• (disco) in reply to Steve_The_Cynic
    And now the X of Y thing says "43 of 32". Well done. Or, rather, it did, then it didn't.

    It happens in some topics here, and pressing "End" key on your keyboard multiple times seems to be the trigger. Or at least one of them.

    Welcome to Discourse.

  • (disco)

    Why does the window "pop under" every time I do anything?

    I miss being able to read in chronological order...

  • (disco) in reply to flwf
    Why does the window "pop under" every time I do anything?

    I miss being able to read in chronological order...

    You need to get rained in order to use discourse.

  • (disco) in reply to tin

    I've read the same posts 3 or 4 times now... this is fun.

  • (disco) in reply to flwf
    Why does the window "pop under" every time I do anything?
    If you're talking about the browser window disappearing underneath your other applications, it's because you're using Internet Explorer (for reasons I am unwilling to fathom at this time) and the Discourse developers apparently never tested with it.

    Use a different browser and it should behave better. At least with respect to that bug - other things may still randomly break in hilarious ways, but at least the window will stay on top so you can witness them in all of their glitchiness.

  • (disco) in reply to Quietust

    At work... IE only browser available... this helps my sanity...sigh

  • (disco) in reply to flwf

    IIRC the bug manifests only when Discourse is the only tab open.

  • (disco) in reply to oesor

    good to know... thanks.

  • (disco) in reply to Quietust
    and the Discourse developers apparently never tested with it.


    Do you know how fucking slow my system runs with two VMs, an IDE, and a web browser open? It's constantly swapping!

    • VM: Windows 8, to run IE - 2GB RAM
    • VM: Ubuntu Server in Vagrant, to run Discourse - 1GB RAM
    • IDE: A JetBrains one

    Idle RAM usage: 280MB from Chrome, 370MB from compiz, 67MB from Dropbox, and the rest add up to 4.8GB. My system has 8GB RAM.

    7763 - 4814 = 2948
    2948 - 2048 = 900
    900 - 1024 = -76

    Then subtract whatever the IDE uses from that (and it's Java, so...)

    Note that the display manager is one of the heavy RAM users - and it seems to get swapped out a lot when I'm doing this. Which means that my screen freezes.

    Hmm, I should probably renice it...

    Anyway, that's why I don't test in IE.

  • (disco) in reply to riking
    Anyway, that's why I don't test in IE.


  • (disco)

    Well, I am heartened.

    I am heartened that those of us who spent the last week on this site were not wrong - pretty much everyone hates it.

    If we have any chance of persuading Alex to back away from this train crash, please let him know your thoughts.

  • (disco)

    Gross, this is a step back. Hopefully, the issues that exist with this system are configurable and can be fixed.

  • (disco)

    WTF??? Is it April Fool's day? Nope. Has your site been hacked? I hope so. Serious, this thing that looks like the Ikea kids playroom and has Hindi text on some of the answers is the best TDWTF in weeks!!!

    Xander loves his cat food but not his new forums....

  • (disco) in reply to kmeixner

    showing my username rather than the alias it told me would be shown to others is a very nice touch too!

  • (disco) in reply to kmeixner
    showing my username rather than the alias it told me would be shown to others is a very nice touch too!

    click on the K, it shows both

  • (disco) in reply to chubertdev

    /facepalm ha ha!

  • (disco) in reply to chubertdev
    >kmeixner said: >showing my username rather than the alias it told me would be shown to others is a very nice touch too!

    click on the K, it shows both

    IIRC there are settings about what gets displayed.

    found a thing by @PJH about it: http://what.thedailywtf.com/t/frist-and-welcome/238/102

  • (disco) in reply to dhromed

    Wasn't that the original idea??? or I'm totally wrong.. now how do I know what is a conversation and what is just a reply to the original topic??

    I just lost track...

  • (disco)

    I'm staggered by the lack of a "frist" comment. This is why everyone is upset: they can't quote the CAPTCHA any more. Thank goodness.

  • (disco) in reply to Quietust
    using Internet Explorer (for reasons I am unwilling to fathom at this time) and the Discourse developers apparently never tested with it.
    @flwf We test very regularly with IE11. Not sure this `blur()` insanity applies to IE11. We do support IE9, but it's our absolute minimum browser and stuff may not work quite right.
  • (disco)

    So, nearly 24h and 65 posts later, one can summarize: 0 posts to the effect "discourse is great, keep it" And only 1 post that references one of todays article's topics.

    Suggestion for monday: just post the line "Discourse is still the comment system in use".

    More is not needed. After all, this is TDWTF.

  • (disco) in reply to riking
    and the Discourse developers apparently never tested with it.
    Do you know how fucking slow my system runs with two VMs, an IDE, and a web browser open? ... Anyway, that's why I don't test in IE.
    Quietust spoke of "Discourse developers" - that's the plural. So it doesn't matter how slow *your* system is under the load of various VMs as long as *other* Discourse developers test it on IE on a regular basis.

