• (cs) in reply to SomeCoder
    No disrespect to you but I have to agree with Alex's moderation. It is extremely frustrating to watch the comments section get ruined by flame bait on every single article. Repetition was your downfall - once in a while it's funny but you used to troll every single post here and now it seems you're paying the price for that. Maybe you should come back in a few months time with a different identity and a little bit of self restraint.

    I agree, TopCod3r's posts were good at first but because they repeated on in every thread, it got old fast. They also derailed the regular discussion too much.

    What "regular discussion" ?

    I for one found TopCod3rs comments more entertaining to read than the "wooden table"-, "enterprisey"-, "paula"-gags - those Alex should delete.

  • MondoHawkins (unregistered)


    Effective two weeks from today, no earlier than 5:00PM, you can kiss my ass.

    DICTATED BUT NOT READ, The Former Employee

  • Vollhorst (unregistered)

    So, the WTF is that the programmers can't do their jobs right and produced bullshit which the management couldn't handle? Wow, I am impressed. Sort of. Not.

  • Muphry (unregistered) in reply to spellingnazi
    people language is a tool that different people use differently. That doesn't mean that some people aren't better than others at it

    How ironic. I guess I am a tool.

    Captcha: validus (what I should do before posting, when in Rome)

    eh, you me'd it. Also, i don't think that's irony...

  • I'm not your guy, FRIEND! (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous
    Mr B:
    It's people like you, ie. anonymous no-sense-of-humour idiots which cause threads to be derailed far more than that other chap...see you've done it here now too!

    Seems like he's not the only one who should learn a little restraint.

    You don't know me, friend.

    He's not your buddy, GUY!

  • OutWithTheTroll (unregistered) in reply to Mr B
    Mr B:
    No disrespect to you but I have to agree with Alex's moderation. It is extremely frustrating to watch the comments section get ruined by flame bait on every single article. Repetition was your downfall - once in a while it's funny but you used to troll every single post here and now it seems you're paying the price for that. Maybe you should come back in a few months time with a different identity and a little bit of self restraint.

    It's people like you, ie. anonymous no-sense-of-humour idiots which cause threads to be derailed far more than that other chap...see you've done it here now too!

    Seems like he's not the only one who should learn a little restraint.

    Blaming the people who fall for the troll is as illogical as blaming the mugged for being mugged, Jim.

    I agree with anonymous.

    To TopCod3r: Stop whining, get a life, move on. If you don't agree with the rules on this site, leave.

  • OutWithTheTroll (unregistered) in reply to Franz_Kafka
    This isn't a business meeting, and we don't have to all behave.

    Interesting opinion.

    And why not may I ask?

    Alex is paying for publishing content on the internet. So it's his call, not ours

  • Jay (unregistered) in reply to OutWithTheTroll
    Mr B:
    No disrespect to you but I have to agree with Alex's moderation. It is extremely frustrating to watch the comments section get ruined by flame bait on every single article. Repetition was your downfall - once in a while it's funny but you used to troll every single post here and now it seems you're paying the price for that. Maybe you should come back in a few months time with a different identity and a little bit of self restraint.

    It's people like you, ie. anonymous no-sense-of-humour idiots which cause threads to be derailed far more than that other chap...see you've done it here now too!

    Seems like he's not the only one who should learn a little restraint.

    Blaming the people who fall for the troll is as illogical as blaming the mugged for being mugged, Jim.

    I agree with anonymous.

    To TopCod3r: Stop whining, get a life, move on. If you don't agree with the rules on this site, leave.

    Hmm... last time I checked this site was a bit satyric (is that the right word?) of nature. TopCod3r added to it nicely with very sarcastic stories of doing stuff like it shouldn't be done. I guess it's kind of an issue for up to which point people can deal with it. Deleting those posts seems kind of against the nature of this site :+

    Jay o/

  • (cs) in reply to OutWithTheTroll
    Mr B:
    No disrespect to you but I have to agree with Alex's moderation. It is extremely frustrating to watch the comments section get ruined by flame bait on every single article. Repetition was your downfall - once in a while it's funny but you used to troll every single post here and now it seems you're paying the price for that. Maybe you should come back in a few months time with a different identity and a little bit of self restraint.

