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We can too see red things! They just don't look red
If the language or implementation has a large company behind it, check that company's web site for online resources and book recommendations.
If there is a magazine for developers using the language, subscribe to it.
The real WTF is that the W3C is developing XHTML 2.0. Who has adopted 1.0?
They were thinking "How are we going to repair the damage that Netscape did with FONT, COLOR, and overlapping elements?"
Yeah I know, three posts in a row. That's life.
The even bigger WTF is, that they put h1-h6 back in.
MySQL in the list of "real databases"? Sure, it probably qualifies as one by now -- but any Real DBA still resents the MySQL development team saying that relational integrity, views, transactions &c. were a waste of time back in the late 90s (when they supported none of those features), and still insists that it's a toy for that reason.
(Having been through the hell of maintaining databases and database-driven applications built by people who believed the MySQL team back in the late 1990s and built DBs without relational integrity, views, transactions, &c., I can't really blame the folks who refuse forgiveness).
I'm pretty sure that's incorrect. The inline styles will override the style element; the !important designation only has effect within a specificity level. Specificity trumps everything.
I realize that, but some people can't read red words on a green background. Just like people with average eyesight can't read white words on a light grey background.
Why are you putting red text on a green background... that's like hitting your page with an ugly stick :)
I am a network admin. I don't use a passwords.txt file. It is too insecure.
I tell all of our users to write their usernames and passwords on post-it notes and place them on their monitors.
That way they don't have to ask me when they forget their username or password. And it's secure because they can place the post-it note in a drawer to hide it.
Maybe he'll see why the fonts aren't quite right too. I for one have never heard of the font Helvectica.
If there is an official mailing list or newsgroup or forum for developers, check those out as well. I got myself relatively up to speed on Linux (in preparation for buying and maintaining a home server) by reading relevant parts of comp.os.linux.* for a few months.
Style element (and external style sheets) are referenced by elements needing style. Using inline style attributes means that changes to styles need to be done every frigging element in document instead of just in stylesheet. Ring any bells?
Hey, I had to pick someone to put a reply to.
I'm an "old" time programmer, very close to collecting a pension. Doesn't necessarily make me smart, but it might help make me wise.
Way back in my typesetting days. . . paper tape and all that, and the paper tape was way better than how it was being done up till then. . . . a really good typesetting machine, (with 16K (yes, kilobytes, with included a pretty good hyphenation algorithm and dictionary, believe it or not -- it was the 1970's) and it was real Core Memory "ferrite donuts with windings. . . didn't die when the power was turned off) -- we had something called "formats". One could store 32 keystrokes to a format, give it a name, and then call those 32 keystrokes back.
One could create larger "formats", but if format 11 had more than 32 keystrokes, then format 12 was unavailable.
A great way to learn how to write REALLY EFFICIENT CODE.
Now, formats aren't a whole lot different from CSS style sheets, as I understand them. Except, you're not limited to 32 keystrokes. (I'm not one of the four Yorkshiremen, even if it sounds like I might be an honourary one).
If, dear reader, you're still awake. . .
I see on this site a considerable prejudice against programming with flat files.
Donald Knuth said that 95% of data processing was searching and sorting.
One a file is sorted, then searching is pretty simple. (binary search).
With a good "search and replace" routine (anybody heard of "FILETRAN"), you can build a search/replace table, pull your input flat file into it, and produce an output file.
And do it again, and again, until you get it right.
I wrote my own version of FILETRAN, so that I could execute it from the command line, being completely ignorant of piping. (still less than doctorate level on piping).
The point is (is there a point?)
There are many, many ways in which to solve a problem.
There are a lot less ways to solve a problem that let one backtrack to see where "something went wrong".
Packaged systems. . . click the menu. . . etc. . .
Well, I suspect, somewhere, a pointer file or linked list is built. . . it's sorted, according to a user-specified criterion, and then an extraction is done.
Hey, folks, you can do that with flat files.
It might take a little longer to write the correct code, but I'll guarantee that when it comes to execution time, repeatability, consistency of results, being able to tell your customer "this is where the problem in YOUR data was. . ." dealing with flat files, even for very complex projects, will allow one to sleep at night.
Oh, yeah, I wrote my own sort program. . . Kernighan and Ritchies algorithm, with a good front-end and a good back-end. It scales to what disk space allows.
I won't take style advices from someone who can't correctly use the ellipsis and makes me scroll to the end of his message just to find out there's just a huge blank.
You failed to be a mentor.