    Should, however, the prevailing mood at Discourse be of the quality "we don't use IE as a browser so we don't really care if Discourse is running smoothly on it or not" then that would be another (strong) reason not to use Discourse as a comments system.

    I don't use IE myself; but at work I'm developing for a wider audience, and I can't ignore the fact that a high percentage of that audience uses IE. So I test on IE. Fullstop.

    Bug report: And writing this post I found a bug: you can't make an individual letter in a word bold (e.g. Developers). And no, after reading plenty of comments regarding the bug tracking, I will not find out how to report that bug properly.

  • (disco) in reply to Steve_The_Cynic
    And now it tells me that I'm looking at "13 of 3". WTF, guys?
    Unfortunately @apapadimoulis deleted 10 initial posts above yours that you can't see. So right from the get-go there is a huge discrepancy between post *number* and visible posts.
  • (disco) in reply to end
    Unfortunately @apapadimoulis deleted 10 initial posts above yours that you can't see. So right from the get-go there is a huge discrepancy between post *number* and visible posts.
    Wouldn't it be better to show the number of *visible posts* to the audience and not the number of *posted posts*?

    The number of posted posts is an internal measure that normally is of no interest to the general public; the number of visible posts however is.

    So your reply comes across a bit like "this is the way we do it; if the audience doesn't understand it we will explain it but won't do anything about it".

    A better response would have been "Yup, displayed the wrong number, fixed it, shouldn't occur again".

  • (disco) in reply to faoileag

    The actual post numbers are absolute and can't change -- e.g. if you link me to "post 5 in this topic" and after you do that, Alex merrily deletes posts 1 and 2.. does clicking that link take me to a new, different post 5?

    It takes you to post 5, which is now visible post 3.

    The bug might be that after new post insertion, it's not counting visible posts the way it should be.

    Yep: confirmed on try.discourse.org -- just delete a bunch of initial posts, and compose a reply. Note that progress bar includes deleted posts after posting, even for users those posts would not be visible to. So @sam if you want things to fix, that's one of them. New post insertion is not counting visible posts correctly when it updates the progress bar.

  • (disco)

    Ah, now I get it. Ok, but then you've got a semantic problem: "X of Y" is usually read as "Post with index X in a total of Y" and not as "Post with id X from a total of Y posts".

    Perhaps it would be a good idea then to use a high startvalue for post ids? Like 1234567, and then counting up?

  • (disco) in reply to faoileag
    Perhaps it would be a good idea then to use a high startvalue for post ids? Like 1234567, and then counting up?
    I'm a fan of that sort of thing. Or using some sort of hash (encoded using a dense symbol alphabet). It discourages people from reading things into IDs that really aren't there.
  • (disco)

    I like this mostly, but I can't search! Literally I hit Ctrl + F to try and search the page and it just falls over and dies, just me?

  • (disco) in reply to faoileag
    Bug report: And writing this post I found a bug: you can't make an individual letter in a word bold (e.g. Developer**s**). And no, after reading plenty of comments regarding the bug tracking, I will not find out how to report that bug properly.

    That's apparently a markdown thing. I know that in some places it's critical. You can, however, drop to html tags in this case.

  • (disco) in reply to jmk

    You're supposed to use the search box. When you're in topic, the box works against the topic. Discourse unloads posts from the DOM when you scroll past them. It also doesn't display posts until they are about to come into view so CTRL + f has pretty limited use.

    There's been talk that they might hijack that key combo into search, but IDK what the outcome of those discussions were - pagination @sam and @codinghorror

  • (disco) in reply to rad131304

    Very cool, I could see that being pretty intuitive if they got it right

  • (disco)

    The picture at https://thedailywtf.com/images/14/q2/e115/Pic-1.png (silly picture limitations)

    I assume this has something to do with the daylight saving time. 02:00 occured essentially twice, therefore it's drawn two times. Everything is fine with picture.

  • (disco)

    I think we can safely say; TRWTF is deciding that the best forum/commenting software to implement of a site frequented by those sick of having to deal with ass-backward software... is fucking Discourse.

  • (disco) in reply to psuedonymous

    I think that we can safely agree on that, yes. Doesn't look as if it's going to make any difference, though :frowning:

  • (disco)

    TDWTF was already about 10 years behind in user experience, BUT it worked. And we were happy.

    Now it's only 3 years behind and it looks like a bunch of bullshit.

    Instead of changing writers and getting better article content, they decided to "fix" the one thing that was working well.


  • (disco) in reply to rad131304
    You're supposed to use the search box.
    Or the hot key / which _does_ work quite well. (We've not yet really tried pounding the search infrastructure, but it doesn't seem to be a problem once you get away from using Ctrl+F.)
  • (disco)

    I will say, though, I was just saying the other day that I wish I could like people's comments.

    So at least there's that...

  • (disco) in reply to dkf

    Like vim, cool

  • (disco) in reply to jmk
    Like vim, cool

    Yeah. You can also use J and K to scroll down or up by a post.

  • (disco) in reply to jmk
    Like vim, cool


    :wq! doesn't work.

