• (cs)

    Am I the only one who figured that given the size, and the fact that they were on the ground, those must be instances of pumpkin?

    Not that the picture is much more apt for pumpkins...

  • DrewE (unregistered)

    12258166939590251513rd post!

  • anon (unregistered) in reply to Fred
    the psql installer one is not a WTF... The GUI for the MSI loads while the CAB file is still being unpacked to a temp directory, you can't click next until the unpacking finishes.
    Are you really going to stand there and argue that this is good user interface design, i.e. not a WTF?

    My computer can do 3 billion things per second. I can average about one. Why should I ever ever have to wait for my computer once I have decided what I want to do? I want to click Next dammit, fucking let me click Next and if you can't keep up well at least give me the next screen to read so I can make another decision.

    GUI programmers and their holy "usability" suck donkey balls.

    And in case you still can't imagine any form of computing beyond what you learned while you were wearing diapers, the correct way is to provide a simple language that allows the user to succinctly express what they want to do, and store those instructions in a script. For example: "install psql". Now was that so bloody hard to understand?

    Then the script can run in the background and take a week if necessary to do its thing, but meanwhile I can go on with my other work.

    You're trying to program for Grandma and guess what, she's still too clueless no matter how colorful the cartoons you throw at her, so let's get back to letting smart people do real work and stop fighting the user who knows what they want done.

    Well, you're probably never read this response since most likely you had a stroke sometime in the middle of your psychotic little rant there, but getting back to my point: ok, you want to say it's a WTF fine, but it's Microsoft's WTF, not psql, and we can have this WTF every week since it happens with EVERY SINGLE MSI file. Most are small enough that you barely see it, but it's the nature of the packaging system. As for a having a progress bar, it's not actually possible, since the delay is handled by msiexec, not the actual installer being called. As for your suggestion that the GUI should always keep moving even before processing has completed on the last action, well that doesn't really make a lot of sense here. The next panel on the GUI in this particular instance is the dialogue box that lets you choose where you would like to install, which relies on information that's inside the cab file, such as default home directory and file size. Don't worry, once you make it out puberty you'll start to get a little bit of patience...

  • True that (unregistered) in reply to drchops
    I'm seeing double here! Four rubik's cubes!

    That's why its so expensive... it's a new quad-cube model...

  • a PEE tent? WTF? (unregistered) in reply to methinks
    Apparently, with the economy still playing tough, Playboy and Penthouse merged into Playhouse - only to be bought out by Disney soon after that...
    What will they do with PentBoy?
  • Le Tatio (unregistered) in reply to McVaio
    This is a funny error'd:


    There's nothing funny about meesting your bezocht! And don't you dare to aan your slag in public!

  • (cs)

    "Roll u-------------p! Roll up for the mystery tour!"

  • (cs) in reply to anon
    Well, you're probably never read this response since most likely you had a stroke sometime in the middle of your psychotic little rant there, but getting back to my point...
    Well played, good man. Well played!
  • (cs)

    I had to put the date and time in every time I started my NCR Decisionmate V. I usually didn't bother, so every file I made would have a creation date of 1/1/1980...

  • Anonymous (unregistered) in reply to Fred

    Isn't it mostly dpkg/rpm that you just described... sound like you are sailing on the wrong ship.

  • Jack (unregistered)

    "(Need better Msg)" is clearly instructing you to order some Chinese food and try again after lunch.

  • Fred (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous
    Isn't it mostly dpkg/rpm that you just described... sound like you are sailing on the wrong ship.
    No my friend, you've identified the right ship. MS/GUI is the wrong ship and the sooner it sinks the sooner we can all get back to work.

    Not that work is what kids want these days. They want to play video games and get paid for it. No wonder the economy tanked.

  • some other guy (unregistered) in reply to Some guy
    Some guy:
    I found this comment at my local Best Buy, apparently I'm going to comment twice as much for the pre-owned version.

    I found this comment at my local Best Buy, apparently I'm going to comment twice as much for the pre-owned version.

