• SuzieQ (unregistered) in reply to jeb
    I keep kosher, so I'm always checking the ingredients for things that are vegetarian to see what's disqualifying them (usually gelatin or something). There's a Thai curry mix that goes on and on about how it's MEAT FREE! and VEGETARIANS OK! I look at the ingredients and the first one is lard, the second one is chicken fat. I guess if it's all dissolved it doesn't count as meat.

    //Again with the prescient CAPTCHA: ewww.

    Here in Australia I recently saw a product marked "Chicken Tonight Stir-through Source" that was clearly marked "Suitable for Vegetarians"! I guess the sauce itself might have been....

  • (cs) in reply to Zylon
    Owen Rudge:
    I find the juxtaposition of the "retard" word and the little disability icon somewhat ironic...
    For the love of god, when did people start confusing "irony" with "coincidence"? Irony is founded on opposites. Typing something like "acrobatic" next to a disabled icon would be (vaguely) ironic. "Retard" would not.

    I agree. Of course, it COULD be considered serendipitous.

  • (cs) in reply to e@v
    Wrong, mister Fly-off-the-handle-and-start-making-up-shit-yourself-too.

    I get that EULA corruption every time i reinstall / upgrade WoW. It happens when you run world of warcraft in wine (or winex, or cedega, or whatever you want to call it.) on a linux machine.

    You obviously have an axe to grind, but don't make up your own facts. This is a legitimate pop-up.

    I hereby invalidate your post. Better luck next time.

    I was gonna say that looked pretty much like wine/cedega. Since the game was never intended to run under linux, I don't see this as a WTF. The real WTF is that the user expected every part of the game to work perfectly on a completely different, unsupported operating system. God knows what the Warden would do about this...

  • webhamster (unregistered) in reply to Zylon
    For the love of god, when did people start confusing "irony" with "coincidence"?

    I hold Alanis Morrisette personally responsible for this.

  • epsalon (unregistered)

    I found the rasins on the mfg's website. No SQL in their image: http://www.juliangraves.com/?PageID=550&StockCode=MCRAISIN200G

    CAPTCHA: waffles

  • Troy McClure (unregistered) in reply to epsalon
    I found the rasins on the mfg's website. No SQL in their image: http://www.juliangraves.com/?PageID=550&StockCode=MCRAISIN200G

    CAPTCHA: waffles

    I'm still unsure about this one. I really hope its not a photoshop. But I think its entirely possible for an error with the printing process on one batch and they caught it after some had already shipped.

    I once got a bag of Dorito's in cool ranch flavor that had absolutely zero flavoring. They were just plain Tortilla chips basically. If I took a picture of it, you could easily go to their website and point out Dorito's are supposed to be a different color.

  • Michael (unregistered) in reply to kwyjibo
    What the fuck? That's not from World of Warcraft.

    I don't know why you would say it is! All of WoW's EULA's appear in-game only with their custom GUI.

    I guess you make these up and ignore legitimate submissions. Why? And don't tell me this was to anonymize the submission, because you used another company and made them look bad instead, potentially incurring a lawsuit.

    Why pass up true stories for fake ones, when the truth is more entertaining, when your viewers come here falsely believing they'll see the real deal, and when they submit content hoping to share it with others?

    Well, at least you're not bitter :)

  • (cs) in reply to Troy McClure
    Troy McClure:
    I found the rasins on the mfg's website. No SQL in their image: http://www.juliangraves.com/?PageID=550&StockCode=MCRAISIN200G

    CAPTCHA: waffles

    I'm still unsure about this one. I really hope its not a photoshop. But I think its entirely possible for an error with the printing process on one batch and they caught it after some had already shipped.

    I once got a bag of Dorito's in cool ranch flavor that had absolutely zero flavoring. They were just plain Tortilla chips basically. If I took a picture of it, you could easily go to their website and point out Dorito's are supposed to be a different color.