    It's people like you, ie. anonymous no-sense-of-humour idiots which cause threads to be derailed far more than that other chap...see you've done it here now too!

    Seems like he's not the only one who should learn a little restraint.

    Blaming the people who fall for the troll is as illogical as blaming the mugged for being mugged, Jim.

    I agree with anonymous.

    To TopCod3r: Stop whining, get a life, move on. If you don't agree with the rules on this site, leave.

    Interesting analogy, and by "interesting" I mean "useless".

    And my name's not "Jim" either.

    It would be relevant if the person being mugged had a choice whether they participated in the mugging or not, but usually it's kinda compulsory...you have the option to ignore the troll, you can't ignore the mugger.

    As for all my "friends", it seems that you can't stand some plain talking, which is why what I said bothered you. If you had a half-decent reply you wouldn't have gone back to the common denominator of the room temperature IQ brigade of slinging insults and referring to everyone as "friend".

    If you want a discussion about the nature of trolling and the type of personality disorder that precludes being either a) bothered by them or b) failing to spot them, then that's fine, but don't pretend it's anyone's problem but your own.

    Oh, and moderation of this sort of thing never ever works and is always counter-productive.

    See, you've got me de-railed now too! Talking about posts that don't even exist!


  • Johan (unregistered)

    My WTF: I was offered a position at Department of Correctional Services through a personnel agency. I was being paid n by said personnel agency. The charged another company 2n for my time, which in turn charged another company 4n for my time, which charged the Department of Correctional Services 5n for my time.

    The last company was the only one allowed to do business with State Departments.

    I was told that I can only bill for work done between 8 am and 4 pm, less one hour's worth of mandatory breaks. After waiting a week for a pc I started looking for something else. Having listened to the developers already working there explain how proud they are of "normalising" the new system's database to the point where a second database is used to lookup DB number 1's table names, I ran.

    I found the perfect dev enviro straight after that, working for a new startup with smart people, who are blessed with insight and common sense.

    (South Africa)

  • (cs) in reply to ReverendJ1
    I'll have to say TopCod3r's comments have been the best thing about a lot of the articles in recent months. Sometimes I'll just scan the comments for TopCod3r if I don't have time to read them all. Shame on you Alex.
  • Matt (unregistered)

    You are in a room with Kyle, psycho-Ralph and the Colonel. There are no windows and the doors are locked. What do you do?

  • Agent X (unregistered) in reply to Jeff

    Who's the jerk that regurgitates each and every story into a comment? It was old a year ago.

  • Dave G. (unregistered) in reply to Herohtar
    What was the problem with people combining their breaks? Last I checked a fifteen minute break, half-hour lunch, and another fifteen minute break took exactly the same amount of time as a one hour lunch/break period...

    I see. Getting out of line, are we? Looking for trouble, are we?

    You see, the problem is that, with an uninterrupted hour of free thinking time, you're much more likely to develop your own insubordinate thoughts. By constantly interrupting your free time, it's much easier to ensure that you only have time for approved thoughts in line with the vision of the company.

    We can't have you thinking for yourself. It's good for morale, which is bad for productivity. We don't need you wasting time on friendship or human contact here, just do your job and everything will be fine.

    Now do you understand, pleb? These questions are more trouble to you than they're worth. I promise you of that. You'd best just forget all about it.

    There, isn't life much easier when we do the thinking for you?

  • Rhialto (unregistered) in reply to Anon
    Language is a tool for communication and ignoring its actual usage just makes you a failure at using language for its proper purpose (ie: communication).
    Just because language is a tool for communication it is important that people use the same definition for the words that they use. Someone making up a new definition of an existing word is the one who makes him/herself misunderstood. Especially if there is already a perfectly good word (or phrase) for what they mean but they simply don't want to use it. For instance, I find the expression "he authored the book" particularly horrible: if there were a verb related to the noun "author" it would be "to auth" (cf vendor/to vend; -or is more or less the same as -er but more like Latin), and furthermore there is the perfectly suitable verb "to write" already available.
  • Jay (unregistered) in reply to Rhialto
    Language is a tool for communication and ignoring its actual usage just makes you a failure at using language for its proper purpose (ie: communication).
    Just because language is a tool for communication it is important that people use the same definition for the words that they use. Someone making up a new definition of an existing word is the one who makes him/herself misunderstood. Especially if there is already a perfectly good word (or phrase) for what they mean but they simply don't want to use it. For instance, I find the expression "he authored the book" particularly horrible: if there were a verb related to the noun "author" it would be "to auth" (cf vendor/to vend; -or is more or less the same as -er but more like Latin), and furthermore there is the perfectly suitable verb "to write" already available.

