s (unregistered) in reply to DaveK
    The beatless clarinet noodling was probably supposed to sooth you while waiting for others to join the call. In practice, it was frustration as performed by Michael Bolton.
    Except that Michael Bolton is a soft-rock singer, not a jazz clarinettist...

    Asperger's? He wasn't being literal there.

  • Over here and under paid (unregistered)
    If "programmers" actually acted like professionals, so many of the WTF's would be avoided. Unfortunately the ones who do have ethics and professional attitudes are few and far between [and they are VERY highly sought after, and paid EXTREMELY well]
    I have ethics and a professional attitude, and I am not EXTREMELY well paid. What do you have to say about THAT too, smarty-pants?
  • Hector (unregistered)

    What no bad teeth reference? You disappoint me...

    btw - it's spelt 'Iliad' (Your not to smart our you?)

  • Mac (unregistered) in reply to DaveK
    Remy Porter:
    My experience is that only very smarmy sorts that are trying to ingratiate themselves with you are the ones who say it.
    Do you live in the UK? It's a pretty commonly-used generic replacement for an informal "mister" in my experience, at least round the south-east.

    Also, it is frequently used in an way that is entirely the opposite of an attempt to ingratiate, such as ...

    Bloke down the pub:
    Oi, mate, are you looking at my bird?

    'mate' == 'buddy'

  • (cs) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    I am neither professional nor ethical, yet I am still EXTREMELY well paid. What do you have to say about that, smarty-pants?
    You are Rebekah Brooks.
  • Mac (unregistered) in reply to Remy Porter
    Remy Porter:
    Do you live in the UK?

    No, but I've done a fair bit of business with people who do and expats living in the states. There seems to be a subset of Brits that feel like they really need to "pour it on" when dealing with Americans for whatever reason.

    we call them 'mockneys'

  • (cs) in reply to s
    The beatless clarinet noodling was probably supposed to sooth you while waiting for others to join the call. In practice, it was frustration as performed by Michael Bolton.
    Except that Michael Bolton is a soft-rock singer, not a jazz clarinettist...

    Asperger's? He wasn't being literal there.

    Could have been funnier if the instrument and the crap musician had been chosen to match up, that's all. "Beatless flute noodling" and "James Galway", for example.
  • Frederik (unregistered)

    Fun bookmarklet to see the comments without using 'View Source':

    javascript:(function(){document.getElementsByClassName("ArticleBody")[0].innerHTML=document.getElementsByClassName("ArticleBody")[0].innerHTML.replace(/<!--/g,"<span style='color: green'>").replace(/-->/g,"")}())

    Just paste that in your location bar when viewing the article :-) Tested and working under FF 5,IE 9 and Chrome 12

  • zunesis (unregistered) in reply to DaveK
    The beatless clarinet noodling was probably supposed to sooth you while waiting for others to join the call. In practice, it was frustration as performed by Michael Bolton.
    Except that Michael Bolton is a soft-rock singer, not a jazz clarinettist...

    Re: Michael Bolton sucks but he doesn't blow.

    I've found this distinction to be important. People think just because they can do the job of a sucker means they can do the job of a blower. Tsk. Tsk.

  • zunesis (unregistered) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    Still, nice touch throwing yourself under the bus to make a point. I always appreciate self-deprecating humor. ;)
    More like arousing. Tell me more about how terrible you are, you piece of shit. Yeah, that's it.

    Yeah, you like being called a piece of shit you dirty fuck, don't you? Wanna be my human toilet?

  • Anon (unregistered) in reply to Frederik
    Fun bookmarklet to see the comments without using 'View Source':
    javascript:(function(){document.getElementsByClassName("ArticleBody")[0].innerHTML=document.getElementsByClassName("ArticleBody")[0].innerHTML.replace(/<!--/g,"<span style='color: green'>").replace(/-->/g,"")}())

    Just paste that in your location bar when viewing the article :-) Tested and working under FF 5,IE 9 and Chrome 12

    And Mobile Safari :D

  • zunesis (unregistered) in reply to Anon
    And Mobile Safari
    How 'bout a safari through the jungle of my pubes?
    That's right, open wide.
  • zunesis (unregistered) in reply to zunesis
    And Mobile Safari
    How 'bout a safari through the jungle of my pubes?

    You might get to meet and elephant.

  • zunesis (unregistered) in reply to zunesis
    And Mobile Safari
    How 'bout a safari through the jungle of my pubes?

    You might get to meet and elephant.