  • (cs) in reply to anonymous
    The paper comes out printed side down, so the real question is why they were printing on the back of an 8.5x11 photograph.

    Connecting to Global Service Assurance Live Help... Connected!

    Singh, Baljeet :: Hello, I am from Global Service Assurance, how can I help you today?

    Bailey, Justin :: We have a problem with our printer, and I was told I have to submit before maintenance will investigate.

    Singh, Baljeet :: Hello Justin, I can help you with your request. I have created a ticket for you, #IM102955. Before dispatching local services, I will need to troubleshoot the problem remotely. Can you describe the problem?

    Bailey, Justin :: The printer won't print in color. I don't think it's a color printer, but your website said it was.

    Singh, Baljeet :: I see. I will try to diagnose this problem, but can you first describe for me what you mean by "printer"?

    Bailey, Justin :: It's a device... we have it plugged into our computer.

    Singh, Baljeet :: I am not familiar with this device. Can you describe its purpose?

    Bailey, Justin :: It prints things... which we then put in boxes to fill an eight-meter gap?

    Singh, Baljeet :: I see. This will be challenging to remotely diagnose, so I will dispatch local services to help resolve this problem.

  • (disco) in reply to HaximusPrime

    Couldn't be any worse than this piece of crap, could it?

  • (disco) in reply to tin
    HaximusPrime said: I CAN'T WAIT TO TRY ALEX'S SOFTWARE.

    Couldn't be any worse than this piece of crap, could it?

    This is what I don't get. I HAVE tried Alex's software (BuildMaster), and it's good. It all makes sense, looks fine, works as software-in-a-webpage as you'd expect. It isn't EASY to use per se, but it was a version a few versions back AND it's a hugely complex development tool that does something nothing else does. As opposed to, y'know, a forum. Which shouldn't need a training session. =(

  • (disco)

    And I also don't get the hate for nested quotes. Like so many, many things Discourse does wrong, nested quotes: a) worked b) are widely used c) provide useful context d) everyone knows how to use them e) everyone expects them to work, and gets bitten by them not working

    Yes, people abused nested quotes occasionally. But that was a social problem, for which there was a social solution: we called those people assholes, told them to stop it and if they didn't, ShadowMod would change their post. We were able to communicate just fine with nested quotes. Hell, it even lead to some pretty funny "reply with one small change" type threads. Who would had thunk-- when you don't restrict how people communicate, they are able to communicate. And when there are many ways to do something, people will do them all and even combine them together to find new ways of communicating that the software wasn't designed for, but did anyways.

    For fuck's sake, why does Discourse try to shape the way in people communicate. In fact, you know what-- I'm calling it. I'm saying this is the entire thing Discourse is doing wrong. Here, let me make that a Law:

    Lorne's First Law of Social Software: Users will discover methods of communication possible by the software, by design or not. All of these methods are correct. Corollary to Lorne's First Law: Methods of communication cannot be predicted or dictated by the software or its developers.

  • (disco) in reply to Lorne_Kates
    For fuck's sake, why does Discourse try to shape the way in people communicate.
    Agree, but that's Discourse's mission statement.


    The goal of the company we formed, Civilized Discourse Construction Kit, Inc., is exactly that – to raise the standard of civilized discourse on the Internet through seeding it with better discussion software:

  • (disco) in reply to error
    Agree, but that's Discourse's mission statement.


    The goal of the company we formed, Civilized Discourse Construction Kit, Inc., is exactly that – to raise the standard of civilized discourse on the Internet through seeding it with better discussion software:
    I think I see a fundamental problem. Much discourse, and most of TDWTF, is intended as fairly trivial entertainment. Trying to force this to be "civilized" is not necessarily useful or entertaining. Especially when the definition of "civilized" is both very subjective, and arbitrarily defined by a small group of people in a way that is rejected by the community on which it is being imposed.

    (If one could force the discourse to be civil, that might be another matter; flame wars are generally not entertaining, IMHO. Even so, "civil" is better defined and enforced by the community than a third party, as acceptable behavior varies from community to community.)

  • (disco) in reply to HardwareGeek

    Exactly that.Discourse probably has its place, but not on TDWTF (except as a parody).

    Jeff said that they have 50 paying customers so there are presumably people out there who enjoy the experience of having the software drive your discussion; fair enough. But we have said repeatedly that it's the wrong place for these discussions.

  • (disco) in reply to HardwareGeek

    The thing is that nobody at Discourse forced the change at TDWTF. So maybe, just maybe, and this is what a whole lot of folks on the TDWTF forums need to think about, not just directed at HardwareGeek, is that maybe the guys over at TDWTF want to see something different and believe the change is for the better?

    Alex et al are the ones actively pursuing new conversation software. Nobody at Discourse is FORCING this change.

  • (disco)

    Hey! I found out how to get Discourse to display in paged mode instead of infinite scrolling! Turn off Javascript!

    This has the side-effect that you cannot post replies.

  • (disco) in reply to HardwareGeek

    I can't like your reply directly by clicking on 2 replies and liking it there, I have to keep scrolling to your actual reply, would be better if I could

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