    Tip: never study dutch! We do that with loads of nouns cause we're probably too lazy to make a decent sentence out of it ^^

    Example: "Playing Nintendo games" => "Nintendo-ing" (well, sort of anywayz :P)

  • (cs) in reply to Matt
    You are in a room with Kyle, psycho-Ralph and the Colonel. There are no windows and the doors are locked. What do you do?

    (1) Wait until the beans from lunch kick in. (2) Fart repeatedly until the terrible three are unconscious. (3) Go through their pockets and take their valuables. (4) Leave.

  • John (unregistered) in reply to Jeff

    Nice one Jeff. You summed it all up ;D

  • synp (unregistered) in reply to Herohtar
    What was the problem with people combining their breaks? Last I checked a fifteen minute break, half-hour lunch, and another fifteen minute break took exactly the same amount of time as a one hour lunch/break period...

    You can't really work straight from 8:AM to your lunch break. You might be tempted to take a bathroom break on company time if you didn't have a morning break.

  • kilo (unregistered) in reply to Jeff

    oi !! you scared me !! really did !!

  • OutWithTheTroll (unregistered) in reply to Mr B
    Mr B:
    And my name's not "Jim" either.
    And you're complaining about the lack of humour of *others*?
    Mr B:
    you have the option to ignore the troll, you can't ignore the mugger.
    That is if everybody can identify the person as being a troll, witch is not the case here.
  • (cs)

    Jees, mildly interesting article and a whole load of bullshit comments. What is the world coming to? Oh wait, this is teh internets isn't it...

  • memals (unregistered) in reply to Matt
    You are in a room with Kyle, psycho-Ralph and the Colonel. There are no windows and the doors are locked. What do you do?
    >INV :You are carrying 3 cans of beans and banana >EAT beans :There are no 'beans' here >OPEN cans :with what? >OPEN cans WITH banana :You open the cans with the banana >EAT beans :You consume the contents of the three open bean cans >PROFIT :You can not 'PROFIT'
  • (cs) in reply to OutWithTheTroll
    Mr B:
    And my name's not "Jim" either.
    And you're complaining about the lack of humour of *others*?
    Mr B:
    you have the option to ignore the troll, you can't ignore the mugger.
    That is if everybody can identify the person as being a troll, witch is not the case here.

    I was being sarcastic. I forgot that often one must flag sarcasm in some manner so that everyone "gets it".

    It's not my fault that some people don't realise they are being mugged, so it's even less like being mugged than I originally thought, thanks!

  • (cs) in reply to kraftymiles
    <irony>Jees, mildly interesting article and a whole load of bullshit comments. What is the world coming to? Oh wait, this is teh internets isn't it...</irony>

    Fixed that for you!

  • OutWithTheTroll (unregistered) in reply to Mr B
    Mr B:
    I was being sarcastic.
    So whas I. ;)

    Sarcasm detector in the shop is it?

  • David Emery (unregistered)

    But some are. A friend got very frustrated trying to teach a Colonel how to program. At one point he said to the Colonel, "Sir, you can order me to do anything you want, but you cannot -order- that compiler to compile that incorrect program."


  • Satyr I call (unregistered) in reply to Jay
    Mr B:
    No disrespect to you but I have to agree with Alex's moderation. It is extremely frustrating to watch the comments section get ruined by flame bait on every single article. Repetition was your downfall - once in a while it's funny but you used to troll every single post here and now it seems you're paying the price for that. Maybe you should come back in a few months time with a different identity and a little bit of self restraint.

    It's people like you, ie. anonymous no-sense-of-humour idiots which cause threads to be derailed far more than that other chap...see you've done it here now too!

    Seems like he's not the only one who should learn a little restraint.

    Blaming the people who fall for the troll is as illogical as blaming the mugged for being mugged, Jim.