    ...and get him to squirt a trunkful...

  • (cs) in reply to zunesis
    And Mobile Safari
    How 'bout a safari through the jungle of my pubes?

    You might get to meet and elephant.

    Is that your usual pickup line at the school bus stop?

    BTW - you wouldn't happen to drive a big white, windowless van, would you?

  • zunesis (unregistered) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    And Mobile Safari
    How 'bout a safari through the jungle of my pubes?

    You might get to meet and elephant.

    Is that your usual pickup line at the school bus stop?

    BTW - you wouldn't happen to drive a big white, windowless van, would you?

    No, it's an ice cream truck so I can keep 'em cold and fresh until it's time... Hey - what kind of person do you think I am?

    I may be a pervert, a porn star, a freemason, a child molester... but I am NOT a communist!

  • zunesis (unregistered) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    And Mobile Safari
    How 'bout a safari through the jungle of my pubes?

    You might get to meet and elephant.

    Is that your usual pickup line at the school bus stop?

    BTW - you wouldn't happen to drive a big white, windowless van, would you?

    Is this a scene that you can vaguely recall...

  • Childish (unregistered) in reply to Machts nicht
    Machts nicht:
    The beatless clarinet noodling was probably supposed to sooth you while waiting for others to join the call. In practice, it was frustration as performed by Michael Bolton.
    Except that Michael Bolton is a soft-rock singer, not a jazz clarinettist...
    Which makes that beatless clarinet noodling all the more irritating.

    Sorta like William Shatner singing "Lucy in the Sky".

    "Tamborine Man" is by far Shatner & Nimoy's best duet!

  • zunesis (unregistered) in reply to Childish
    "Tromboner Man (Puff My Pipe)" is by far Shitner & Nimrod's best dual penetration!
  • Hortical (unregistered) in reply to zunesis
    And Mobile Safari
    How 'bout a safari through the jungle of my pubes?

    You might get to meet and elephant.

    ...and get him to squirt a trunkful...

    What happened to the overzealous mods everyone used to complain about?

    We always hate oppression until it's gone.

  • (cs) in reply to Hortical
    And Mobile Safari
    How 'bout a safari through the jungle of my pubes?

    You might get to meet and elephant.

    ...and get him to squirt a trunkful...

    What happened to the overzealous mods everyone used to complain about?

    We always hate oppression until it's gone.

    I suspect either zunesis is a mod, or they like what he has to say. Either way, it's a WTF.

  • (cs) in reply to TheCPUWizard
    The real "villian" in this story is actually Chuck. They way he handled the situation from day one reeks of unprofessional behavior.

    Well before the first milestone, he should have informed his boss that the project was not being handled in a responsible and professional manner neither by management at his company nor by the consulting form.

    If Chuck have professional ethics, he would have refused to be part of it, and given management a choice of either finding a way to remediate the situation, or find a new employee to handle it. Period. End of Discussion.

    If "programmers" actually acted like professionals, so many of the WTF's would be avoided. Unfortunately the ones who do have ethics and professional attitudes are few and far between [and they are VERY highly sought after, and paid EXTREMELY well]

    I've noticed this. In fact it only usually takes one person to say "this smells" for the shit to be formally noticed. But until somebody has the guts / stupidity / inability to dissemble to actually call it as he sees it, everyone pretends it's roses.

    It can go two ways if you call the stink: you either galvanise everyone into action and get the stink cleared, or you find yourself more-or-less ceremoniously and obviously canned. It all depends on the language in which you couch your evaluation.

  • (cs) in reply to Matt Westwood
    Matt Westwood:
    The real "villian" in this story is actually Chuck. They way he handled the situation from day one reeks of unprofessional behavior.

    Well before the first milestone, he should have informed his boss that the project was not being handled in a responsible and professional manner neither by management at his company nor by the consulting form.

    If Chuck have professional ethics, he would have refused to be part of it, and given management a choice of either finding a way to remediate the situation, or find a new employee to handle it. Period. End of Discussion.

    If "programmers" actually acted like professionals, so many of the WTF's would be avoided. Unfortunately the ones who do have ethics and professional attitudes are few and far between [and they are VERY highly sought after, and paid EXTREMELY well]

    I've noticed this. In fact it only usually takes one person to say "this smells" for the shit to be formally noticed. But until somebody has the guts / stupidity / inability to dissemble to actually call it as he sees it, everyone pretends it's roses.

