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I'll be the Fist! to get one.
Why would someone want to stop reading because of a name change? Especially when the content hasn't. Seems petty to me.
WTF? Slightly US-centric, non, with no country field?
CATCHPA: bathe. Y'think it's giving me a hint?
Lisa: I admit Sergeant Skinner seems okay, but Mr. Tanzarian pulled himself up from the streets and earned our respect and admiration. Bart: What about his name? Lisa: His name doesn't matter. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Bart: Not if you called them stench blossoms. Homer: Or crapweeds. Marge: I'd sure hate to get a dozen crapweeds for Valentine's Day. I'd rather have candy. Homer: Not if they were called scumdrops!
Captcha: Dubya. Ironic? Perhaps not.
Dang, I really would have loved a DailyWTF sticker, but the Worse Than Failure one... I'll pass, even at the low low price of free. Sorry, it's just awkward looking, sounding, reading...
No, Alex just hates everybody not from America. WTF actually stands for "worse than foreigners".
As I've written in the commentaries of the form, I'll continue to read The Daily 'Worse Than Failure' even if it doesn't include the F-word in it's title.
Why would I care ? I ain't paying anything for this excellent service !
Oye! How can you forget the international readers?
Captcha:vern (like Vern & Dern ?)
The way I see it, the name change is "only an official one". It always has and always will be "The Daily What The F***" for me.
Was "The Daily WTF (Old name)" bought out or something? All these changes seems way to much like it.
And its petty to choose to drink Pepsi because Micheal Jackson sang about it (and then later to stop because you realized that it was Micheal Jackson), or to drink a particular beer because of which cute girls were playing pool in this months ad.
But the name change is problematic for more then just petty marketing reasons (though I can understand why that is enough for some)
Some adds are OK, even some inline affiliate base links are acceptable, but changing the brand to attract grandma is just stupid. If you are made uncomfortable by people joking about the size of dead peoples wangs, then don't hang out in morticians bars. If you dont like to hear about tazering drunks, don't hang out in cop bars. If "What the fuck?" is somehow insulting to you, grow the fuck up, or just dont hang around the Daily What The Fuck.
Sure, there are some petty asshats who left only because of the name change, but to others, it is a symptom of this shift to appease the masses. Its a niche market, and you are pissing off the niche to get more customers. It should come as no surprise that the niche is a bit miffed.
Captcha: sanitaruim how apropos. There is a lesson here.
Nice layout. Let me break out my Xacto and ruler, and I can take the moronic new name right off the bottom and have a perfectly good WTF sticker.
RSS still points to thedailywtf.com, so, um, do let us know when you update the feed.
Pretty pathetic that so many douchebags care enough about what a website is named to stop visiting it. The only people who have that kind of time on their hands to piss and moan are middle-aged virgins who still live in their parents' basements anyway, so no big loss. Seriously, get a life and don't browse it anymore if you hate it that much. I, for one, will continue to read no matter what it's called. Keep up the good work!
I want my sticker!! I don't care if you call it We Feel Tired. I need my sticker.. wah-wah-waaaah!
I haven't even seen that the name and the url had changed... Anyway although I prefer "The daily WTF", I won't stop read it (of course.)
I don't like the new name either. But as long as the content doesn't change I will still read the site! Don't worry about the vocal people being dicks Alex, it's your site and your choice of name for it. Thanks for this website, it brings many laughs to otherwise dreary work days.
Same site, different name...
Although I will be PISSED if I don't get a sticker. I'll probably just lose it under the microwave or something, but it kills me to miss out on free stuff.
Rose by any name still has thorns.
Don't worry I won't stop visiting. :)
Lame, dude. Lame.
If I can get one, it will go on my awesome sticker board... I think that over time the new name will become more popular, because it is more accessible.
Why can't you just leave it at WTF? If you are looking for domain names then use ITWTF.com seeing these are information technology WTFs.
First things were great here then a few years later 'services' were for sale.. now the name is PMRC'd.
I don't intentionally come here any less than I used to, but I definitley don't check everyday anymore.
Amen to that!
Is grandma happy now? Come on, Alex.. do you really think this is enough to separate you from your dirty past of running thedailywtf.com, where the F means... gasp... I'm afraid to let the word even leave my lips.
We all know what you did, Alex. And we will never forget. Forgive perhaps, but never forget.
Canadian here. I'm keep reading it off Bloglines, but I'm here.
I'll take a sticker if it doesn't have the (lame) phrase "Worse Than Failure" on it. Meaning, just the "WTF" and the face.
I'm not for the name change, were it something different. I'm sorry, but "Worse Than Failure" is amazingly lame.
Well, traffic can't be too bad - they're sold out for the day already.