Well...whaddya know? Eat this... http://stuff.chovy.com/txt/passwords.txt. [:^)]
Uh, you can get a little less granular.
<snip potted summary of what styles and classes are -- not my question>
Again, this has nothing to do with the difference between a "style element" and an inline style.
I wasn't asking about external stylesheets. Style elements and inline styles are both still "embedded" with the HTML. And you can still manipulate the style property for any given element using scripting. Or is that verboten by purists as well?
As a software engineer/consultant, what I more typically find is a customer unwilling to pay for anything beyond the simplest, stupidest, who-cares-if-it's-insecure applications, despite repeated and dire warnings. So, in order to make any money, you do hackish things to compensate. In these cases, I make it pointedly clear that it will cost more in the long run.
Then, when it all does go up in flames, I get the phone call, and the "cost more in the long run" becomes the short run.
It's sad, and more than just a little depressing. I can't tell you how many times I've successfully predicted MAJOR expenses, often YEARS IN ADVANCE. I point it out, I make it clear. I advise of the dangers of the compromised position. But, if I bring it up when the expenses start mounting, then I'm "pointing fingers" which is "inconducive to smooth co-operation".
I've got plenty of work now, so I've simply stopped accepting work that only pays at "slap-hack y"levels. I bid high, and don't always get it, but I have the money (time) to do quality work.
It's so much better this way!
What is your question, exactly?
The difference between what and what?
You've apparently found that sweet spot between bidding low to get lots of jobs for a stead cash flow, and bidding really high to get a splooge of cash after each big project.
Which reminds me of a kind of related phenomenon - try googling for "5fcfd41e547a12215b173ff47fdd3739"... (MD5 hash for "trustno1" =)
For God's sakes, YES!
If you can't see the point of CSS classes, then you have missed the point completely, and I can't help you.
I heard that if you put mentors in a bottle of cola it'll explode up to 15 feet in the air...
Ooops...that was Mentos, not Mentors...
You gotta be kidding me...
I usually never post here... i just read what NOT to do on my projects lol.
But this one caught my attention... this mentor had to be real stupid, honestly.
5-star WTF
Unfortunately, this is pretty much a given, since recognizing your own lack of competence would already require a certain level of competence. Recommended reading: http://www.apa.org/journals/features/psp7761121.pdf
This was just very very very scary... are there people actually doing stuff like that ?
Oh God...
How do you know how red is supposed to look?
Dunno, maybe the one that using the
attribute links your styles specifically to a precise element, and mixes the data and presentation layers of your page, which is what CSS are originally set to prevent?People who like shiny things, see XHTML and say "hey it's XML and it's semantic, HTML was not semantic, XHTML is better, more different, and it's XML so it's good!
It's bad practices.
See it that way: CSS control the way things are displayed, Javascript control the way things behave, change, evolve. They're linked, but they're not the same. They just work together. Or you make them work together, when you're somewhat good and know about your craft, if only because it makes your work simpler and your pages snappier.
So you could, say, use Javascript to add and remove classes, and then create rules according to the added and removed classes (or even specific, nonstandard attributes if you don't have to support MSIE too much) that'd modify the way your page is displayed.
For example a while ago I created a little page, this page (which I won't link to for ugly as a sin it is) is a simple list of links, some in french and some in english, with a "lang" attribute set for each list item.
For I wanted to tell "the reader" (just about no one, really, but the "use case" was a reader population made up mostly of french people, some of them unable to read english and therefore uninterrested in english websites) whether the website he'd reach would be in english or in french.
So I set out to use the CSS attribute selector to display little flags near the links, to explain the language of the destination site.
And then I wondered whether I could put some kind of filter so that the user could select the languages he'd be interrested in. I could've parsed repeatedly my DOM through javascript, modified the display state of each element to display it or not based on whether it was going to be filtered in or out.
But I had my language attributes already, and I had the Cascade, and I knew jack about CSS and JS.
So I just added 2 simple rules, something along the lines of:
Note: I dumbed down the rules slightly, the real ones use one more class on body (on every rule), created at the initialization of the JS stuff, so that the elements are always displayed if Javascript is disabled. With the rules I wrote in my previous post, a user with Javascript disabled but CSS available wouldn't see any item (everything would default to "display: none", which isn't much graceful of a degradation).
There's nothing you can't accomplish with Javascript.
You can use Javascript to turn Javascript back on?
Don't think so.
there might be a ton of people that are smooth and don't know programming... however, there are a ton of people who are smooth and know programming, a ton of people who aren't smooth and don't know programming, and a ton of people who aren't smooth and know programming. Assuming someone that knows programming can't be smooth is accepting the fallacy-filled stereotype that programmers are nerds who can't communicate with normal human beings and should be confined to their cubicle-dungeons.