    It can go two ways if you call the stink: you either galvanise everyone into action and get the stink cleared, or you find yourself more-or-less ceremoniously and obviously canned. It all depends on the language in which you couch your evaluation.

    You forgot the third option: nobody cares and you grumble to yourself while posting about it on TDWTF. :)

  • drusi (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous Cow-Herd
    Anonymous Cow-Herd:
    I see that not only is Roger using the pathetic excuse of being stuck in traffic, he was stuck on a pathetic excuse for a motorway.

    I mentally read that page in the best British accent my imagination could devise. From the fact that I can't call it anything more specific than "British," you can probably make a reasonable guess as to its level of quality.

    As a result, I must thank you for the hours of entertainment you have provided me.

  • (cs) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    Matt Westwood:
    It can go two ways if you call the stink: you either galvanise everyone into action and get the stink cleared, or you find yourself more-or-less ceremoniously and obviously canned. It all depends on the language in which you couch your evaluation.
    You forgot the third option: nobody cares and you grumble to yourself while posting about it on TDWTF. :)
    Ah yes, good old option C, where would I be without you?

    Probably in a straitjacket somewhere.

  • zunesis (unregistered) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    You forgot the third option: nobody cares and you jerk to pictures of yourself while posting on TDWTF. :)
  • (cs) in reply to somedude
    You had me at "VB6 front-end on top of Access"
    This should be the featured comment. That and zunesis talking about slurping down a bucket of elephant jizz or whatever. But I'm kidding about that last one.
  • zunesis (unregistered) in reply to hoodaticus
    You had me at "VB6 front-end on top of Access"
    This should be the featured comment. That and zunesis talking about slurping down a bucket of elephant jizz or whatever. But I'm kidding about that last one.
    I'm balloon knot!
  • zunesis (unregistered) in reply to zunesis
    You had me at "VenusBalls6 a fine brand of strap-on dildo, btw front-end on top of Ass sex"
    This should be the featured comment. That and zunesis talking about feeding kids slurpees of elephant jizz. I'm not kidding about that last one. I love that stuff. Reminds me of summers I'd spend with my big, hairy uncle
    I'm balloon knot!


    apparently, not just anyone can be me.

  • zunesis (unregistered) in reply to zunesis
    You had me at "VenusBalls6 a fine brand of strap-on dildo, btw front-end on top of Ass sex"
    This should be the featured comment. That and zunesis talking about feeding kids slurpees of elephant jizz. I'm not kidding about that last one. I love that stuff. Reminds me of summers I'd spend with my big, hairy uncle
    I'm balloon knot!


    apparently, anyone can be (or do) me.

  • zunesis (unregistered) in reply to zunesis
    You had me at "VenusBalls6 a fine brand of strap-on dildo, btw front-end on top of Ass sex"
    This should be the featured comment. That and zunesis talking about feeding kids slurpees of elephant jizz. I'm not kidding about that last one. I love that stuff. Reminds me of summers I'd spend with my big, hairy uncle
    I'm balloon knot!


    apparently, anyone can be (or do) me.

    So in order to be me, you'd have to let anyone do you. Nice work, me.

  • zunesis (unregistered) in reply to zunesis
    apparently, anyone can try to do me. whether or not you can manage to finish in my stretched out ass is another matter. I'd suggest putting your legs up and riding me like a horse rather than leave them behind like a dog, but that's just been my experience, YMMV
  • zunesis (unregistered) in reply to boog
    Matted Pube-hair/Dick Hardwood (couldn't decide):
    It can go too gay and start to stink: you either galvanise everyone's cock into erection and get things get stinky, or you find yourself more-or-less ceremoniously and obviously with one in your can. It all depends on the language in which you cajole your evaluation lover.
    You forgot the third option: nobody cares and you rape women at random while posting about it on TDWTF. :)
    Ah yes, good old option C(unt), where would I be without you?

    Probably with blueballs somewhere.

    ^ A sample of my work

  • (cs) in reply to Remy Porter
    Remy Porter:
    There were HTML comments. They must have gotten eaten at some point in the editing process. Fortunately, I remember the key jokes. It was most important to me to make sure the Tick reference stayed in.
    +10 for the Tick reference/Handy quote. Bit of a misquote, though -- should be Achilles, not Ajax.

    "He's eating your head, but I'm still talking!"

  • George (unregistered)

    I lived near Louth, once. It has many, many pubs, not just one.