    I agree with anonymous.

    To TopCod3r: Stop whining, get a life, move on. If you don't agree with the rules on this site, leave.

    Hmm... last time I checked this site was a bit satyric (is that the right word?) of nature. TopCod3r added to it nicely with very sarcastic stories of doing stuff like it shouldn't be done. I guess it's kind of an issue for up to which point people can deal with it. Deleting those posts seems kind of against the nature of this site :+

    Jay o/

    Yes I'd say that's pretty accurate description based on my experience of developers: http://www.pantheon.org/articles/s/satyrs.html

  • Emphyrio (unregistered) in reply to Anon
    I don't care if a million people use it wrong every day. There's still plenty of people who know what it means, and we're free to view the rest of you as morons if we choose.

    Your question really only has one logical answer: that there isn't one "language" that we adhere to, people language is a tool that different people use differently. That doesn't mean that some people aren't better than others at it, or that objective reality goes out the window when enough stupid people band together and declare something to be so.

    In summary: yes language changes but ignorance is NOT a virtue, and does NOT make you a cowboy.

    Stubbornness is also not a virtue and following archaic uses of language doesn’t make you better. The rest of us are perfectly free to view you as an out of touch old fool who’s incapable of dealing with change. It doesn’t matter why or who started using a different definition but ignoring that definition once its taken hold is idiotic stubbornness. Language is a tool for communication and ignoring its actual usage just makes you a failure at using language for its proper purpose (ie: communication).

    Perhaps those of us who prefer traditional usage should simply cease attempting to communicate with those who view our usage as "archaic", and merely watch as their language degenerates into all lower-case unpunctuated acronyms and emoticons, and eventually into grunts and gestures. [/sarcasm]

    This reminds me of an anecdote about an English scholar who, to deter burglars, posted a sign in his yard reading "Cave canem". When someone pointed out that many burglars would not be able to read Latin, the scholar replied, "Then they are not the sort of burglars we want."

  • Anti-pedant (unregistered) in reply to Rhialto

    See, folks like you often miss the nuance and new words or new ways of using existing words during your campaign to prevent language change. Let's consider your example. "To write" is a fairly general verb, ranging from something you might do in your notebook during class, to something you'd do when creating a grocery list, all the way up to creating great literature. "To author", however, has a narrower meaning, but also connotes the additional tasks that go along with creating a book, which aren't necessarily present in other types of writing. If you tell people that they cannot use "author" as a verb, you have limited communication, not enhanced it.

    99 times out of 100, when I see someone complaining about new "fake" verbs, they are missing out on nuance. People don't create new verbs like this because they "forgot" about the perfectly good very "to write". They do it because they needed to express a thought in a way that existing common verbs could not. Just keep that in mind.

    Captcha: odio (dative of "hate"? fitting...)

  • rumpelstiltskin (unregistered)

    I call BS. Only people named Patel tie Windsor knots. Anyone named Kirk would use a four-in-hand.

  • (cs) in reply to Franz_Kafka
    Alex didn't moderate anything - he deleted comments because they annoyed him. Sure, delete the wow gold spam and random chinese posts that are almost certainly spam, but nuking comments for being somewhat disruptive is just nuts. This isn't a business meeting, and we don't have to all behave.

    Bull. This isn't your web site. It's Alex's site, and he can delete each and every post (or just not allow them in the first place) if he so chooses. You have to behave or expect to have your crap deleted. Don't like it? Go somewhere else. I hear /. is great for certain types of people.

  • vdragon (unregistered)

    Heh. I worked for a 'manager' like that once. I enjoyed the whole 'keeping track of bathroom breaks by the receptionist'. And it was comedy gold when I wore my suit in and people made comments about how nice it was to see me look so professional... Too bad I was at an interview.

    The shock when I left was pure joy for me. I had an exit interview with the owner who kept asking "why are you leaving is there anything we can do to keep you or make things better". How do you not burn that bridge saying: Your Operations guy is a fool and needs to not be in charge of anyone smarter than a 2 year old?

    They really were clueless most of the productive folk left. They outsource most of the jobs we did and are now basically a staffing/recruiter. No tech or management staff on site.

