• Senitor Khan (unregistered)

    Don't cancel - you have to pay:

    Click cancel to cancel the canceling!

    Or maybe click OK to agree to cancel!

    I don't know!!!!!!!

  • (cs)

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technical_Difficulties Not a band, but still not a WTF either.

  • Senitor Khan (unregistered) in reply to Adriano
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technical_Difficulties Not a band, but still not a WTF either.

    The ticker has nothing to do with the CD - it has everything to do with broken equipment, so it is a WTF, even if you found a CD on Wikipedia.

  • Jamie (unregistered)

    They're right - That types does do nothing meaningful

    public sealed class GridTablesFactory { // Methods private GridTablesFactory() { }

    public static DataGridTableStyle[] CreateGridTables(DataGridTableStyle gridTable, object dataSource, string dataMember, BindingContext bindingManager)
        return new DataGridTableStyle[] { gridTable };


  • Brian (unregistered)

    The funniest thing in this post is the buddy icon.

    "Get A BRAIN morans!"

  • Senitor Khan (unregistered) in reply to Brian
    The funniest thing in this post is the buddy icon.

    "Get A BRAIN morans!"

    The funniest thing is that someone reading The Daily WTF uses a pink background.

  • (cs)
    Jake Vinson:
    If you have to call Chuck, he'd prefer that you be mindful of his negative one anytime minutes and keep the conversation brief.

    I've been getting free minutes for years by .sdrawkcab gniklat emit ym fo flah gnidneps

  • (cs) in reply to Senitor Khan
    Senitor Khan:
    The funniest thing in this post is the buddy icon.

    "Get A BRAIN morans!"

    The funniest thing is that someone reading The Daily WTF uses a pink background.

    OMG a girl on teh internetz!!!!11oneeleven!

  • Code Monkey (unregistered) in reply to Senitor Khan

    Both of those combined with the WTF present a perfect trifecta that is simply stupefying.

  • Anon (unregistered)

    This comment does nothing meaningful.

  • CW (unregistered)

    Sadly, I once had to write an app where the standard warning message for canceling out of a form was: "Are you sure you want to cancel? [OK/Cancel]" I tried to convince the business analysts that this was a bad idea, but they could never understand why...

  • Dave (unregistered)

    The fahrenheit/celcius conversion seems to go the wrong way, there. 4,294,967,295°F is 2,386,092,923°C

  • Dan (unregistered)

    If you commit now, you will still comment.

    Are you sure you want to comment?

    Commit Cancel

  • warl0ck (unregistered) in reply to Anon
    This comment does nothing meaningful.

    This comment means nothing meaningful.

  • Tom_fun_63 (unregistered) in reply to Anon
    This comment does nothing meaningful.

    This comment is nothing less than meaningless...

  • (cs) in reply to Markp

    TRWTF is that anyone would have to be mindful about someone else's minutes. Do you guys still pay to receive calls or something?

  • blah (unregistered)

    TRWTF is that 4,294,967,295 C = 7,730,941,163 F.

  • Jamie (unregistered) in reply to fbjon
    TRWTF is that anyone would have to be mindful about someone else's minutes. Do you guys still pay to receive calls or something?

    Those crazy 'mericanoes do.

  • silent d (unregistered)

    All of the other .NET types do things that are profoundly meaningful.

  • (cs)

    A simple Google search led me to this site: http://www.reallivemoms.ca/connect.aspx Ok now moms can know how to clean a baby... Now the problem is keeping the baby quiet while typing on the keyboard. Let me see, where did I leave Valium?

  • Morasique (unregistered)

    That OK/Cancel thing is confusing but not really a WTF; it's clear what each button does

  • Tom (unregistered)

    This page is full of errors.


  • SLaks (unregistered) in reply to Jamie

    Here is the actual source (from the reference source)

    namespace System.Windows.Forms { using System.Text; using System.Runtime.Remoting;

    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.ComponentModel; 
    using System.Windows.Forms; 
    using Microsoft.Win32; 
    /// <include file='doc\DataGridTablesFactory.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="GridTablesFactory"]/*' /> 
    /// <devdoc>
    ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
    /// </devdoc>
    public sealed class GridTablesFactory { 
        // private static DataTableComparer dtComparer = new DataTableComparer();
        // not creatable... 
        private GridTablesFactory() { 
        /// <include file='doc\DataGridTablesFactory.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="GridTablesFactory.CreateGridTables"]/*' /> 
        /// <devdoc>
        ///      Takes a DataView and creates an intelligent mapping of 
        ///      DataView storage types into available DataColumn types. 
        /// </devdoc>
        public static DataGridTableStyle[] 
            CreateGridTables(DataGridTableStyle gridTable, object dataSource, string dataMember, BindingContext bindingManager)
            return new DataGridTableStyle[] {gridTable};


  • Senitor Khan (unregistered) in reply to Morasique
    That OK/Cancel thing is confusing but not really a WTF; it's clear what each button does

    I'm sorry - Is it confusing or is it clear - your sentence is clearly confusing.