Maybe we should just write webpages in C++ and that would cut out at least 31% of the stupidity in the net. Or not.....I'm just spit-ballin here.
And you're wrong !
Let's say you're using firefox, and let's say you're using NoScript do unactivate Javascript. If you want to reactivate javascript then you ask NoScript to reactivate it, NoScript is a Firefox extension, therefore NoScript is in XUL which is Javascript and a bunch of XML, RDF and CSS files, you're therefore using Javascript to turn Javascript back on. QED
And they damn well are, even though they don't like it pointed to them, which is exactly what you just did you insensitive clod.
REally? How about this?
First Captcha: register -- could that be a hint?
second captcha: picture -- ah yes picture the captcha not working, not very hard is it?
dammit the quote f'ed up.
that was supposed to be in reply to "we do see red things.. "
Hmmm... I wonder how you'd do something like JSNeko without per-element styles? (Basically, it works by showing, hiding and setting the position of various divs - possibly slightly WTF-worthy, but there you go). Note that this is only tested on relatively recent versions of IE, Firefox and Konqueror.
And thus the farce that experience brings wisdom...
Don'tcha wish you could slap people through the internet?
No way man, the only secure place to hide the post-it note with the password on it is on the bottom of the keyboard!
There are various resources for different general programming topics. Since this WTF points out a fairly obvious security issue, a good resource to bring up here is the OWASP's Top Ten Most Critical Web Application Security Vulnerabilities:
As far as getting into the specifics of how to implement these in Flex-2, look on a Flex-2 user's forum or something. I've never heard of this language. Is it obscure, or am I just living in a vacuum? If it's obscure you might have a hard time finding support for how to do stuff in it, and I'd recommend trying something a little more standard - php, asp.net, java/jsp, etc. If you're not building a web app, then you have a lot less to worry about!
But it helps to use common sense. Do not store passwords in clear text in a web-browsable directory on your server! Generally, user passwords are stored using a one-way hashing algorithm (i.e. only the user knows its clear text version) in a database table, and admin passwords to database servers or other servers, are stored in an encrypted file on a portion of the web server that is not accessible to the outside world. Same with the encryption keys to any password file - they shouldn't be in a web-browsable portion of a site, either!
How do you know?
Hate to say it, but your argument relies on a stereotype as much as his does. Can you honestly say with any certainty that there are not an overwhelmingly larger number of programmers who lack business or social skills than those who have them? You may be the exception, but that doesn't change the rule.
I know some very good programmers. I also know some people with very good social/business skills. The two do overlap at times, but rarely. In the end, most of the programmers I know lack these interpersonal skills.
I think the important thing in Anonymous' argument is that a 'ton' means that he knows significantly more people who fit premise #1 than those who don't. Thus, the conclusion follows (it's only a weak argument, not false).
Some stereotypes are false, but not all. Some are just conclusions formed over a long observation period.
(I like that "do not allow replies" checkbox. "No, I get the final word!" :D)
Who's post are you replying to?
I agree, the WTF is the forum software... (Why has nobody fixed this yet?)
That was supposed to be a quote to tster.
On the other hand, requiring a class or ID just to use a style on one element of a document is an inevitable source of WTFs. Why have the style spec separate from the only element that uses it?
The W3C has never gotten far by pushing ideology over practice. Does anyone remember HTML 3.0? I'd prefer they didn't make that mistake again.
I guess no one grasped the basic question: He was asking what is the difference between
<h1><style>font-style: italic;</style>Dude</h1>
or something like that, and
<h1 style="font-style: italic;">Dude</h1>
You confused him because you called it a style element, instead of a stylesheet like every other designer on earth. What element holds the stylesheet (style, link, xml, etc) is inconsequential.
Besides, why even bring up xhtml 2? It's not a standard yet (the draft seems to have stalled a year ago), browsers only support it in fits and starts (IE barely at all), and it requires a wholesale recoding of many parts of many websites.
Removing style is a stupid way to try to legislate good style in a world full of humans who don't always think in terms of stylesheets. A lot of times people really do just want some red text, or positioned semi-alternately left or right (gee, using classes "left" and "right" is such a huge improvement, you never know when you might need to swap their styles in a hurry. welcome to wtf web) but not entirely regularly, or need bouncing marquee text that randomly changes colors. Admittedly it would be nice to tell someone asking for the latter "sorry, you just plain can't do that anymore".