• barbara (unregistered)

    ... but it's not funny anymore ...

    bad idea, imho - I predict that you won't draw in nearly as many new readers after this

  • (cs)

    Otherwise, you can change the 2mail title" to somting like "IT perversions" (or else) and keep daily WTF as subtitle, maybe with bad eyes your grandma can't see it ;-)

  • Robb (unregistered)

    I have really enjoyed this site over the years, well, year. I must say that I found the forking off of the code snippets to the CSOD a bit disheartening - code was an important part of so many good WTF's.

    Alex, you could have told your grandmother it stands for "What the frak/freak/fudge. The old title was the perfect name for this blog. The new name, well, let's just say that it describes itself (the name, not the blog) very, very accurately :-(

    So it with a bit of sadness that I now unsubscribe from this once-treasured RSS feed. Farewell and goodnight.

  • Ahnfelt (unregistered) in reply to J
    First, this is not censorship. Censorship is when an official body such as the government comes in and declares that you aren't allowed to say or write certain things. This is a voluntary move away from what the site owner considers to be a vulgarity.

    It's called self-censorship. The reasons for the name change suggests an acceptance of this practice. Who can approve of that?

    Besides, I liked the old name because 'wtf' is, for me, exactly describing the kind of curiosity and annoyance that fills my mind when finding this kind of code.

    The new name is very tame (and as someone noted, more fitting for an emo band), and doesn't sum up the contents of the site.

    I don't know if it'll make me visit the site less frequently; but it's quite probable that I won't be recruiting any new readers.

  • Geoff (unregistered)

    [...] "yeah, I still write Worse Than Failure."

    WTF? Such self-deprecation!

    I'd have written "yeah, I still write 'Worse Than Failure'." ;)

  • Moose (unregistered)

    I was on an interview once and was asked, "what sites do you frequent". Immediately out of my mouth comes, "thedailywtf"!!! Awkwardness ensued, but I recovered nicely. I think the rename is a good thing.

  • jud (unregistered) in reply to whiny wee bastard
    whiny wee bastard:
    I also wanted to add that BOFH would be ashamed.

    Second that.

  • unlimitedbullshit (unregistered)

    as the owner of the unlimitedbullshit domain I have to simply say WTF..

    If I had other ideas kicking around I would get other domains, not change one that already worked

  • jud (unregistered) in reply to unlimitedbullshit
    as the owner of the unlimitedbullshit domain
    will you be carrying wtfs?
  • Simon (unregistered)

    What the FUCK? Are you kidding us? This is going downhill, man.

    I'm deleting you from my bookmark list right now.

  • Donald Trump (unregistered)

    You're fired.

  • Hmm (unregistered)

    The new name is worse than failure. The other wtf thing was waaaaay better...

    PS: Wtf, this CAPTCHA software is cool - "slashdot" !!!

  • Simon (unregistered) in reply to thedailywtfisanawesomenameandbrand
    Ads - OK Occasional self promotion - OK Bean bag girl - Totally hot Name change - Fucking lame
    100% ACK
  • (cs)

    I think the new name is worse. Psychologically just having the words "worse" and "failure" in the URL is a very bad thing.

    I would like to see http://thedailywtf.com/ still load the site, but for it to detect the hostname used and customise the branding accordingly.

    Don't underestimate the power of TheDailyWTF brand, and remember who your core audience is (or were).

  • John Robo (unregistered) in reply to b0red


  • Finn (unregistered)

    Also posting for the very first time - and only to second "wtf"'s opinion on the first page:

    "When I used to tell a friend about this site, they'd get a kick out of the name and that alone would make them want to check it out."

    Sums my experience up perfectly.

    Goodbye, TDWTF. Finn.

  • Daniel Soderberg (unregistered)

    First time poster.

    Last time poster.

    I won't be back.

  • rob enderle (unregistered)

    So you renamed it so your grandma wont be embarassed?

    What next? Are you gonna remove nekkid women as well? Maybe granny likes bald clams.\

    Oh wait,...I was thinking of wtfpeople.com.

    No titties here? Never mind.

  • eyrieowl (unregistered)

    not that it matters, clearly, but...tres lame. the old name so much more perfectly captured the sentiments we feel when we see ridiculous code. i have never ever said, "omg this code is worse than failure!" i'd expect to be immediately laughed at if i did. but, "what the fuck is up with this code? it's totally fucked up!" that's what we say, and i thought you knew that....

  • pffft (unregistered)

    the only reason you are changing the name liar is because you've become too big for your britches, and are hoping if you kiss enough ass you will find a wider audience. It just means you will tone down the site to appease the most people (and turn the website to utter shit, like all money grubbing bitches.

  • Kuci (unregistered) in reply to Nik
    I've been following these for about a year now, and I've recruited a readers.

