• SNAKE, SNAKE! (unregistered) in reply to EatenByAGrue
    If a car engineer finds a badger in your engine and has no idea why it's there ...

    Actually, I believe the correct response to this situation is "Badger? Badger? We don't need no steenkin' badger!" And then remove it.

    Of course, I'm now wondering why someone might find a badger in your engine and have a good idea why it's there.

    The correct response to the situation is "Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger MUSHROOM MUSHROOM"

  • (cs) in reply to SNAKE, SNAKE!
    If a car engineer finds a badger in your engine and has no idea why it's there ...

    Actually, I believe the correct response to this situation is "Badger? Badger? We don't need no steenkin' badger!" And then remove it.

    Of course, I'm now wondering why someone might find a badger in your engine and have a good idea why it's there.

    The correct response to the situation is "Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger MUSHROOM MUSHROOM"

    You mean it's a problem with the air filter?
  • (cs) in reply to Ocson
    Isn't it obvious? If you give them 39 cents, you have the honor of being sold the item for free!
    No, it's perfectly clear. There is a limit of 5 free 2-packs of folders per household/business; if you want more, you'll have to pay for them.

    Not a WTF.

  • (cs) in reply to frits
    Funny how the pot one has a picture of a guy smoking a pipe directly beneath the marquee.
    So that's where Bob is at these days! I thought it had been kind of quiet from him for a while...
  • DaveK (unregistered)

    $2.49 for 10 pounds of pot?! What they lose on the pot they'll more than make up for when they double the price of Doritos!

  • AnyNamous (unregistered)

    The Coverage Rate Calculator is only a WTF if the user input was something other than 0. It even tells you to double check the coverage rate entered.

  • (cs) in reply to Junkie

    Sorry hunny, but I didn't get the shot of you giving birth - I was taking a picture for TDWTF.

    I would have done the same. If something had gone wrong with the birth, I would have used the photograph as evidence in court that the monitoring systems were terribly misconfigured and potentially could have contributed to the bad outcome.

  • (cs) in reply to Erik
    Babies look like slimy little aliens when they first come out. There's no reason to take a picture until after they've been cleaned up and at least look like clean little aliens.

    My guy was surprisingly clean, though they might have done a quick wipedown right after he emerged. Also I'm presumably a bit biased.

    He definitely looked like an alien, though. That whole pointy head thing is bizarre - you never really hear about it until you're actually going to have a kid.

  • computerquip (unregistered)

    Maybe you should comment.

  • IT Girl (unregistered) in reply to Zolcos
    TRWTF is that the people of Spring Lake, Michigan could not think of a better nickname for their high school team than "Lakers". Seriously, the Spring Lake Lakers?? That's the best you could do?
    Not as bad as Dollar Bay, MI. Their team is called the "Bays". The Dollar Bay Bays.

    Aw... BayBays... only thing cuter is a picture of a password expiration.

  • RMSfan (unregistered) in reply to hytrjfgiyur


  • Grummel (unregistered)

    Half a year after installing a system we once got a support call:

    "We had to restart the GUI, now we can not do anything anymore!" After some pondering: "Have you logged in after the restart?" "oh... But I think I remember where we stored the password"

  • Carl (unregistered) in reply to Grummel
    Half a year after installing a system we once got a support call:

    "We had to restart the GUI, now we can not do anything anymore!" After some pondering: "Have you logged in after the restart?" "oh... But I think I remember where we stored the password"

    Lesson learned: never reboot.

    Oh, you said GUI. I was thinking Linux*. So how did they ever make it 6 months without rebooting? Or six days?

    • I was once over 2 years of uptime on a Red Hat system that helped support the Mars Rovers. Terabytes of disk, but no GUI.
  • GoLinux! (unregistered) in reply to Carl
    Half a year after installing a system we once got a support call:

    "We had to restart the GUI, now we can not do anything anymore!" After some pondering: "Have you logged in after the restart?" "oh... But I think I remember where we stored the password"

    Lesson learned: never reboot.

    Oh, you said GUI. I was thinking Linux*. So how did they ever make it 6 months without rebooting? Or six days?

    • I was once over 2 years of uptime on a Red Hat system that helped support the Mars Rovers. Terabytes of disk, but no GUI.