    I think this company does not have their packaging pre-printed but rather, it would appear from the simplicity of them that the labels are printed on-the-fly as the product works its way through the machines. It is very easy for me to accept that there may have been a random error in one subsystem for a brief period of time that resulted in chocolate-covered SQL.

  • corned_beef (unregistered) in reply to Roberto Succo
    Roberto Succo:
    lame http://www.trendio.com

    You're absolutely right, www.trendio.com is completely lame.

  • someone (unregistered) in reply to kwyjibo
    What the fuck? That's not from World of Warcraft.

    I don't know why you would say it is! All of WoW's EULA's appear in-game only with their custom GUI.

    I guess you make these up and ignore legitimate submissions. Why? And don't tell me this was to anonymize the submission, because you used another company and made them look bad instead, potentially incurring a lawsuit.

    Why pass up true stories for fake ones, when the truth is more entertaining, when your viewers come here falsely believing they'll see the real deal, and when they submit content hoping to share it with others?

    Um... have you installed the expansion that came out 2 days before this was posted? the EULA is in the install AND in the game.

    SELECT * FROM [equipment table] DUDE

    /captcha pinball

  • eight days a week (unregistered)

    Check out this cake: http://bingweb.binghamton.edu/~tony/cake.jpg

    Looks like they used a food grade printer for the text without checking it first...

  • MrBester (unregistered) in reply to Zylon
    Typing something like "acrobatic" next to a disabled icon would be (vaguely) ironic. "Retard" would not.
    It's funnier, that's for sure...

    captcha: sanitarium (sic). Again strangely apposite.

  • AdT (unregistered) in reply to domukun367
    I'm reminded of yesterday's MENSA boss:

    I keep KOSHER, so I'm always checking the ingredients for things that are vegetarian to see what's disqualifying them (usually gelatin or something) from being KOSHER. I'm KOSHER and there's a Thai curry mix that goes on and on about how it's MEAT FREE! and VEGETARIANS OK! KOSHER. I look at the (KOSHER) ingredients and the first one is lard, the second one is chicken fat. I guess if it's all dissolved it doesn't count as meat. KOSHER.

    Ha ha, very funny, but the only words jeb capitalized were quotes from the "Thai curry mix" packaging.

    Peanut M&Ms in Australia used to have the warning that they may contain nuts. I can't remember the exact wording, but I always laughed.

    This is because, as has been mentioned, peanuts aren't nuts. If the M&Ms are produced in a factory where true nuts are also processed (e.g. hazelnuts), the manufacturer must include this warning notice, so that people who are allergic to true nuts but not peanuts will know these aren't safe.

  • AdT (unregistered) in reply to SuzieQ
    Here in Australia I recently saw a product marked "Chicken Tonight Stir-through Source" that was clearly marked "Suitable for Vegetarians"! I guess the sauce itself might have been....

    In a German supermarket, I saw a soy product that was marketed as "100% vegetable". Upon reading the ingredient list, I discovered "egg white", though. If peanuts don't grow on trees, maybe eggs do!

  • LF (unregistered) in reply to Samah
    I was gonna say that looked pretty much like wine/cedega. Since the game was never intended to run under linux, I don't see this as a WTF. The real WTF is that the user expected every part of the game to work perfectly on a completely different, unsupported operating system. God knows what the Warden would do about this...
    Actually, Blizzard have worked together with the Cedega team on several occasions to make the game work better with Cedega. They have also stated that they have nothing against anyone running WoW on Linux (however, of course, they do not support it), and the Warden doesn't mind either. (I remember there were recently some bannings of Cedega users, and Blizzard helped Cedega fix the bug causing this and unbanned the accounts)
  • Dr. Cheese Monkey (unregistered)


  • Romeo (unregistered)

    You must see a guy here (Marcelo) in my office when I sent the Chocolate image to everybody..

    Marcelo: "I don't get it." Me: "What? Did you pay attention to the chocolate cover?" Marcelo: "Yes, I did. But what's wrong. The SQL statement has no errors."