    I can safely say that the main reason they didn't file TheDailyWTF.com under "just another funny-wannabe' blog" is because the name was pretty intriguing. Then after reading one of the articles they all thought it fit perfectly. It did. The new one's silly.

    Agreed! Everyone I've shown this site to immediately had the reaction: "the daily wtf? that's hilarious" and most, just because of that, gave it a shot and still read it.

  • (cs)

    Alex, I think the change sucks. thedailyWTF is perfect and it is not a vulgarity. It is an acronym. It can stand for many things. It could stand for "what's this for?" or "what the frig" or "worse than failure" or whatever you want it to stand for. Admittedly, in most people's minds, it stands for "what the f**k" but each person's definition is determined by themselves. I like it because it is a bit ambiguous but obvious at the same time.

    Also, the acronym "wtf" is perfect for programmers. Especially when you are trying to fix someone else's busted code.

    Considering the workplace, I think that profanity is acceptable as long as it is used sparingly and in appropriate situations, ESPECIALLY when used in a acronyms such as NFG ("no f***ing good").

    Couldn't you just leave it as thedailyWTF and then on the "about" page note that the acronym stands for "worse than failure?" Then we could all just think of it as sarcasm, kinda like when Naughty by Nature said the OPP stood for "Other people's property" but we all knew what it really stood for.

    Changing the name is a weak move.

  • (cs) in reply to DaveE1
    Changing the name is a weak move.

    Couldn't agree more. You'll basically have to decide at some point what the target audience for your site is going to be, and by changing the name, you've just alienated a large part of the "hardcore" regulars, who've come to respect you because of the name, not despite it.

    I personally don't care much about the name change, but "recruiting" new ("hardcore") regulars from the industry to read worsethanfailure.com is, as others have already said, going to be a largely futile task, because the name doesn't cater to them anymore. Neither does it cater to me, and as others have said, I'm going to keep calling it The Daily WTF, no matter what happens here.

    Anyway, I'll be following whether this is just the latest move in a general downward trend of this blog (which I've noticed from mid of last year already). That'll be the point when I'll decide to drop reading this blog, or not.

  • Quicksilver (unregistered)

    oh please please name it back...

    whats so bad about wtf? your granny has brought some cildren to the world in her life ... she knows what fuck means ... where is the problem with it? its not a bad word...

    its a bit to early for bad april first jokes... and if you were a company this renameing announcement would have been presented on thedailywtf.com because it is so hillarious ... imagine Apple renameing itself because Jobs granny always thinks her son goes to the market for selling fruits..

  • Garo (unregistered)

    I also don't like the name change.

    If you really dont like the word "fuck", then replace it with Frack, which I've started to use latelly.

  • Paul X (unregistered) in reply to b0red

    First of all the Daily WTF was a great, irreverent name.

    Secondly renaming it to Worst than Failure is along the same lines as spelling FUBAR FOOBAR. It's just wrong.

    Thirdly and finally Worse Than Failure is just a lame name, sorry, but it's rubbish.

  • Mio (unregistered) in reply to swapo
    I recently had an similar situation about what WTF stands for. I like the new Backronym, keep up the good work (and I should send in some WTFs myself...).
    also, shouldn't that be website.renameTo() instead of Website.RenameTo()?
    Not if you're from the .NET-World as Alex obviously is, they use some really WTFish naming conventions over there ;-)

    If he was really following .NET standards, this website should just expose a "Name" property. It should then be: Website.Name = "Worse Than Failure";

  • msgyrd (unregistered)

    What the fuck happened to my DailyWTF? Fuck this change. I think you just torpedoed your readership. If thedailywtf.com quits redirecting, I won't be back.

    Captcha: ewww (that adequately describes this name change)

  • Raph (unregistered)

    Well, if the name change is a WTF in itself, that means that it is a complete success ! The story folding into itself ! A mirroring WTF which makes us disappear in a puff of logic !

    I agree with those who say that the old name was part of the identity of the site. To the ones who decided to say goodbye: hey, fuck, were you here just because you liked having that name once a day on your screen, or was it for the contents ?

    Old-time readers will still be able to say "WTF", while the new ones will be happy to find a new meaning to the acronym made by "worse than failure".

    captcha: sanitarium. Still damn context-based !

  • Dave (unregistered)


  • vlekk (unregistered)

    Congrats on the name change. I think it shows class and discernment.

    -- vlekk

  • Baldrin (unregistered)

    "Worse than failure". Man that is so awesome! Next we should no allow people of color to post because some of our grandparents group up in a time when people of color had their own place to do their own thing. Because I really hate explaining to my grandpa that I read forums were people of different ethnicities can write uncensored opinions about people making stupid technical decisions.

    Seriously though. Grow a pair of nuts and change it back to What The Fuck.