  • Dan (unregistered)

    Oracle Enterprise Manager is a WTF of it's own. Slow, kludgy... oh, and it runs on Java. The installer is doing you a service by not installing it; go command line and you'll never go back.

  • anon (unregistered) in reply to Dan
    oh, and it runs on Java.
    That's not a WTF. The WTF is that it runs on Java 1.1
  • (cs) in reply to Dan
    Oracle Enterprise Manager is a WTF of it's own. Slow, kludgy... oh, and it runs on Java.
    "Slow and kludgy" were implicit when you mentioned Java.

    ... just missing the sensation of a flamewar ;)

  • Oofy (unregistered)

    Bizarrely enough, there is a band called "Technical Difficulties."


    Not an easy band to Google, however.

  • Hans (unregistered) in reply to CW
    Sadly, I once had to write an app where the standard warning message for canceling out of a form was: "Are you sure you want to cancel? [OK/Cancel]" I tried to convince the business analysts that this was a bad idea, but they could never understand why...

    That's why I present all my dialogues with a verb as the first option. In this case it would be:

    "Are you sure you want to cancel?"

    "Yes, cancel!" "No, cancel!"

    Or more succinctly

    "Are you sure you want to cancel?"

    "Cancel" "Cancel"

  • Aaron (unregistered)
    GridTablesFactory.CreateGridTables Method

    This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

    Returns the specified DataGridTableStyle in a one-element array.

    Usually when I want to return a single element I just return it instead of wrapping it in an array, but that's why I'm not a Microsoft developer.

  • Bob Dole (unregistered)

    From the documentation. Supported in: 3.5, 3.0 SP1, 3.0, 2.0 SP1, 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

    It's good to know that meaningless types in .net stick around. I wouldn't want my old .Net 1.0 classes to stop working when we upgrade.

  • (cs)

    IL from the official Core Libraries, taken from version 1.0.3300.0 (.NET Fx 1.0)

    .method public hidebysig static class
    System.Windows.Forms.DataGridTableStyle[] CreateGridTables(class
    System.Windows.Forms.DataGridTableStyle gridTable,
    object dataSource, string dataMember, class
    System.Windows.Forms.BindingContext bindingManager)
    cil managed
        .maxstack 3
        .locals (
            [0] class System.Windows.Forms.DataGridTableStyle[] styleArray)
        newarr System.Windows.Forms.DataGridTableStyle
    (line continuations omitted)

    For the not-so-assembly-inclined:

    DataGridTableStyle[] CreateGridTables(DataGridTableStyle gridTable,
    Object dataSource, string dataMember, BindingContext bindingManager)
        DataGridTableStyle[] styleArray = new DataGridTableStyle[1]();
        DataGridTableStyle[0] = gridTable;
        return styleArray;
  • (cs)

    Hmm I wonder how MS ended up with this class. After all there is the "internal" modifier. Can't see any reason to have this class public.

  • CrazyBomber (unregistered) in reply to CW
    Sadly, I once had to write an app where the standard warning message for canceling out of a form was: "Are you sure you want to cancel? [OK/Cancel]" I tried to convince the business analysts that this was a bad idea, but they could never understand why...
    I'm pretty sure a [YES/NO] would do the trick... wasn't that option on the enum field, next to the FileNotFound?
  • (cs) in reply to Stilgar
    Hmm I wonder how MS ended up with this class. After all there is the "internal" modifier. Can't see any reason to have this class public.
    It's good to know that the MS devs have as much difficulty with accessibility modifiers as the rest of us (I mean, "protected internal"? WHAT?).

    Although I have to say that my fave fact about Visual Studio is that the executable is still called "devenv.exe".

  • (cs) in reply to CW
    Sadly, I once had to write an app where the standard warning message for canceling out of a form was: "Are you sure you want to cancel? [OK/Cancel]" I tried to convince the business analysts that this was a bad idea, but they could never understand why...

    If this was a Windows application (not a web-app or for another OS), you should be dragged out and shot for using OK/Cancel instead of Yes/No. The Win32 API's MessageBox() and MessageBoxEx() have the uType argument to specify which type of message box you want... one of the options is the constant MB_YESNO.