    So funny...

  • Turtle (unregistered)

    The raisins one reminds me of my favorite fortune cookie fortune ever:

    Fortune not found. Abort, Retry, Ignore?

  • Sai (unregistered)

    Mmmmmmm cake!

  • Loren Pechtel (unregistered)

    Didn't anyone notice those raisins are "Best before end"??

  • Drocket (unregistered) in reply to Loren Pechtel
    Loren Pechtel:
    Didn't anyone notice those raisins are "Best before end"??

    I'm guessing that means that they're best before the end of August 2007. Just a line wrap.

  • Robert Marshall (unregistered) in reply to Troy McClure

    Definitely not a photoshop - I've just been around to the local branch of Julian Graves and bought one with the SQL on the label - only appears on the 200g version, I didn't check other similarly sized products in the shop.

  • Nuts (unregistered) in reply to tin
    Sgt. Zim:
    My favorite was the frozen entreé of "Thai-style Peanut Chicken (in Peanut Sauce)" ... Which included the warning that it was produced on machines that "also process peanuts".

    Peanut M&Ms in Australia used to have the warning that they may contain nuts. I can't remember the exact wording, but I always laughed. It was probably well more than 5 years ago now.

    Peanuts are NOT nuts! (and yes, that is a WTF)

  • ChiefCrazyTalk (unregistered) in reply to domukun367
    I keep kosher, so I'm always checking the ingredients for things that are vegetarian to see what's disqualifying them (usually gelatin or something). There's a Thai curry mix that goes on and on about how it's MEAT FREE! and VEGETARIANS OK! I look at the ingredients and the first one is lard, the second one is chicken fat. I guess if it's all dissolved it doesn't count as meat.

    I'm reminded of yesterday's MENSA boss:

    I keep KOSHER, so I'm always checking the ingredients for things that are vegetarian to see what's disqualifying them (usually gelatin or something) from being KOSHER. I'm KOSHER and there's a Thai curry mix that goes on and on about how it's MEAT FREE! and VEGETARIANS OK! KOSHER. I look at the (KOSHER) ingredients and the first one is lard, the second one is chicken fat. I guess if it's all dissolved it doesn't count as meat. KOSHER.

    Huh? He used the word "kosher" exactly once, not like the MENSA boss who kept repeating the word MENSA over and over. MENSA.

  • Stavron (unregistered) in reply to SuzieQ
    Here in Australia I recently saw a product marked "Chicken Tonight Stir-through Source" that was clearly marked "Suitable for Vegetarians"! I guess the sauce itself might have been....

    That reminds me of the posters Wetherspoons (that's a chain of gastropubs in the UK, for the uninitiated) had a while back advertising their weekly "Steak Club", which included a range of sauces you could order as optional extras. Next to a couple of these was a symbol meaning "suitable for vegetarians".

    The poster's designers seem to have missed the minor point that, this being a Steak Club, there were in fact no main dishes which weren't large lumps of meat.

    Though, I guess if you were a couple with only £6 between you, and one of you ate meat, the other could have the vegetables with some nice sauce...

  • some1 (unregistered) in reply to Robert Marshall
    Robert Marshall:
    Definitely not a photoshop - I've just been around to the local branch of Julian Graves and bought one with the SQL on the label - only appears on the 200g version, I didn't check other similarly sized products in the shop.

    Buy 42 more and put them on eBay!

    captcha: onomatopoeia --- WTF is that?

  • Minos (unregistered) in reply to Loren Pechtel
    Loren Pechtel:
    Didn't anyone notice those raisins are "Best before end"??

    Yes, I always make sure to eat my chocolate covered raisins before the end of the world.

  • TomFan_dk (unregistered) in reply to fennec

    Great shot, 2 wtf in one:

    • SELECT *
    • No bind variables, big hole for SQL injection

    Who's this genius?????