  • (cs) in reply to Asiago Chow
    Asiago Chow:
    Years ago (my first real job, I was maybe 21) I had my own experience with military leadership. The difference was that I wasn't the new guy in an established environment.

    I was the youngest person at a little software shop when my boss (the guy who hired me) retired. We sent the old guy off with a party and afterwards the CEO announced he had found the perfect replacement... a newly retired USMC colonel with a technical background and an impressive education!

    The Colonel's first act was to interview all existing employees under his charge. We were given appointments and an otherwise empty office was designated the interviewing room.

    When my appointment came around I went into the office and... desk, nice chair, crappy stacking chair, and no Colonel. I looked at the crappy stacking chair. I looked at the nice chair. I looked again at the crappy stacking chair that was so clearly where the inferior was supposed to sit. I sat down. I put my feet up on the desk. I waited.

    The Colonel arrived a few minutes later and stood there for a moment staring at me. I stood, shook his hand, invited him to sit, and sat back down myself. He stared some more, then carefully repositioned the stacking chair to precisely face the front of the desk and primly sat with a notepad in his lap, obviously uncomfortable and determined to rise above it. We had our interview -- all classic BS questions; Him: "where do you see yourself in 5 years?" Me: "Taking your job." -- and at the end I stood, thanked him for his time, and left.

    It was beautiful. I was a total prick, I knew I was being a total prick, but he chose it when he chose a crappy chair for the employee and a nice chair for himself.

    The funniest part? It wasn't an isolated incident. We had a conference room with a long table and he was convinced that the end was where the leader was supposed to sit. I got into the habit (which I still have) of taking the seat at the "best" end of the table (whatever that is). He would come in and find me in "his seat" and half the time he would stand through the entire meeting rather than take an inferior seat.

    Within a year he was fired -- escorted out of the building -- because he simply couldn't lead (at least not people who hadn't been through boot camp indoctrination) and finally resorted to sending a bunch of long, sarcastic, and generally inappropriate memos to all the employees. He did type them himself though.

    I applaud you sir. You are my hero. You've mastered Psy-Ops all in one go
  • Not Wtf (unregistered)

    WTF is with the picture of the loser in a suit and a helmet? That is the biggest WTF I have seen in a while.

  • RandomTask (unregistered) in reply to Rhialto

    Verily, thy Point is well made - 'tis a disgrace on our gay Tongue.

    There doth exist a fine golden Standard of eloquence, and comest thou from a worthy Line, then thou wouldst have Foreknowledge of this. 'Tis the Champions of proper English to whom we owe our continued Legacy.

    Accept my apologies for my informal speech - I should as a matter of course refer to thee by the properly respectful form, "You."

    Text displayed in von Ahn, Hopper, Langford & Blum's "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart": Capio.

  • (cs) in reply to spellingnazi
    But people who speak English as a first language should immunity for beginner English mistakes? I don't think so.

    Don't you love it when a pedantic grammar nazi posts about the proper use of the English language and makes a big mistake (like omitting entire words) in his own post?

    Practice what you preach before you start preaching.

  • Jay (unregistered) in reply to Satyr I call
    Satyr I call:
    Mr B:
    No disrespect to you but I have to agree with Alex's moderation. It is extremely frustrating to watch the comments section get ruined by flame bait on every single article. Repetition was your downfall - once in a while it's funny but you used to troll every single post here and now it seems you're paying the price for that. Maybe you should come back in a few months time with a different identity and a little bit of self restraint.

    It's people like you, ie. anonymous no-sense-of-humour idiots which cause threads to be derailed far more than that other chap...see you've done it here now too!

    Seems like he's not the only one who should learn a little restraint.

    Blaming the people who fall for the troll is as illogical as blaming the mugged for being mugged, Jim.

    I agree with anonymous.

    To TopCod3r: Stop whining, get a life, move on. If you don't agree with the rules on this site, leave.

    Hmm... last time I checked this site was a bit satyric (is that the right word?) of nature. TopCod3r added to it nicely with very sarcastic stories of doing stuff like it shouldn't be done. I guess it's kind of an issue for up to which point people can deal with it. Deleting those posts seems kind of against the nature of this site :+

    Jay o/

    Yes I'd say that's pretty accurate description based on my experience of developers: http://www.pantheon.org/articles/s/satyrs.html

    DOH! I meant satirical...