  • Math Penguin (unregistered) in reply to CrazyBomber

    No, it's next to the YES and NOT enum values.

  • Math Penguin (unregistered) in reply to CrazyBomber
    Sadly, I once had to write an app where the standard warning message for canceling out of a form was: "Are you sure you want to cancel? [OK/Cancel]" I tried to convince the business analysts that this was a bad idea, but they could never understand why...
    I'm pretty sure a [YES/NO] would do the trick... wasn't that option on the enum field, next to the FileNotFound?

    Sorry, wrong button--my above post was in reference to this one.

  • Anonymous Cow-Herd (unregistered)

    In before the $0.00 cheque rears its ugly head.

  • (cs) in reply to powerlord
    Sadly, I once had to write an app where the standard warning message for canceling out of a form was: "Are you sure you want to cancel? [OK/Cancel]" I tried to convince the business analysts that this was a bad idea, but they could never understand why...
    If this was a Windows application (not a web-app or for another OS), you should be dragged out and shot for using OK/Cancel instead of Yes/No. The Win32 API's MessageBox() and MessageBoxEx() have the uType argument to specify which type of message box you want... one of the options is the constant MB_YESNO.
    You should try reading comments before you reply to them; CW clearly said that the business analysts insisted on that message, and he advised them against it. So you're shooting the wrong person.

    On the other hand, wording ANY message box "Are you sure you want to..." is a shooting offence. Most people really aren't sure about anything when it comes to computers: why increase their existential doubt? And how do you "cancel out" of anything? Or do you mean "close" the form; in which case using the word "close" in your warnings would remove all that confusion... ;^)

  • muttonchop (unregistered)

    To avoid confusion, all my cancel confirmation dialogs use the buttons "Cancel" and "Cancel Cancel".

  • (cs) in reply to Senitor Khan

    How do you know, exactly? As another poster said, there's even a band, nevermind a CD, called "technical difficulties".

  • (cs)

    At least public static instances of the GridTablesFactory are threadsafe...

  • A. Troll (unregistered) in reply to silent d
    silent d:
    All of the other .NET types do things that are profoundly meaningful.

    That's what all the .NET shills say.

  • Jamie (unregistered) in reply to blah

    The Real TRWTF is that the temperature meters are only 3/4 full!

  • Anonymous Coward no. 1 (unregistered)

    The real WTF is that Nick's video card can't convert degrees C into degrees F.

  • MH (unregistered)

    Hey! What about the real live dads?

  • Anon (unregistered) in reply to Morasique
    That OK/Cancel thing is confusing but not really a WTF; it's clear what each button does
    Wait, the message is confusing? Because that wasn't the WTF I saw. I saw it as being a WTF for confirming that someone was OK with owing the massive balance of $0.00.

    Considering that part of the message was first.

    The second "Are you sure you want to cancel? OK/Cancel" is just gravy.

  • CW (unregistered) in reply to JimM
    Sadly, I once had to write an app where the standard warning message for canceling out of a form was: "Are you sure you want to cancel? [OK/Cancel]" I tried to convince the business analysts that this was a bad idea, but they could never understand why...
    If this was a Windows application (not a web-app or for another OS), you should be dragged out and shot for using OK/Cancel instead of Yes/No. The Win32 API's MessageBox() and MessageBoxEx() have the uType argument to specify which type of message box you want... one of the options is the constant MB_YESNO.
    You should try reading comments before you reply to them; CW clearly said that the business analysts insisted on that message, and he advised them against it. So you're shooting the wrong person.

    On the other hand, wording ANY message box "Are you sure you want to..." is a shooting offence. Most people really aren't sure about anything when it comes to computers: why increase their existential doubt? And how do you "cancel out" of anything? Or do you mean "close" the form; in which case using the word "close" in your warnings would remove all that confusion... ;^)

    The Yes/No was my proposed solution, actually - but I was informed (repeatedly) that this was a "confirm dialog", and UI standards required that all confirm dialogs use the OK/Cancel format. Because, you know, UI standards are always more important than common sense.

    By the way, this message appeared when the user clicked a "Cancel" button to abort filling out a form and return to the main menu. If you really want to induce existential doubt, there's nothing like making "Cancel" mean one thing one moment, then the opposite the next moment.

  • (cs) in reply to Jamie
    The Real TRWTF is that the temperature meters are only 3/4 full!
    Are you sure they are not 3/4 empty? [Ok / Cancel]

    (Actually the meters are full. 4/4 full.)

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