    We have a SUSE server here with over a year of uptime. It has a GUI though.

  • Quirkafleeg (unregistered) in reply to IT Girl
    IT Girl:
    Hmm. 10-hash bag pot. These people seem to be confused…
    Maybe it's because I glanced at my phone, but I read 10 pound bag pot.. seemed like a good deal to me.
    Where did you get “pound” from? I see neither ‘£’ nor ‘lb’ there…
  • (cs) in reply to Quirkafleeg
    IT Girl:
    Hmm. 10-hash bag pot. These people seem to be confused…
    Maybe it's because I glanced at my phone, but I read 10 pound bag pot.. seemed like a good deal to me.
    Where did you get “pound” from? I see neither ‘£’ nor ‘lb’ there…
    Maybe it's because she has http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/5_years_C-pound_experience.aspx.
  • Raptor85 (unregistered) in reply to Quirkafleeg

    The # symbol is commonly known as the "pound" sign in the US. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_sign

  • B. E. (unregistered) in reply to Raptor85
    The # symbol is commonly known as the "pound" sign in the US. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_sign
    Here's your sign.
  • Homer (unregistered)

    Talk about bad advertising.

    Walgreen's had an interesting item for sale. Anyone wanna buy some chicken poop?


  • Homer (unregistered) in reply to Homer



  • Duke of New York (unregistered)

    It's nice to see some buildup lines on these images that aren't giving away the joke.

  • (cs)

    It is nice they don't throw a divide by zero exception in your face, but show a friendly estimate that makes sense. And remember: it is only an estimate.

  • (cs) in reply to EatenByAGrue
    [...] "Badger? Badger? [...] badger!" [...] badger [...]


  • porto (unregistered)

    There's no WTFs in this bunch. What might have happened for each particular item is they may have been developing for an embedded platform. Without a file system, these sort of things happen and are perfectly normal.

  • David (unregistered)

    I work at Office Depot and the sign is a bit confusing. It was used in our back to school sales. You can get up to five free and after that, it's 39c per folder. There wasn't a minimum purchase so the sign was pretty sparse.

  • (cs) in reply to RayS

    I didn't know THE CAR CZAR visited TDWTF.

  • (cs) in reply to RayS

    I didn't know THE CAR CZAR visited TDWTF.

  • (cs) in reply to RayS
    A couple of jobs ago, me and another dev were in a meeting with a couple of manager-types to see how other dev's project was going and whether I could provide any help.

    When discussing one aspect, other dev said, "I didn't know what that code was doing so I took it out." (my emphasis).

    Needless to say, me and the managers spent a few minutes after to discuss this approach...

    Well that's the approach that works in the rest of the engineering world, and you computer folk like to pretend that you're engineers, so play by our rules.

    If a car engineer finds a badger in your engine and has no idea why it's there, you damn well want him to remove the badger, not leave it there in case it does something he doesn't understand.

    That's how engineering works - something unexplained in the middle of your engineeringy thingy - remove it!

    I didn't know THE CAR CZAR visited TDWTF. Those profits don't make sense, remove them immediately!

    P.S. Fix that damn delete button.

  • (cs) in reply to bob171123
    P.S. Fix that damn delete button.
    That kind of thing is perfectly normal on a small embedded platform with no filing system.
  • Alex (unregistered) in reply to SNAKE, SNAKE!
    If a car engineer finds a badger in your engine and has no idea why it's there ...

    Actually, I believe the correct response to this situation is "Badger? Badger? We don't need no steenkin' badger!" And then remove it.

    Of course, I'm now wondering why someone might find a badger in your engine and have a good idea why it's there.

    The correct response to the situation is "Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger MUSHROOM MUSHROOM"

    Snake, snake. Aah, Snake!

  • (cs) in reply to Alex

    a snake, a snake, ahhhh it's a snake.


  • (cs) in reply to Carl
    Lesson learned: never reboot.

    Oh, you said GUI. I was thinking Linux*. So how did they ever make it 6 months without rebooting? Or six days?

    • I was once over 2 years of uptime on a Red Hat system that helped support the Mars Rovers. Terabytes of disk, but no GUI.

