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Funny, I thought he'd fixed that after the first classics week post. I guess he just added a special case for "ClaBics-Week".
I saw Coming to America when I was in Germany many years ago. It was hilarious to see Eddie Murphy dubbed over in German. Perhaps the voice acting has improved since then.
Personally I like to watch foreign films with subtitles. I guess in my mind, voice actors can never quite replicate the original inflection. Say, for Crouching Tiger... I believe some of the actors did their own voice overs for the English version, but for some reason the original Mandarin has the most emotional impact. A lot of people complain about subtitles because they say they miss the action or find them distracting, but subtitles don't bother me at all. And plus, in Hong Kong films at least, often the voices are mismatched in terms of timbre and inflection vs. the actors appearance.
And there's always that one high-pitched, gimpy male voice... usually given to a sub-henchman of the main villain. That voice bothers me.
No, the jump you made to "find and replace" is WTF.
Try the following:
http://bobvila.worsethanfailure.com http://hruv.worsethanfailure.com http://ruru.worsethanfailure.com http://ru.worsethanfailure.com
(FYI, I know both Cantonese and German. I have also watched Hollywood movies dubbed in German. So, I can compare them.)
IMHO it would be smth like: "Что за нах?"
I agree, that there is no real need for a german version, for the reasons you've just stated.
It may even be true that in average a german will be able to communicate in english rather well compared to some other countries. But there are countries which are more advanced like Holland.
You may also be right, that a lot of dubbed german movies may suck (assuming the movie itself doesnt). But I have to say that when movies in english or other languages are dubbed into german a lot gets lost in translation no matter how competent the translators or voice actors (the latter have usually very annoying voices IMO). I started to realize that after watching series and movies in the original version and later happened to see them on german tv. Soooo much gets lost, may it be a joke or some rather sophisticated line. For instance, I like "Scrubs" but I cannot bear watch it in german. It is simply not funny and some people do not understand what the bug fuzz about it is. Scrubs is a good example as it heavily depends on the dialogues. So I wonder if it isn't just the same as if I was watching a german movie in english. I'm afraid to find out how much is left out in the english translation of "the life of others" for example. It may still be enjoyable but a lot will be kept from the audience.
Go to http://thedailywtfthedailywtfthedailywtf.worsethanfailure.com/Default.aspx - you'll find yourself at http://worsethanfailureworsethanfailureworsethanfailure.worsethanfailure.com/Default.aspx.
Captch: doom
I agree with swapo who said that in Germany we have some of the best dubbing studios/actors in the world - I once saw the famous German police series "Derrick" dubbed in Spanish and couldn't believe what I heard: One bored Spanish guy just reading the lines - ONE! For all the characters!! blink
On the other hand I was pretty frustrated when I watched "Southpark" in German after having been to the US for three weeks. In German its simply not funny compared to the English original.
So, I also agree with all the others saying that the text loses its original charm when being translated and - even though there are some really good matches - you rarely get the same voices.
Yet - you don't miss what you don't know, do you? And what do I care about the original Mandarin if I don't understand one word they are saying?
russian WWW site is not linked to russian RSS !
When You click to subscibe-to-RSS button of browser - you get intp English newsfeed instead of russian one!
I wish for the original Russian content in English.