    I found this comment at my local Best Buy, apparently I'm going to comment twice as much for the pre-owned version.

    I found this comment at my local Best Buy, apparently I'm going to comment twice as much for the pre-owned version.

    I found this comment at my local Best Buy, apparently I'm going to comment twice as much for the pre-owned version.

    I found this comment at my local Best Buy, apparently I'm going to comment twice as much for the pre-owned version.

  • (cs)
    1. Walthamstow
    2. ????????????????????
    3. Profit
  • (cs)

    I must be doing something wrong - my pics never get through, and I've yet to receive a thankyou message. I must be doing something wrong - my pics never get through, and I've yet to receive a thankyou message.

  • ARMed but harmless (unregistered) in reply to vasiliys
    It's April 30, 2010 - just in case you couldn't determine that.

    No, it isn't.

    CAPTCHA: odio - japanese name of Garfield's 'pal'

  • ARMed but harmless (unregistered)

    There are no new comments available for you.


    CAPTCHA: usitas - Of course I do. Can't sit head. BTW, there's a 's' missing.

  • (cs)

    TRWTF is the price of a regular Rubik's cube.

  • Buymore Store Representative (unregistered)

    Best Buy was also having 2-for-1 sale on WTFs. Which means you pay four times as much.

  • (cs)

    The cynical part of me - the one that has to catch the tube to work - can easily believe they have no idea where the second train is going.

    Even the drivers don't know sometimes.

  • Some Aussie (unregistered) in reply to EatenByAGrue
    Oh, yes, the good old CTO Error. It exists in many organizations, and is the mistake of promoting someone who knows nothing about development, system and network administration, or technical support to CTO.

    It's a mistake???

    I thought it was standard practice. Certainly been the case in 'most every place I've worked!!

  • Dubbie (unregistered) in reply to Fred
    the psql installer one is not a WTF... The GUI for the MSI loads while the CAB file is still being unpacked to a temp directory, you can't click next until the unpacking finishes.
    Are you really going to stand there and argue that this is good user interface design, i.e. not a WTF?

    My computer can do 3 billion things per second. I can average about one. Why should I ever ever have to wait for my computer once I have decided what I want to do? I want to click Next dammit, fucking let me click Next and if you can't keep up well at least give me the next screen to read so I can make another decision.

    GUI programmers and their holy "usability" suck donkey balls.

    And in case you still can't imagine any form of computing beyond what you learned while you were wearing diapers, the correct way is to provide a simple language that allows the user to succinctly express what they want to do, and store those instructions in a script. For example: "install psql". Now was that so bloody hard to understand?

    Then the script can run in the background and take a week if necessary to do its thing, but meanwhile I can go on with my other work.

    You're trying to program for Grandma and guess what, she's still too clueless no matter how colorful the cartoons you throw at her, so let's get back to letting smart people do real work and stop fighting the user who knows what they want done.


    Except perhaps with a little less attitude.

  • Mait (unregistered)

    It's like comparing Apples with Instance37003

  • (cs) in reply to Le Tatio
    Le Tatio:
    There's nothing funny about meesting your bezocht! And don't you dare to aan your slag in public!
    Hahaha :D Those words are no verbs lol ;-)
  • Ouch! (unregistered) in reply to McVaio
    Le Tatio:
    There's nothing funny about meesting your bezocht! And don't you dare to aan your slag in public!
    Hahaha :D Those words are no verbs lol ;-)
    They are. As the great philosopher said, "Verbing weirds language", but verbing can be done.
  • Mr X (unregistered) in reply to Jack
    "(Need better Msg)" is clearly instructing you to order some Chinese food and try again after lunch.

    Now that's funny!

  • Kuli (unregistered)


    This was my comment. Congratulations!

