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I'm sorry: I'm in a hurry and I can only afford to wait 5.5045871543179 minutes.
Oh, and as for that lottery: I'd buy a ticket. Since NAN ranges from $0 to $110 trillion (or even more), I have to assume the average winner would be at least $55 trillion.
Definitely worth a ticket. Worth a lot of tickets.
He, he, he. Admin!
Hee hee. Admin Admin Admin Admin Admin
You kiss your mother with that mouth?
I thought the same thing...
My Irish girl is broken :(
Can I pleze has an othur?
Did you catch the at at on the KFC receipt?
The first thing I thought when I saw the folder deletion message was "No, don't delete it, it was made on John Egbert's birthday! The blind prophets will be angered."
Captcha: caecus. Latin for "blind". Okay that's just a creepy coincidence.
She wants my body... I can just tell by looking.
she have "Hot Chick with LOW STANDARDS" written in her eyes.
and by the way, she stil looks broke.
oh, and ) lets finish off the unmatched braces in this therad
In the early days of the MMOish web game Kingdom of Loathing, something similar happened: there was an item that if you were dumb enough to use it out of combat, would steal a handful of meat (the game's currency) from your inventory. Turned out, if you used it without any meat in your inventory, it would still steal meat from your inventory, giving you a couple billion meat. I wasn't around back then, but I gather the information spread quickly, everyone had max meat, and the game's economy didn't recover for many months (as the developers put in various leaderboards for "who donated the most meat to this leaderboard", with no other tangible benefit, for people to voluntarily remove their bugmeat with.)
Neither of these are really instances of having NaN currency, though; just instances of failing to consider boundaries, or the difference between signed and unsigned ints.
Well obviously, if they'd spelled it out, it wouldn't have gotten past the profanity filter! I can't think of many words more vulgar and disgusting than those that describe bills. Well, there are those that describe taxes.
So like, if a Chinese person deliberately fails a math test, they call him a twinkie?
A friend of my daughter was suspended from school for wearing a t-shirt that said "Oreo". He's black. So he was suspended for making racial slurs against ... himself. Apparently the white administrators believe that they know better than he does what offends him.
Or at the very least, try not to be mind-bogglingly stupid about it. Here are a few suggestions:
Look at whole words only. "classic" is not an obscenity.
Don't block words that have objectionable meanings if those words also have routine, acceptable meanings. Not unless you're going to parse the sentence for context. "I had saltine crackers and Oreo cookies for a snack" is probably not a racial slur.
Test your filter before deploying it, to make sure that it does not have a lot of false hits.
Why is it necessary to even point out such obvious things?
(and besides, a few of them really are kind of amusing...)
I apparently have nobisness posting here without logging in...
No. You must learn to take care of your toys.
TRWTF is that the old version of FireFox 3.6.28 (apparently the last 3.x ever) that I was running was somehow unable to see the end of comment marker about the Irish girl, turning most of the page into one big comment.
Not gonna go for that "New Age Firefox" crap, so I finally downloaded Seamonkey for this computer. (I use Seamonkey everywhere else anyhow.) Just a little profile-fu, and all my settings are back.
I was going to say that one cannot withdraw from a balance of NaN, but I proved myself wrong:
for demo: http://ideone.com/kpxs8Seriously?! Akismet thinks this is spam? I'm now starting to understand the average intellectual level of comments here...
Oh, and points to all who can find the WTF in that code. (No, Java does not count.)
Double the NaN, double the fun!
So six regular nuggets are $6, or $1 each, but a single "CAT NUGG" is only 75 cents. Can I just order six CAT NUGGs?
Or stop schools from passing out "magna cum laude" honors.
Unrelated question: why would you order cat nuggets at a place that serves falcon?
According to my Spanish teacher, "taco" is very rude in Spain.
Burrito means little donkey. Apparently, it is used as an explicit substitution in Mexico.
Taco is similarly used here in the states. I assume that most can identify the implications for themselves... so I won't draw you a picture.
I guess there's more meat on a cat than a chicken? So more bulk prices.
Maybe it is that there's not many stray chickens to round up in town.
PROTIP: Make an account, post anything, immediately edit that comment with whatever you want to say. It lets you bypass the bloody Akismet.
I guess whoever owned the cat from yesterday's story decided to do the sensible thing and have it made into nuggets, so it wouldn't destroy any more hardware.
The immigration bureau has sample forms filled in on display for people who need to refer to them, in Japanese and a few foreign languages. An English language sample used to include the abbreviation "Jap." When I mentioned that in a discussion on Usenet news, American posters were full of certainty over how the immigration officials had offended themselves and should censor themselves.
Uh, do you speak any language at all? The "bad" words the ones that are extremely well defined and well understood by virtually all native speakers.
If you live in EU you would also consider Brussels nasty word…
And, they are among the first to be learned by non-native speakers, along with the word for "beer" and the euphemism for "place to piss".
Sure... I'll go scoop some cat nuggets of the litter box for you.
It also screwed the ABN up into AB@ - so it's quite surprising the CAT NUGG wasn't CAT @UGG. I'm also surprised the totals added up correctly since mangled characters tend to mean mangled RAM.
It's also not a valid tax invoice - the words tax invoice don't appear on it ;)
But not U WA@T...
Trade ya. (25%)
HTML comments cannot contain two dashes in a row.
There is such a comment in the source code for this article, which causes most of the article and the comment thread not to render on Firefox (3.6.15, Windows).
(This doesn't seem to have been reported already, but I may be mistaken -- it is kinda hard to skim the contents of the existing comments when one can only do it in a source window.)
Some people think that HTML comments start with <!-- and end with -->
That is not the case. A declaration starts with <! and a declaration ends with >
Inside a declaration you can have comments that start and end with -- and does not contain the substring --
The actual document has a "comment" looking like this:
<!--RSS doesn't like the CSS mouseover. -- Here's the Irish Girl anyway: https://thedailywtf.com/images/12/q3/e23/irishgirl.jpg -->That does not mean what the person writing it, thought it meant. First <! starts a declaration, then -- starts a comment. The comment is "RSS doesn't like the CSS mouseover." then the comment ends with --
What follows is then a meaningless declaration saying "Here's the Irish Girl anyway: https://thedailywtf.com/images/12/q3/e23/irishgirl.jpg", which the browser will ignore, because it just doesn't make any sense.
Then -- starts another comment, the next comment starts with >
What follows then was intended to be part of the webpage, but is actually interpreted as a comment.
Some browsers may be buggy and render the page the way the author intended it to be rendered.
If you want your webpages to be unambiguous and render the same in all browsers, then never try to use the substring -- inside a comment.
Addendum (2012-08-04 22:19): [image]
Fortunately no one can answer that question because the same thing is in this here comment too.
(Yeah I know Kasper meant HTML comment, but the comment as commented is fully decrementable.)
There was also a racial slur lurking as a substring, perhaps it spotted that one...
Shame Dave didn't buy a ticket like I did.
The winning numbers were 0,0,0,0,NaN,FILE_NOT_FOUND.
Easiest NaN I ever made.
The real WTF is that they are charging 75 cents for packages of catchup.
verbing "at" should be be grounds for for instant dismissal, and "work it how u want"? sounds sordid :(