  • micah (unregistered)

    this is terrible. why even continue to use "WTF" when you are so upset by it's vulgar origins? replacement words/phrases said in the same context are just as vulgar and foul. "worse than failure" has lost the vote. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot FTW!!!!

  • OpBaI_who_lost_his_PW (unregistered) in reply to fennec

    "The real WTF is still the forum software."?

    No, you have to now write "Really, the forum software is still WTF."

    Just a simple syntactic change...

  • Micirio (unregistered)

    I also don't like the new name.

  • rupert0 (unregistered)

    wtfuniversity.com would have been great...

  • Dissappointed (unregistered) in reply to ikebowen

    All I have to say is:

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  • absolutegorickydotmd (unregistered) in reply to barbara

    I hope you make a lot of money selling the old domain. You have just begun the death phase of your website. Without "WTF" you have no product and no idea. My condolences.

  • Joseph Newton (unregistered) in reply to Quicksilver
    oh please please name it back...

    whats so bad about wtf? your granny has brought some cildren to the world in her life ... she knows what fuck means ...

    That doesn't necessarily follow. Of course, it all depends on the kind of people you associate with. Most of my women friends find the association of sex with that word quite offensive--it has connotations of male domination, violence, or, as in the case of the items posted here, contempt, disdain, or incoherent rage.

    I am not fond of the new title, either, though. It doesn't say much to me. Nevertheless, I think most of the posts on this thread are pretty immature. There is some substace in the arguments about branding, but attachment to a word that is utterly lacking in meaning is a pretty strong indication to me that the people posting such kvetches are not part of the intelligent target audience this site was originally intended to appeal to. Likewise the almost ubiquitous use of psuedonyms by those screaming most loudly--and accusing Alex of cowardice. Now that is a true WTF!

    [Captcha: quake--presumably what Alex should do before the wrath of the gutter crowd]

  • Me (unregistered) in reply to Sell out!

    Wow... you are so cool and mature. What a true provocateur and innovator! I wish I could be just like you!! NOT

  • Anon (unregistered) in reply to pinkduck
    Don't underestimate the power of TheDailyWTF brand, and remember who your core audience is (or were).
    If the core audience "was" dorks who get their panties in a twist over such a trivial detail then, well, I'm sure they'll find asomeone else to satisfy their special needs.

    And driving away idiots may raise the average IQ of the eyeballs, and thus improve response to advertisments as they can be targetted at people who can keep a job. ;)

    Although the whole "I'll never read this site again! This is my first post, just wanted you guys to know that you have to change so I'll come back even though I'll never find out if you did change so there's no point" thing does have a certain amusement value. It would be itneresting to know how many of those geniuses actually keep their promises - there always seem to be a lot of "that WTF was so bad that I'll never read this site again even though I've been reading since the very start" posts, and there's a finite number of people who can make that claim.

  • GooglePageRank-Adsense (unregistered) in reply to Me

    What the FUCK?!?

    I doubt your pagerank will ever recover.

    Everyone who likes the old name start putting up lots of links to it, domain redirects are one of the biggest pagerank killers.

    I doubt your advertisers will appreciate that.

    (I see you're getting public service google ads now, that should be your first clue that something is badly wrong...)

  • brendan (unregistered)

    I actually like the old name better, If I was accessing this site for the first time, I wouldn't even bother reading the articles as the site would be "Worse Than Failure".

    Why change something that doesn't need to be changed.

  • Me (unregistered) in reply to wtf
    When I used to tell a friend about this site, they'd get a kick out of the name and that alone would make them want to check it out. "Worse Than Failure" sounds like a shitty local emo band or something. Very disappointing.

    I concur.

  • (cs) in reply to Me

    Why not go for:

    Granny/Boss/Priest: The Daily WTF? What does WTF stand for?

    You + Balls: "Worse Than Failure".

    Sweet Zombie Jesus Titty-Fucking Christ on a Unicycle - why do you have destroy a perfectly secret guilty pleasure of mine by making it all politically correct. We dont come here like its a legitimate news website.

    We skulk in here in the shadows between the shitty orders our superiors ruin our projects with to get a bit of a giggle over how it's not just us that have to bear this crap.

  • Hmmmmmm (unregistered)

    Well, a sad bit of self-censorship. A big shame, the name was catchy.

    Putting the subtitle as "What the fark" would have done, for goodness sakes. Who reads this site and doesn't know what wtf means? honestly? Would this ever appear in any other capacity? If it was going to start appearing in Newspapers or on a big news site, then it might warrant a change (but still, isn't the column BoFH still a regular at The Register? that never got its name changed...).

    Shame you won't even keep the old domain or name in any capacity. Why it needed to be changed anyway is a big question that you didn't answer either - the other "sections" are still "wtf"'s, and why the name wouldn't fit a coding contest, I've no idea. Kinda loses the point of the name now.