  • k1 (unregistered) in reply to anon

    Why should I ever ever have to wait for my computer once I have decided what I want to do? I want to click Next dammit, fucking let me click Next and if you can't keep up well at least give me the next screen to read so I can make another decision.

    but it's the nature of the packaging system. As for a having a progress bar, it's not actually possible, since the delay is handled by msiexec, not the actual installer being called. As for your suggestion that the GUI should always keep moving even before processing has completed on the last action, well that doesn't really make a lot of sense here. The next panel on the GUI in this particular instance is the dialogue box that lets you choose where you would like to install, which relies on information that's inside the cab file, such as default home directory and file size. Don't worry, once you make it out puberty you'll start to get a little bit of patience...

    Well, why can't it send those informations as first thing and begin the download soon after, so the user can do the choices and confirms and continue with other thinks? Meanwhile, the download proceed and when it's done the installation begins; the user only need to look at the [progress indicator thing] from time to time. You can put a "confirm start installation" checkbox in the dialogue box, so the user can be alerted if he want to.

    Is the user who must adapt to the machine or the opposite?


    P.S.: sorry for my poor english

  • (cs) in reply to toth
    Red Screen of Death?
    Blue Screen of Death Red Screen of Bewilderment

    Use the enchanted keyboard to navigate past the Evil Browser Cache, oh Brave Adventurer!

  • Neville Flynn (unregistered)

    That's what Peter gets for buying a crappy HP.

  • · (unregistered) in reply to anon
    ... it's Microsoft's WTF, not psql, and we can have this WTF every week since it happens with EVERY SINGLE MSI file. Most are small enough that you barely see it, but it's the nature of the packaging system. As for a having a progress bar, it's not actually possible, since the delay is handled by msiexec, not the actual installer being called.
    Yep, the WTF belongs to a different author. Makes it no less a WTF.
    The next panel on the GUI in this particular instance is the dialogue box that lets you choose where you would like to install, which relies on information that's inside the cab file, such as default home directory and file size.
    You're seriously arguing that extracting the whole package to the *wrong* place before finding out the correct place is a *good* thing?
  • (cs)


  • Peter (unregistered) in reply to ARMed but harmless
    ARMed but harmless:
    CAPTCHA: odio - japanese name of Garfield's 'pal'
    I don't believe it. You quoted your CAPTCHA, and it was funny. Something must be going seriously wrong with the world for that to be possible.
  • foxyshadis (unregistered) in reply to anon
    The next panel on the GUI in this particular instance is the dialogue box that lets you choose where you would like to install, which relies on information that's inside the cab file, such as default home directory and file size. Don't worry, once you make it out puberty you'll start to get a little bit of patience...
    Either you're an idiot or you've never bothered to look inside or package an MSI, because the MSI itself has all of the information it needs to install. The cab is just a blob before the actual install action, and the only purpose of pre-extracting it is to ensure it's all complete and readable. Not all gigantic MSIs will extract their cute little sub-installers into temp folders, either, plenty will install directly from inside the MSI itself. Depends on how brain-dead your packaging tool is. I will never use InstallShield for a reason, but since it's the industry standard MSI itself looks bad. You can even have an action that will give the user feedback on the state of the extraction, or do pretty much anything possible. Authors (of software and of packaging software) are just too lazy.

    Next time comment on something you have a single clue about.

  • ARMed but harmless (unregistered) in reply to Peter
    ARMed but harmless:
    CAPTCHA: odio - japanese name of Garfield's 'pal'
    I don't believe it. You quoted your CAPTCHA, and it was funny. Something must be going seriously wrong with the world for that to be possible.

    Sorry, my bad. It was meant to be cheesy. Will try better next time. (Or worse?)

    Thanks, anyway. ;)

  • Frank (unregistered) in reply to usitas

    THERE ARE FOUR CUBES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Sean (really!) (unregistered)

    I'd really like to post this comment. Really!

    CAPTCHA: minim, for minix with whitespace removed

  • psb (unregistered) in reply to Bill P. Godfrey

    The tube displays always do that, and other random gibberish.

    It's more reliable than the actual tube train times given.

  • AdT (unregistered)

    "Type today's date here"

    I think MindManager expects an answer like "Melissa".

    Captcha: dolor (Yeah, or "Dolores")

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