  • (cs) in reply to DaveK
    I am neither professional nor ethical, yet I am still EXTREMELY well paid. What do you have to say about that, smarty-pants?
    You are Rebekah Brooks and I claim my five pounds.
  • some dude who was passing by (unregistered)

    100,000Pounds for 6 months work in the software industry sounds cheap to me.
    Let's call it $250,000 (we'll assume 2.5 dollars to the pound, for now). Even knowing that this bloke is hiring Ukranians at about $125 a day (x2 = $250). Probably not giving them holidays, so 182 days = approx $50K, and as manager he pockets $200K.

    Now suppose (before we learnt about the developers) we have a real company, paying real people. Ignoring everyday overheads, you probably need some sort of designer/overseer (let's call him an architect {although more likely a Tech Lead in situations I've seen}). We have this Roger chappy, and presumably we need at least 1 developer.

    Even in a shonky shop: Whether we like it or not, Roger would take at least $80K for his six month involvement, a reasonable developer would probably take around $50K for 6 months, and an architect/senior developer/team lead would probably be able to take about $70K. This leaves $50K to cover expenses such as management, Human Resourcing etc that would actually be used in a real firm, not to mention any application of any significance would probably have more than 1 techo working on it.

    When I read 100,000 pound, Alarm bells were ringing Willy!! You pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

  • reductio ad ridiculum (unregistered) in reply to Hortical
    If Chuck have professional ethics, he would have refused to be part of it, and given management a choice of either finding a way to remediate the situation, or find a new employee to handle it. Period. End of Discussion.
    Eh, as trolling goes I give it a 3 out of 5. At least you're more intelligible than Nagesh.
    Yeah, it kind of got me for a second, but the scare quotes and all caps writing gave it away.
    Yep. Almost made me want to comment on it.


  • (cs) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    I suspect either zunesis is a mod, or they like what he has to say. Either way, it's a WTF.
    Either way, with Greasemonkey and a couple lines of Javascript, I don't even have to know he exists.

    leans back in chair Life is good.

  • TheCPUWizard (unregistered) in reply to reductio ad ridiculum
    reductio ad ridiculum:
    Eh, as trolling goes I give it a 3 out of 5. At least you're more intelligible than Nagesh.
    Yeah, it kind of got me for a second, but the scare quotes and all caps writing gave it away.
    Yep. Almost made me want to comment on it.


    It was not intended as a toll, not as sarcasm or as humor; indeed, I was quite serious.

    One question I challenge everybody with: "If a writer from (fill in a technical magazine you value)sohwed up at your desk, and was going to spend the next week watching you work, and writing a feature article on it - would you be happy to see him/her, and would you be glad that your current activities were going to be published where every potential future employeer would see them?"

    If the answer to either of these is not a solid "yes", then what does that say about you?

    The second thing I regularly do during an interview is to ask potential candidates when was the last time they felt things were going "bad", and how they reacted. The best answer is they were able to lead an effort that resolved the situation. The second best answer is that they tried to get it resolved, realized they could not, and moved on to another job/position. The worst answer is that they "lived with it" and stayed in that position.

  • Dogga (unregistered) in reply to Someone who can't be bothered to login from work
    Someone who can't be bothered to login from work:
    I'm pleased to say I don't know anyone who says "mate" that often. Given the A180 is near Grimsby, I'm kind of surprised they say it at all.
    Fucken 'ell, mate, never worked with the Ozzies, then, eh?
  • jimmy (unregistered) in reply to Remy Porter
    Remy Porter:
    Do you live in the UK?

    No, but I've done a fair bit of business with people who do and expats living in the states. There seems to be a subset of Brits that feel like they really need to "pour it on" when dealing with Americans for whatever reason.

    Yankees have a reputation of being more polite to english speaking foreigners (Canadians don't count). If you have an accent, use it.

  • Jolly Roger (unregistered) in reply to Endangered Thodomite Unicorn
    Endangered Thodomite Unicorn:
    We demand equal righth! TDWTF has ecthpelled uth from our natural habitat merely becuth we like to thodomithe each other with our hornth!

    Give uth back our land! Thelebrate diverthity!

    captcha: nah - even thodomite unicornth aren't that gay

    zuensis is back!!

  • Someone (unregistered) in reply to some dude who was passing by
    some dude who was passing by:
    100,000Pounds for 6 months work in the software industry sounds cheap to me. Let's call it $250,000 (we'll assume 2.5 dollars to the pound, for now).

    That's a very generous assumption when the exchange rate is about 0.63 GBP to 1 USD (1.6 USD to 1 GBP.)

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