    Well We actually have several servers with more than one year up-time.

    One of our database servers has actually been up for longer than the German siege of Leningrad. Unfortunately we have to physically move that server within 6 months, so it will not see it's 4'th year (And I'm a bit anxious about that move as odd tings can happen when you shut down something which has been running continuously for so long.

    Yours Yazeran

    Plan: To go to Mars one day with a hammer

  • Ian (unregistered) in reply to dpm

    Could be worse... here in the Ontario Hockey League we have the Peterborough Petes. I just hope they don't move to Cochrane (pron: cock-rin)

  • Ian (unregistered) in reply to PeriSoft

    I hear some of the better hospitals are using a "car-wash birth canal extension now". As the baby emerges it passes through an extra 2' with jets of high pressure water (hot wax extra).

    Captcha: "nulla" is that what they call /dev/nul on Linux for Women?

  • (cs) in reply to RogerWilco
    a snake, a snake, ahhhh it's a snake.


    That's just a mirror. Credit where it's due, the original animator's own website is Weebl's Stuff (clickable link not possible due to braindead fuckup spam filter:) http://weebls-stuff.com/toons/badgers/.

    If you enjoy puerile toilet humour, check out Weebl and Bob while you're there. You'll laugh til you shit!

    (Oh come on akismet, get a grip.)(You know, maybe "taking their word for it" isn't such a good idea after all?)(Sheer genius! I finally added enough text to get past the spam filter and now the "an error occurred" server error is blocking me!)(Ok, now the server error is gone but akismet is complaining again.)(FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-)(I suppose all this is perfectly normal on a small embedded platform with no filing system.)(Oh for crying out loud stop erroring!)(How the hell much text do I have to add to convince the damn akismet that having one little link in there doesn't make my post spam, for fuck sake?)(If this carries on I'm going to have to hack into the site and disable akismet.)(You know it's probably akismet that's causing all the server errors, didn't they both start around the same time?)(Ok, let me see if pasting a page or two of random text from wikipedia convinces it that this is a real post:Nonsense (pronounced /ˈnɒnsəns/ (UK), /ˈnɒnsɛns/ (US)[1]) is a verbal communication or written text that is spoken or written in a human language or other symbolic system but lacks any coherent meaning. Many poets, novelists, songwriters and scientists have used nonsense in their works, often creating entire works using it. It is also an important field of study in cryptography. )(look you fucking pissant I'm a logged-in user and I'm posting a bloody big bit of text that doesn't look like spam at all, bloody well post it)(Nonsense (pronounced /ˈnɒnsəns/ (UK), /ˈnɒnsɛns/ (US)[1]) is a verbal communication or written text that is spoken or written in a human language or other symbolic system but lacks any coherent meaning. Many poets, novelists, songwriters and scientists have used nonsense in their works, often creating entire works using it. It is also an important field of study in cryptography. Contents

    (Ok, I'm going to try de-link-ifying the URL to weebl's stuff, maybe that will convince this fuckwitted filter to let the post through.)

    EDIT: (Snipped two pages of wikipedia junk once the post finally got through)

    2ND EDIT: Alex, turn down the sodding sensitivity on Akismet, a single url= link is enough to trip it right now and that's ridiculous. Or at least update the BBCode documentation page to say links aren't permitted.

  • Grant (unregistered) in reply to RayS
    A couple of jobs ago, me and another dev were in a meeting with a couple of manager-types to see how other dev's project was going and whether I could provide any help.

    When discussing one aspect, other dev said, "I didn't know what that code was doing so I took it out." (my emphasis).

    Needless to say, me and the managers spent a few minutes after to discuss this approach...

    Well that's the approach that works in the rest of the engineering world, and you computer folk like to pretend that you're engineers, so play by our rules.

    If a car engineer finds a badger in your engine and has no idea why it's there, you damn well want him to remove the badger, not leave it there in case it does something he doesn't understand.

    That's how engineering works - something unexplained in the middle of your engineeringy thingy - remove it!

