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A good guy here named Chris died at 32, he was in great health, just had a congenital heart ailment that caused a heart attack.
Shit just happens.
Captcha: what happened to all the good captchas?
It's a little bit depressing that the ending of this story is the WTF.
Meh, it's not like literacy is a condition for going online. More like the opposite.
TRWTF is he gave his cell phone number to a recruiter. Biiiiiiig mistake.
"He had hoped a Reese’s Cup might assuage the fact that his wife was sitting in the hospital"
I never expected to read the word "assuage" on the Daily WTF. I'm usually tickled when you guys actually use punctuation correctly. Well done, Mr. Fancy Pants $10 Word.
A winnar is yuo!
The reason this particular antibiotic is "exotic" in the first place is that in women it occasionally has the side effect of...(wait for it)...heart attack symptoms. But after trying several other options, there we were. The reason I only spent half a day in the hospital (unlike our protagonist, apparently) was a lucky coincidence involving an emergency cardiologist who'd happened to see the same thing a few months before.
TRWTF is reaching for a Reese peanut butter cup when your wife may have just had a heart attack.
And the surgeons have their iphones and blackberries in the OR (and often a dock to play music off their iphone). My wife is a OR nurse and I get to hear about the playlists of different surgeons.
That is quite different from a berserker rage. ;) Although a fun movie none the less.
I call shenanigans. We all know how the story REALLY ended:
Monday morning Peter was let go for "insubordination" since Jeremy and the CEO were golfing buddies. As he was being led away by security, Jeremy snarkily asked him "So, Peter, how's your wife doing?" and laughed as he was thrown outside before Peter could strangle him.
At the risk of mentioning literature on an IT site, Ian McEwan's novel Saturday has some scenes in the OR, and the selection of music is dwelled upon. Never having been a neurologist, I can't say how accurate the novel is, but the character is pretty convincing, and McEwan seems to have done a fair bit of homework.
Wait, you're telling me we got a story where the subject had a spine and responded with appropriate anger?
This happens often, in my case, the Finance guy went on to be CEO and is in the newspaper from time to time. These people are self centered and care little for others beyond lip service. They have contempt for those that can be bullied and bully often.
And, seriously, this:
Is TRWTF. How much of a fucked up, barbaric country is this that would remove somebody's health care right when they need it most?
It has nothing to do with the country. Health benefits were traditionally provided by companies here. You lose the job, you lose the benefits.
Of course, that's all changing now. We'll see how that goes.
TRWTF is that you think everyone on Earth speaks English.
Oh get over yourselves. There's no such thing as "Berserk". it's called being a whiny little baby throwing a temper tantrum. Most people grow out of the "I'm the Incredible Hulk" fantasy. You might want to try that.
Heart attack at 37, she's clearly not tried hard enough. I had mine at 31.
They can be a lot of fun when the pain/fear subside and you get to spend weeks off work, watching mindless dull daytime TV. Buy a motorbike and use the off work time to do something constructive like ride around the country seeing the sights (stuff what the doctors say about not being allowed to ride)
The tablets that you have to take every day for ever can be a pain in the arse though..
Really? There's no such thing as berserk? -1 for feeling the need to report that newsflash.
Sorry, you are not going to shame me into thinking that was funny.
And, wow, you're really invested in correcting my wayward opinions for a guy who didn't author the original post.
One of the people who's complaining is my wife, who is EIGHT MONTHS PREGNANT. Your argument is invalid.
Clearly, you've never known anyone who had cancer.
"Here" being "in this country", right?
TRWTF is: how did the CEO find out?
Have you tried swallowing them instead?
Just being sarcastic. Of course, what he should have done was not eat at all the whole time his wife was in the hospital, that way he could be in tip-top shape to help his wife.
This must not have happened in the U.S. Here you would have sued, and quite possibly won, a wrongful dismissal suit based on a hostile work environment.
If he quit, how can it be wrongful dismissal?
I'm glad for the happy ending here... I've been through a very similar situation. A few years ago, my wife was in the hospital, in the cardiac unit (in her 20s, not in her 30s... chew on that one), and I got a phone call from work. I spent 45 minutes, while my wife was having a cardiac stress test, explaining to my boss and the finance manager how the ERP system handled cost calculations.
To be fair, both were quite concerned about my wife (no douchebaggery here), but when you're waiting to find out how your wife's heart is doing, work is the very last thing you want to be thinking of.
It's ironic he's getting getting reese cups from the vending machine of the hospital he's at because his wife almost had a heart attack.
I've had two "so, that's how it's going to be" moments that led to job changes. (No nose-to-nose confrontations, but A Turning Point Was Reached.)
One was the manager who ordered me to finish a project I'd been working on in my personal time (it was for the company, after a point, but he didn't want to pay actual hours to work on it so it was still done at my own pace). He actually said "Either have that done tomorrow or have your resignation on my desk." The next day he got the one and a few weeks later he got the other (after I'd lined up a new job).
The other was the manager at my last job who tried to order me to circumvent security policy on a federal government system, and griped at me in an e-mail copied to all my co-workers about not coming up with "excuses" when I refused. I hit Monster that night and less than 3 months later (a couple of months ago) I started my new job.
I did once tell a senior contract manager on a conference call who was griping about my emergency patch to "his" failed system "I can un-fix it right now if you like." No, he wouldn't like, it turned out, and he was very deferential after that.
One that values "freedom". We don't want the government to oppress us by helping us stay alive.
OMG! A happy ending!
Not quite, its an entirely different animal than temper tantrum. But you might also not believe in any other intense feelings such as grief?
If the working environment is untenable, thereby driving you to quit, it can still be considered wrongful termination. It's called "constructive discharge" in US law.
See http://www.timslaw.com/constructive-discharge.htm
And Akismet, I promise this comment is not spam!!
IIRC the Berserkers were real warriors who would go into a real rage-filled state in which nothing mattered except hurting people and breaking things. They had to use some sort of drugs (funny mushrooms or something like that) to achieve it though; it's not a condition you come by naturally, no matter how angry you are.
It is called constructive dismissal. It means your employer forced you to quit by either making or allowing working conditions to be unbearable. In this case the gender based profanity would be one piece of evidence in support of that claim. Based on the specific profanity used I am assuming Chris is female.
There's a scenario in this country called "constructive dismissal", or something like that, where you are deemed to have had no other recourse but to resign because your working conditions are intolerable. For this you can sometimes sue. Quitting as a result of a director referring to you as the female pudendum may well fit into that category.
this...THIS is why I visit this site. Many times the comments eclipse the original story as far as entertainment value is concerned.
Clearly he should have asked the nurses, who have nothing better to do, to hook him up with a feeding drip.
The specific profanity used is gender-neutral (or even selects for a male target?) in UK/Irish flavors of English. Chris might easily be a male being chewed out by a limey or a mick
Heart disease is not always a heart attack, or congestive heart failure. Abnormal heart beats (Arrythmia) or viral infections can cause heart monitors to show changes, just to name two.
Environmental factors and genetics can result in heart disease. It's not always within the person's control.