  • Franz Kafka (unregistered) in reply to KenW
    Alex didn't moderate anything - he deleted comments because they annoyed him. Sure, delete the wow gold spam and random chinese posts that are almost certainly spam, but nuking comments for being somewhat disruptive is just nuts. This isn't a business meeting, and we don't have to all behave.

    Bull. This isn't your web site. It's Alex's site, and he can delete each and every post (or just not allow them in the first place) if he so chooses. You have to behave or expect to have your crap deleted. Don't like it? Go somewhere else. I hear /. is great for certain types of people.

    I'm not trying to dictate terms, I'm disagreeing with his unstated policy. Are you the sort of person who says 'America, love it or leave it?'

  • A Gould (unregistered) in reply to Dave
    That reminds me of my ex-boss. He was extremely uptight about people showing up late so he put in a rule that would take a half day off your vacation time for every minute you were late.

    I didn't stay much longer after that.

    Sounds like a great deal to me - I get an extra half-day vacation for every minute I stay overtime!

    If you punish me for not doing it, I expect to be rewarded for doing it.

  • Dredge Slug (unregistered) in reply to shadowman
    Joe the Programmer:
    ObCaptcha: "usitas". Wasn't he the old Baltimore Colts QB?

    that was Unitas, close, but not quite.


    Actually Unitas was a past QB but at the time he wasn't necessarily old.

  • csm (unregistered) in reply to Code Dependent
    Code Dependent:

    It has come to my attention that certain processes have been performing co-operative multitasking. Effective immediately, all processes will conform to a scheduling algorithm for pre-emptive multitasking.

    There are no exceptions to this policy.


    LOL nice one

  • Dredge Slug (unregistered) in reply to eric76
    I hate to draw sweeping conclusions but from my experience, most high ranking military retirees are domineering narcissists who will never again fit in to normal society. They are broken beyond repair. Just my experience.
    But not all.

    There was a story in a nation magazine, I think it was Atlantic Monthly, about thirty or so years ago that mentioned a weapons development program that the military wanted to kill.

    They assigned it to one general who actually made it work.

    If I remember the story correctly, the general was pretty much forced into early retirement as a result.


    Due to successful implementation of program requirements my forced retirement will necessitate a move to a life of supervising programming nerds.


  • Machtyn (unregistered) in reply to Vollhorst
    So, the WTF is that the programmers can't do their jobs right and produced bullshit which the management couldn't handle? Wow, I am impressed. Sort of. Not.

    Feeding the troll...

    Perhaps you missed the part where the Colonel decided programmers "code" and more "code" is needed to make software work. So the Colonel removed things like the engineering process of design and testing.

  • Machtyn (unregistered) in reply to vdragon
    The shock when I left was pure joy for me. I had an exit interview with the owner who kept asking "why are you leaving is there anything we can do to keep you or make things better". How do you not burn that bridge saying: Your Operations guy is a fool and needs to not be in charge of anyone smarter than a 2 year old?

    You don't burn the bridge. Granted, I understand you were ticked about the situation. It sounds, from you language, that the upper-management were unaware of the situation. If they were asking for "anything", be straight and specific, but not insulting. Constructive criticism and all.

  • skztr (unregistered)
    The two developers assigned to documentation duty were relieved of that job and given an Excel spreadsheet and a desk calculator.

    Two developers were given a week's paid vacation and complained about it? I don't understand.

    Without constant supervision, and a shock-collar, I would find it [strike]pretty much[/strike] completely impossible to not reflexively type the two commands required to convert the whole thing in one pass.

  • Teh Irish Gril Riot (unregistered) in reply to I'm not your guy, FRIEND!
    I'm not your guy:
    He's not your buddy, GUY!

    Lawlz! I can't help it...


  • (cs)

    wow, 4 years, no released product, and they're still around? How? Really stupid venture capitalists? Family money? Gov't contract?....

    Do Tell!

  • (cs)

    God this brought back memories: of working at Mary Kay.

  • Duke of New York (unregistered) in reply to Some Wonk
    Some Wonk:
    Yet to release their product? Do they work from Guantanamo Bay?
    Obviously not, since Guantanamo manages to do occasional releases.

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