  • disaster (unregistered) in reply to Sai
    Mmmmmmm cake! [image]

    Mmmm. Cake with extra fudge.

  • ted (unregistered) in reply to TomFan_dk
    Great shot, 2 wtf in one: - SELECT * - No bind variables, big hole for SQL injection

    Who's this genius?????

    Um.. I think you're forgetting this isn't a website backend. Noone cares if you can inject SQL, since anyone having any kind of access to the system will probably be able to change everything anyway. I don't think the package printing device sends a HTTP request over the internet for every package - that, ofcourse, would make this method insecure - and also a whole new WTF on it's own.

  • Marv (unregistered) in reply to LF

    FWIW, while Blizzard indeed does not support Linux/Wine/WineX/Cedega, they do consider users of same to be "legitimate customers". [http://www.linuxlookup.com/2006/nov/22/blizzard_unbans_linux_world_of_warcraft_players]

    By the way, thanks to everyone who jumped to my (and Alex's) defense on this one. :)

    CAPTCHA: sanitarium

  • darwin (unregistered) in reply to brazzy
    The text on they guy's back reads "Error: could not find file 'dragonhead.jpg'"

    Actually, it reads dragonhead.jpRg. I'm sure that was part of the point, that there is a typo in the filename.

  • darwin (unregistered) in reply to webhamster
    For the love of god, when did people start confusing "irony" with "coincidence"?

    I hold Alanis Morrisette personally responsible for this.

    I find that ironic.

  • anonymous (unregistered) in reply to AdT

    [quote name="AdT"] In a German supermarket, I saw a soy product that was marketed as "100% vegetable". Upon reading the ingredient list, I discovered "egg white", though. If peanuts don't grow on trees, maybe eggs do! [/quote]

    But the German word "Eiweiss", literally "egg white", can also mean "protein". Proteins are also found in plants.

    In addition, some vegetarians DO eat eggs and drink milk, whereas others (e.g. Buddhists) refuse to include garlic into their diet.

  • Hands (unregistered) in reply to Mark

    I found the product: http://www.juliangraves.com/?PageID=550&StockCode=MCRAISIN200G

    But the image resolution is too low to read.

  • Scheming Daemons (unregistered) in reply to Zylon
    Owen Rudge:
    I find the juxtaposition of the "retard" word and the little disability icon somewhat ironic...
    For the love of god, when did people start confusing "irony" with "coincidence"? Irony is founded on opposites. Typing something like "acrobatic" next to a disabled icon would be (vaguely) ironic. "Retard" would not.

    It's Alanis Morrisette's fault.

    ...and THAT'S IRONIC.

  • annoynimous (unregistered)

    I don't know whether that could suit for the next Potpurry issue. I also heard it is quite yesterday's news. But to me, when i stumbled upon it today, that was quite funny!


  • Tijmen (unregistered)


    very good offer :)

  • Ann Onomoose (unregistered) in reply to anonymous

    [quote user="anonymous"][quote name="AdT"] In a German supermarket, I saw a soy product that was marketed as "100% vegetable". Upon reading the ingredient list, I discovered "egg white", though. If peanuts don't grow on trees, maybe eggs do! [/quote]

    But the German word "Eiweiss", literally "egg white", can also mean "protein". Proteins are also found in plants.

    In addition, some vegetarians DO eat eggs and drink milk, whereas others (e.g. Buddhists) refuse to include garlic into their diet.[/quote]

    While vegetarians may include some animal products in their diet, a product that states "100% Vegetable" yet has animal products in it is wrong. It doesn't say "100% for Vegetarians." (Though I can't argue with the fact that it was possibly a simple error in translation.)

  • HTMLOCDER.exe (unregistered)

    The last message was a canonical example of the Wooden Table WTF. //Captcha: dolor //Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, bla bla bla...

  • Dehradun Escorts (unregistered)

    Ah, security through obscurity. If you don't know the encryption method, then you can't decode the message.
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