    So thats why there's no magic in my car, the engineer wasn't also a wizard and took it out!
  • pecus bill (unregistered) in reply to Ocson
    Isn't it obvious? If you give them 39 cents, you have the honor of being sold the item for free!
    I thought they gave you 39 cents for free...
  • Uzi Taz (unregistered) in reply to NotARealName
    If the car engineer found a piece of engineering in my car and removed it without knowing what that 'engineery' thing was - I'd be looking for a new car engineer type person.
    Really? I'd be looking for a lawyer..
  • farthead (unregistered) in reply to dpm

    Spring Lake Mi is a turdville. It's full of highly conservative right wingers that makes the place AND the city next to it (grand haven) absolutely a horrible place to even visit.

    I'm certian the ad was a joke by one of the kids stuck in the horrible and repressive place, and most of the residents did not get it.

    Dont visit Spring lake or Grand Haven, if you want to see lake michigan, go to a real town like ludington, petoskey, etc...

  • IV (unregistered) in reply to farthead
    Spring Lake Mi is a turdville.
    As an alumnus of the Ohio State University, a can point out that your comment applies to the entire state of Michigan.
  • validus (unregistered) in reply to IV
    Spring Lake Mi is a turdville.
    As an alumnus of the Ohio State University, a can point out that your comment applies to the entire state of Michigan.
    As a resident of another country, I should point out that the comment applies to the entire country.
  • Gold Hat (unregistered) in reply to EatenByAGrue
    Actually, I believe the correct response to this situation is "Badger? Badger? We don't need no steenkin' badger!" And then remove it.

    Of course, I'm now wondering why someone might find a badger in your engine and have a good idea why it's there.

    Broken homophone/pop-culture-reference error on line 1, do you mean "steenkin' badgers!"?

  • Xythar (unregistered)

    Oh wow, I made the Daily WTF!

    I sent in that Herald Sun picture last year and thought it'd just been silently rejected - I'm sorry I doubted you Alex! :)

  • Anonymous Cow-Herd (unregistered) in reply to DaveK

    +10 internets to you, sir. That was awesome

  • Christoph (unregistered) in reply to AnyNamous

    You can find the grass seed calculator (and other calculators) here! Seems to be doing ok. I think they have changed it now. Apparently this one doesn't give u any quantity no matter the date input :)

    captcha: verto

  • (cs) in reply to operagost

    The chess team really ought to use "Springers" for its nickname (the word is German for a chess-knight).

    My high school had a setup like that--most teams were the Red Raiders, but the fencing team used the archaic nickname Tigers (specifically, saber-tooth tigers).

  • sec & dumb (unregistered) in reply to Christoph
    You can find the grass seed calculator (and other calculators) here! Seems to be doing ok.

    Let's try it with 200 feet wide and 400 feet long seeds and a coverage rate of 400 square feet per pound: "At a coverage rate of 400400 square feet per pound, you'll need of seed to cover your 80,000-square-foot lawn. Remember, this is only an estimate. Be sure to compare the coverage rate you entered in this calculator to the coverage rate on the seed packaging. Each seed variety or mix has its own recommended rate of coverage, and you should always follow the manufacturer's instructions."

    I wouldn't call that "doing ok"...

  • Cbuttius (unregistered) in reply to Bob
    Tim Morrison suffers from the classic geek, "That's a bit strange, but there's no possible way it could be done for a good reason because I know that everyone else on the planet is an idiot!"


    See it all the time in geek circles: "Why did you remove that?" "I didn't understand it, so I rewrote it."

    How the fuck can you rewrite something you don't understand?

    Anyway, rant over.

    You might rewrite it because you can't understand the code and you need to maintain it and it is so incomprehensible that you will never be able to. I did that at least once.

  • captain obvious (unregistered) in reply to nB
    Apparently the json2.js was added in deliberately to prevent people from hotlinking to the file on the json servers.

    See: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/json/message/1413

    They just didn't want people embedding json2.js rather than using their own file system.

    Before I even read that link I was wondering how dumb one had to be to load scripts from another site...

    Calling me dumb? Sorry for making efficient use of resources when the source explicitly offers it and uses a CDN, and possibly other benefits such as managing updates and security hot fixes.

    captcha: appellatio, sounds like something you should do to yourself

  • Anonymous coward (unregistered) in reply to toth

    Well they call those RISC.

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