I personally think he changed it because all the bizarre Google ads that came up because of the word Frak, umm err Froook... eh Fuuuuud umm Felonius no no no Fark nein! Fubar uggg Foo File Fude Fcuk Fram Frat Free Frie Foek... Shit damned it I just can't swear online.
Come on now, don't be so daft. A lot of these guys are in their 20's as well.
Although it is true that no one here pays Alex directly to be able to read the articles and comment, if enough people leave, I'm sure this would put a noticable dent in the ad revenue he receives.
I personally think he should have kept the name as it was, since that described the articles perfectly. If he wanted to leave out the profanity, he should have just called it "thedailywhatthe", or something, since I usually just react with "what the?!" when seeing the snippets. Worse than failure doesn't always match the theme of the stories posted.
Well, that's my $0.02 anyways.
So I guess I should feel lucky that I snagged the old logo and had it imprinted on my very own mug. Maybe it will be worth a lot of money some day ;)
The changed wtf to worse than failure not appease your grandmother but to appease bosses and employers, who filter what people look at during work. WTF sadly enough is filtered by employers. Hence now a certain percent of employees can now read the wtf, (it's the same thing)it's just tricking the machine. I give em props for that.
Actually, I mostly stopped reading when the RSS feeds went to a short summary. There's not enough in the feed to entice me into an extra click, so I almost always just skim the scant text that's there and move on to the next tasty bit of reading.
I personally think you should change your name to "useless complainer" because that describes you (and many others) perfectly. Why all this vitrol over the NAME of a website which entertains you for FREE? What if the site had originally been called "Clippy's Magic Funhouse"? Nobody would be complaining about a name change. Just because Alex has decided to distance himself from a phrase containing an obscenity (which, by the way, is often blocked by filters) doesn't change anything else about the site. Tell you what, why don't you just scroll down past the masthead and pretend it still says "The Daily WTF".
Verrry clever, placate the mutinous masses with freebies. OK, I'll sellout. Worse Than Failure it is!
MARKETING! Am I going to sell my soul for a sticker?? AM I?????
...am I? :S
again this is childish ... most people there said that they would still come here...
may be you could name it the daily worsethanfailure ... we could abbreviate that to thedailywtf.com in the url .. you would no longer be ashamed from sponsors and grannys.. may be you could hide the long form completely ... so no one has to see it... we all would kow thedailywtf means truly thedailyworsethanfailure ...
The name of your website should be thedailywtf.com. With wtf as in "what the fuck".
I'm sticking around on two conditions: first: I'm not updating my bookmark, I want to continue using thedailywtf.com, and secondly, I'm not getting a cheesy sticker.
Once thedailywtf.com dies I'm outta here!
Captcha: Gedoon is the most coolest dude on earth and just slightly gay - wow, that's amazing, these are like fortune cookies! ;)
My intention is to get one, then cut off the words. Just the face and "WTF" is enough for me. I'll tape it to my whiteboard just to make my co-workers ask "WTF?!"
I'm not angry. I'm not even going to stop reading it.
But the name change is a bad move. The name did matter; it conveys the whole culture and attitude of the site. When you see code that is that bad you know where to post it.
"worse than failure" just doesn't have the same effect.
Its your site; you can do this if you want, but after doing this I wouldn't expect the same level of refferals.
Since when did I express vitriol towards the name change? I only gave reasons why I thought the old name was better, and didn't say or demand that he should change it back, or issue idle threats. You would notice if you read my post the profanity within it didn't concern me either.
As long as the daily updates are still good, I'll still read the site regardless.
My comment was aimed at the whole anti-new-name crowd. I just liked the format of your post, so I parodied it. Sorry for implicating you as one of the "useless complainers".
Also, while I'm here, rejected new names.
I liked the daily WTF because it had a cool edge to it - kind of a gritty in the trenches type meme. The switch makes the site seem like it's being intentionally sanitized for the masses. This loses the some of the original appeal for me. Also I think (right or wrong) people, myself included inherently do not like change.
An advantage though is Alex and Co won't necessarily be on the hook to post daily.
Will I continue to read? Like another poster said if the original domain reference goes away then I'll probably not pursue it further. It's been fun and I do appreciate all the hard work that goes into this.
It's not completely fair for people to say that since we're getting this for "free" we're not entitled to an opinion after all our submissions drive this site don't they?
I want a free sticker. I don't care about any of this debate. Just give me a sticker.
Oh, I love this site.
And I still don't care. But, I might be one to actually think the name change is good. It'll keep me from having to explain to my in-laws and kids. Heck, the change might even let you through the stingy corporate content filter (lol).
Are all noob's comments going to question the name and say: how come you didn't name it "what the fuck" and "worse than failure"?
This is a classic example of the bad name change.