    Oh well, you might as well do what you like with it - its all your content of course. At least your grandma can be provided a full "U" grade explaination now.

  • D (unregistered) in reply to Joseph Newton
    Joseph Newton:
    oh please please name it back...

    whats so bad about wtf? your granny has brought some cildren to the world in her life ... she knows what fuck means ...

    That doesn't necessarily follow. Of course, it all depends on the kind of people you associate with. Most of my women friends find the association of sex with that word quite offensive--it has connotations of male domination, violence, or, as in the case of the items posted here, contempt, disdain, or incoherent rage.

    I am not fond of the new title, either, though. It doesn't say much to me. Nevertheless, I think most of the posts on this thread are pretty immature. There is some substace in the arguments about branding, but attachment to a word that is utterly lacking in meaning is a pretty strong indication to me that the people posting such kvetches are not part of the intelligent target audience this site was originally intended to appeal to. Likewise the almost ubiquitous use of psuedonyms by those screaming most loudly--and accusing Alex of cowardice. Now that is a true WTF!

    [Captcha: quake--presumably what Alex should do before the wrath of the gutter crowd]

    While your right in a lot of the posts are immature, they do express a valid concern that I'm not sure Alex has thought through. ANY time a company changes a brand, espically a well-loved cherished brand, there is the very real concern that they will alienate a good portion of their customers. If Alex is not able to retrieve his long term base of readers or find a new base of readers (for the WorseThenFailure site), then his blog is going to lanquish in obsurity with minimal readers. Much like a lot of blogs on the internet.

    While the profanity was not a "cherished" thing for me, it was what I was able to use to get other programmers to read the site. When I say "Visit the The Daily What The Fuck?, you'll love the code examples they put up", they would actually laugh and go to the site. Now I feel that if I say "Visit the Worse then Failure site. They have lots of code examples of bad code....." that I will get a luke-warm reception, and they may or may not go. I feel like a few posts already have said, I will probably still come, but I almost certainly won't be elicting anymore new readers. And will probably start looking else where for these type of blog entries.


  • Quicksilver (unregistered) in reply to Joseph Newton
    Joseph Newton:
    oh please please name it back...

    whats so bad about wtf? your granny has brought some cildren to the world in her life ... she knows what fuck means ...

    That doesn't necessarily follow. Of course, it all depends on the kind of people you associate with. Most of my women friends find the association of sex with that word quite offensive--it has connotations of male domination, violence, or, as in the case of the items posted here, contempt, disdain, or incoherent rage.

    no naturally it doesn't follow (except in transmogrified logic) also the things you are interpreting in the word are very culture based ... for example in an american background fuck can be used for nearly everything (ie get the fucking bread out of the fridge! )... while in other countrys it may be only used for the sexual, term if ever.. So please accept my view is diffrent than yours on that word.. Also I have learned that a lot of elder people seem to have less problems with talking about sex as younger ones think they have .. often its rather the younger ones that are so inhibited. But that may also change from culture to culture...

    but what we are here is geek culture isn't it... when I read wtf I don't think about fuck or any other meaning ... the meaning of wtf has nothing to do with fuck its just the curiosity I see when I come to this place..

    more mature or not I don't care... worseThanFailure simply sounds bad ... its not sounding as round as thedailywtf besides I feel discriminated ... I am treated like a child that is not allowed to read "fuck"... cowardice or what ever no .. this renameing is imho simply childish and very uptight ...

    Movie recommendation for the Mormons: Orgazmo (makes you less uptight) Catcha: Atari .. works also

    also I don't think people will leave this site because of the renaming ... though I think names have power .. I don't wan't to thing of this site as worsethanfailure ... uncool and bad karma

  • Troy Mclure (unregistered) in reply to Ahnfelt
    First, this is not censorship. Censorship is when an official body such as the government comes in and declares that you aren't allowed to say or write certain things. This is a voluntary move away from what the site owner considers to be a vulgarity.

    It's called self-censorship. The reasons for the name change suggests an acceptance of this practice. Who can approve of that?

    Besides, I liked the old name because 'wtf' is, for me, exactly describing the kind of curiosity and annoyance that fills my mind when finding this kind of code.

    The new name is very tame (and as someone noted, more fitting for an emo band), and doesn't sum up the contents of the site.

    I don't know if it'll make me visit the site less frequently; but it's quite probable that I won't be recruiting any new readers.

    Dont be such a drama queen. Do you honestly visit the site b/c it had the word fuck in it or because you enjoy the content? Had they not made a thread about the name change I wouldnt have even noticed - thedailywtf.com forwards over to this new one.

    Seriously who gives a shit what its called?

  • Hotdog003 (unregistered)

    You'll need to register a new domain name, though.

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