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Then I have your first entry!
See http://myeve.eve-online.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=488268 where some EVE Online players complained about, uh, the "quality" of the new Russian localization...
Ship signature radius - РАДИУС ПОДПИСИ Turret signature resolution - РАЗРЕШЕНИЕ ПОДПИСИ “Signature” has been translated in a meaning, used in such a phrase – “we need your signature on that paper”. РАЗРЕШЕНИЕ ПОДПИСИ phrase means «permission to [give your] sign». Let’s look at “navigation circle” in the middle of screen. We see there, for example статус щита xxx из xxx (right) статус брони xxx из xxx (right) статус СООРУЖЕНИЯ xxx из xxx (wrong) “Structure” translated in its meaning “building”, ”construction”, ”installation” (“сооружение”) in Russian it sound like if you called ship’s structure by “house”. etc, etc
and my favorite: Jump clones - "прыжковые клоны" - “jumping clones”. ROFLMAO
Nice choice, "Are you worse then failure" for the url and "What the f**k are you" for the xml.
How about wtf.worsethanfailure.com?
I was like 'wtf' when I saw Русский before this annoucement
So how do you say "WTF" in Rusky?
I'm sure all the articles are going to be something like:
Today I sent out 110,000,000,000 paypal phishing mails and one recipient actually emailed me back to ask what his password is! As if banks would actually tell you!"
CAPTCHA: резервирование
Wait, wait, I thought Alex was on vacation!
Quick! Cancel the OMGWTFBBQ at Alex's house immediately.
Oh wait a minute, he's posting this from Moscow right? That must be where he went for vacation.
I volunteer to do the English version
There fixed that for ya.
I'd translate into Dutch, but the problem is that that's not really needed, since most Dutch [especially in IT] read English pretty well (writing it however :D). For the selfsame reason, I'm surprised with the German variant.
In Soviet Russia, WTF reads YOU!
... that was probably too easy.
If there's demand, I can see aboot doing a Canadian version, eh?
That would make a good Warp Drive Active comic. www.warpdriveactive.com (warning: content consists of in-jokes for eve players)
That sounds like they used a program to do the translation: http://www.jir.com/pullet.html
From now on I am going to refer to my jumpclones at "jumping clones".
Nobody has posted the most obvious joke!
In mother Russia, Worse Than fails you!
(feel free to replace that with the other WTF acronym)
I believe a monkey actually did the translation so that statement is technically incorrect.
CAPTCHA: vodka - weird!!!
Damn, the redirection sure works oddly here..
Click that, see what you get!
Now THAT is a WTF.
Makes me think of what my processor told me about a old English to Russian translation program:
“The spirit is willing, goal the flesh is week” go to Russian and back again: “The vodka is good, goal the meet is rotten”
Makes me think of what my processor told me about a old English to Russian translation program:
“The spirit is willing, but the flesh is week” go to Russian and back again: “The vodka is good, but the meet is rotten”
Russian: Почитал, хорошо переводят, все кто критикует - едут в жопу. English: Read the Russian version. The translations seem to be fine, so, if you don't like it - go play in traffic.
CAPTCHA: alarm
I could do a Finnish version, although who really needs 2^32 translations of the same story.
I can do a Portuguese version. Any Brazilians in the audience?
Русский: Если че, могу помогать с переведом время от времени. Хотя вроде и так все в порядке. English: If need be, can help with translating to Russian. Through it seems the translations are fine anwyay.
Очень интересный.
I don't think that launching localized subsidiaries of TDWTF counts as vacation, dude.
While it pleases me to learn the correct Russian translation of "Codethulu", I can't help but wonder how bad the WTF submissions will look like when they've been translated from Russian AND anonymized into VB.net.
It's funny how the site adds a language after a post on translation. NOW THAT'S A WTF!
Would love to see a french version..
What's with the URL for this post? http://worsethanfailure.com/Comments/Announcement-WTF-in-RuBian!.aspx
RuBian? :P
Well if you really want to know, the server software replaces ss with a German ligature ß that looks similar to B, then replaces that with B.
THANK YOU, Evgeniy! I like the Russian version of the site already, and will be reading both the Russian and English versions of the website. The only suggestion I want to make is to translate the logo into Russian as well. Here is how I would translate it:
ХУЖЕ, ЧЕМ ПРОВАЛ Примечательные извращения информационных технологий
Unfortunately, I don't have Photoshop, so I can't send Alex a picture of what the logo would look like.
In Soviet Russia, system WTF YOU!
Omg neat feature! Reminds me of all the useful features of PHP! </sarcasm>
I grew up bilingual, French and German. So which one is it?
BTW, I know what WTF translates to in both languages. grin.
I hope the highlights of the other language versions (FTW - Foreign-Topic What The F$@%s?) will be translated and cross-posted...
Would someone team up to publish a french one ? I probably wouldn't have the time to translate everything by myself, but if we're two or three, "c'est tout à fait possible" :-)
Pourquoi pas?
As long as we get cut some slack wrt time zone difference between EST and CET and we don't have to translate the comments.... hehe.
As I said above, why not? Count me in.
the germans dont like english, that's why they overdub all movies/tv-shows with german voices.
Us Germans like English a LOT! There's no other explanation for the growing amount of (pseudo-)English vocabulary in the German language! Examples?
Handy => cell phone (supposed to sound English - not the correct word, however) Handy Shop => where you buy cell phones (...) Handy's => more than one (please note the incorrect use of "'s" for the plural form) Sale => Sale (I suppose those 80 yo grannies still wonder what that is) Eiscream => Icecream (a wonderful mixture of German and English)
You see, most of us speak "Denglish" pretty well, so not to worry... There's no need for a German site really... Also, we're talking about IT guys here - we hardly speak any German anymore!
The reason why we overdub is that we're Germans, not English! Think of the poor 80 yo grannies - no Inglisch, no good reeed subtitle...
Hm, anyone interested in slovenian version? :)
It appears you have been "Russian" to get this out on time!
I'm creating a google address for coordination purposes:
fr dot worsethanfailure at gmail dot com
If Alex wants to contact us to direct us on how to set this (the french version, not the e-mail :P ) up, i'm all eyes ;-)
Taz, contact me on this address too.
I'm at work, but will be available in around 4 hours.
Au plaisir de traduire ensemble ;-)
OMG I figured it out!
This is the reason for the name change. You can't really make a franchise from "What the Fuck" but you can from "Worse Than Failure".
This trumps the grandma reason 100%.
Awesome catch, simply awesome.
I could help with a german version... but I (as others said already) don't think that it's necessary as most germans (especially in IT) understand english quite well.
Sure, we're overdubbing movies in foreign languages. Because we can! You can't compare german dubbing-studios to any other in the world. German media dubbed to english just sucks. Since I've heard such I can understand why in most countries dubbing is hated. The speakers just don't get it right. Germany is virtually the only country in the world with capable voice actors ;-)
I like watching movies with original sound though, keeps me focused on foreign languages.