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I can haz confirm dialog?
That last one looks familiar somehow...
On average I'm first.
The alarm clock display clearly indicates that it is set for 24-hour time (the 24H at the top). So, the hours run from 0-23 instead of 1-12. Perhaps it is implicitly also set to 120-minute time, so the minutes run from 0-119 instead of 1-59.
Winmobile 6.1: Bubble Breaker
In the last picture you seem confused how the average can be higher than the maximum.
In the fine game of cricket (where we are currently grinding the Australians into the Birmingham turf) a batsman can easily have a batting average higher than his best score.
In cricket, the average is worked out by dividing the total number of runs the batsman has accumulated by the number of times they have been dismissed.
Therefore if in one game a batsman gets 50 not out and then 25 in the second innings before being dismissed then the highest score would be 50* (where * denotes not out) and the average would be 75.
I have no idea how this is in any way related to the statistics in the picture but it might be :-)
I mean I'm sure I've seen it on this site before now. But I can't find it. Damn it.
You can haz confirm dialog no.
I wish my supermarket sold Sodium Neptunium.
Second to last is not fun at all. Is normal when you are deleting file under windows and not remove it.
In first case it tries to move it to the trash-bin... So it may happen that there is no room, while trash is stored on same disc.
For second case - use Shift+Del instead and then no problem - "permanently" gone :)
What about minesweeper (and other better games) where your highscore is your lowest (time in this instance)?
Maybe they set the 24H setting to go from 00:00 to 11:119.
I also wants an ALL LITE clock... Mine is such a .......!
The first one is clearly dead pixels in a 0.. you can see the other 7's are different.
Make a stupid comment incorporating a concept from one of the Error'd items.
Error logged, so retrying. Sorry about any double posts.
That's not really an average higher than the max. What's being averaged is "score per out" not "score per inning". The data points, then, should be scores between outs. There is a single data point of 75, not two of 50 and 25. The "score per inning" average is 37.5, less than the max.
Metric time FTW!
Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfucking lolcats on this motherfucking plane!
So sewer usage is billed annually in Niagara Falls, NY? Interesting. I've always been billed monthly.
Of course, the real WTF is how Sky ended up with $220 in past due sewer charges. Don't they shut off your toilet by that point?
H8 2 say dis but u 4got 2 say plz.
Good afternoon. Is this Sky Anderson? Hi...this is the Home Town collection agency....PAY YOUR F!@#$%^ SEWER BILL!! Thank you.
The program used to create this comment is Firefox. That program is not installed on your computer. To read this comment, you must install a program that can open the comment.
Sky Anderson, if you're expecting anything in the Falls to make sense, you haven't been living there long enough.
That first one is interesting because I had nearly the exact same thing happen to my radio clock just over a week ago... the time was displaying something like 5:69 or 5:79. I actually took a picture with the intent of submitting it here, but it looks like someone beat me to it. :(
If I remember when I get home I'll pull the picture from my camera and post it here in the comments.
The real WTF is the question marks are meant to be words.
I used to have a digital watch where, trying to reset the time after it had 'zeroised' when the battery was running down, sometimes the hours would go through 20s or 50s or even J-ties (J0, J1, J2 etc). Now that's what I call WTF o'clock!
((Response to jpers36, talking about "per inning"))
Per innings. This is cricket, where the singular of innings is innings, as $DEITY intended.
what was Spencer's wtf?
Apparently Sky Anderson forgot to block out one account number. :) 2180
--- wtf?! captcha fail because of a proxy? head desk
i'd recommend Matias to change batteries
Oh really? So why are you $220 past due on your sewer bill?
aaaaaaanyway, the point is that games can define their scoring/averaging system however they like. so the one in the wtf may be correct according to their definition of the game (although it probably isn't)
I'm not seeing the WTF with the sewer bill. The bill arrived after the billing period? That seems normal.
Is it that he forgot to block out the barcodes, or is being billed for sewers? Or that my CAPTCHA is refoveo?
I'm sure we saw the statistics one before...
Indeed, noticed this one and have to comment: It may only be a WTF to the uninitiated. What's probably going on is that the full balance is 'due' up until the due date - after which the current period will become 'late' on the next bill, but they'll give up billing the earlier unpaid charges and just make them a lien on the property; not exactly a desirable outcome as the lien may continue to accrue interest and trip you up if you ever transfer title.
The WTF may be not threatening this clearly, but they didn't have much room on the postcard and municipalities usually don't give a crap - as long as they are collecting enough payments to cover salaries and operations, they'll break even (plus all that interest!) when the property sells and turns over.
[Now, a nice WTF, and another possible explanation, is that outgoing sewer fees are calculated off the incoming water bill - imagine trying to build a sewage meter! - forcing a homeowner to get the bill adjusted with the (private, for-profit) water company if something goes haywire to get a credit on what can become an astronomical sewer charge. If there was a leak/meter-malfunction and the water company applied a credit in the next billing period, then the 'current' sewer charges would be N but the next period's charges would be N-subscript-adjusted.]
...and while I'm at it, an even bigger WTF is this weasel's city extrapolating the water bill from certain winter months across the whole year for sewer charges - letting the rich kids with lawn sprinklers or pools off free, and otherwise providing a big discount to anyone who can avoid showering in the cold season. (Okay, sprinklers and pools don't create sewage, but they do ultimately affect the storm drains... and the poors don't get any credit for not being able to afford a plumber when their toilet goes and they waste a small lake's worth of water in a winter month, amplified in their sewer bill by calling that the 'monthly usage' for the whole year...)
Just what we need -- more proof that cricket is a silly game.
The Mean Value Theorem strikes again.
You misunderstand the display. "High" is not the highest score, but the number of players who were high on something when they played.
This doesn't actually surprise me...
Addendum (2009-07-31 12:40):
Even if not, that would still leave the "57 seconds" indicator in the lower right.
I used to have a high school advisor who was getting up there in age (and not exactly 'with it')... one time she was writing on the board the schedule for a half-day. I still laugh when I think back to it, because apparently, 40 minutes after the first class at 9:35, the second class would begin... at 9:75. She must have been using the same time system as this clock.
There seems to be a $200 discount for paying the bill late.
I think you mean N-Acylneuraminate-9-Phosphatase