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The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering is thirty years old now, and it seems that some people still don't get it.
Whatever you're smoking, snorting, drinking, hitting or injecting, please stop!
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>i don't understand why people make this assumption. i'm sober at work.</FONT>
Don't do drugs.
this Dilbert seemed to fit...
Because you come off like a dumb stoned prick, that's why.
The link will work if you strip off the [/img at the end.
These stories seem to say more about the poor interviewing practices of the interviewers. In the first story - I find it hard to believe that someone so unqualified made it past the screening interview - or why for that matter - a panel would be used for a first round. The third second ("sit down") story is even more bizarre. The candidate described sounds very interested and prepared but what's wrong with this picture?. Any interview serious enough to have top people (as described) present - you'd think they would take into consideration that a white board might be used - that's a standard practice in many such interviews. This mistake goes to the panel.
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>you undervalue my style. please don't break my achey-breaky heart.</FONT>
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>my work is on secret government projects. </FONT>
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>"leading hitherto unknown advances in the field of electronics" - cal</FONT>
Did anybody hear the end of the HTML Author story?
What HTML Author story?
I tried using the expression "Nah'mean" at work yesterday. People were looking at me as if I had lost my mind.
Maybe it's how you're saying it. Try emphasizing different parts of the expression. Like "NAH-mean!" Emphasize the "NAH" part more than the "mean". I think that will get you the reaction you're after.
Let me tell you my interview story... it was two weeks ago.
The first stage was a test (ERP/SQL stuff - a technical test) and me and another guy passed this one(there were half a dozen people doing it). One week later, we go on the psychology test.
Then the psychologist give me a stupid test, where I'm supposed to draw a house, then a tree, and then a person. After the drawing is done, she starts asking stupid questions like:
How's the house inside?
Is it build from wood or bricks?
What kind of tree is this?
Is it healty?
Is this person alone or with others?
How do this person feels?
What this person is doing?
After answering these questions, I leave, and the other guy comes in to do it.
After all is done, two other people join the interview (One is from the HR, and the other is from the IT department - I'm running for the system analyst job).
My interview starts. And it was awful...
The psychologist is the main interviewer, yes, she asked most of the questions.
The HR woman asked only, and only one question: How did I worked in a team. At first I wanted to reply with: "I work well, as long as people leave me alone", but I didn't. I have to say that I gave the answer she was expecting: I worked well in a team.
The guy from the IT department asked few questions, I think because I knew me, and this part wasn't bad.
The really god awful part were the questions asked by the psychologist. And she asked almost all the questions. The first question she asked me:
"What are the qualities I appreciate in a friend?"
WTF?! And next, she asks:
"What wouldn't you do for a friend?"
What?? But it didn't stopped there. She also asked if I was a good student. She asked me to pretend my father as a politician and convice them to vote for him.
Can you imagine that? The interview went downhill since she asked about the qualities I appreciated in a friend, and that was the very first question, followed by what wouldn't I do for a friend.
Am I trying to join the Justice League or trying a job as system analyst?
Well, I think I don't need to say that I didn't got the job.
Oh, yes. Wanna know what kind of company have this type of interview?
A University.
Well, they didn't asked in what kind of technologies I'm skilled, or what programming language I know, but hey! They know what I most appreciate in a friend!
Isn't it great?
That story was too funny. I'm still laughing about it.
What kind of answers do they really expect? Most people are going to say exactly what they want to hear. Of course you're going to answer with fluffy, happy, positive responses.
No one is going to respond with a "Sieg Heil!" and start goosestepping around the room. Although it would be funny if someone did.
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>dude, you probably didn't get hired based on your engrish skills.</FONT>
Yes, and probably because I live in a country that doesn't speak english! [:D]
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>are you from albania?</FONT>
Could you re-write my post with the grammar corrections?
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>i am busy right now. perhaps later, while drunk.</FONT>
@EmptySet: Da drugs man! Da drugs!
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>no, i'm at work now, asshat.</FONT>
That never stopped you before, assclown.
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>oh, really? since you pretend to know me so well, why don't you just tell everyone on this forum which project i was working on where i allegedly used drugs at work?</FONT>
You are such a serious person EmptySet.
I just wanted to use the term "assclown" and you gave me the perfect opportunity.
Yeah, EmptySet is the kind of guy who acts all bad-ass, but when you say something about it, he'll start to bitch and moan.
In my opinion, he's just another 13 year old trying to pose as a coder.
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>you won't see me posting about mad kung-fu skills like that guy in the other thread.</FONT>
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>and i don't quite see how i'm acting like a badass by posting to this forum.</FONT>
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>i really don't like it when people jump to retarded conclusions about people they've never met in their life except through an online, public forum.</FONT>
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>you must be from albania, because you sound like the kind of person who is bitter about losing all their money in a pyramid scheme.</FONT>
Here in Albania, we don't have these "pyramid scheme" you talk about.
We live our lives in praise to Allah, the only and true God.
Games like this "pyramid scheme" are forbidden.
I know a really tame form of tai-kwando but I'm pretty sure I could karate chop you into unconsciousness if I tried hard enough.
Now who's a badass?
Have fun.
@Savior: I want to be a badass like EmptySet. What do I need to do?
Oooh! Oooh! I wanna be a badass too! Hook me up! HOOK ME UP!!!
So you're a self-loather?
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>no, of course not. i'm awesome.</FONT>
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>oh definitely! i'm gonna click on that! here i go!</FONT>
For some reason EmptySet reminds me of this little old lady I work with. She's about 84 years old and tries her best to "fit in". One day we were all crowded around a computer watching this streaming video of this dancing performer. She exclaimed "Oh my! He is certainly getting jig with it!"
We tell her repeatedly that it's "jiggy" but she continues using the term "jig". Plus, she obviously has no clue what the phrase really means.
Thought I'd share.
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>yes! exactly! i need to fit in on thedailywtf.com forums! my life is so lacking without this. i need you people to accept me.</FONT>
Isn't it obvious that we all have that same void to fill?
I accept you!
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>yay!</FONT>
@emptyset: git jig wit it, my brudda!
Chek out my Engrish grammactical skillz, yo!
I had to interview this guy for an entry level programming position. Per company policy, I gave him the standard programmer's questionaire, which consisted of basic programming questions like "Write a for loop". Well, the candidate handed me the sheet and as I reviewed it I noticed his "for loop" was very HTML-like. It had tags like <FOR><EACH></FOR> and was very involved to say the least. I laughed out loud and said "That's very funny! But we were looking for a serious answer here. I'm sure you understand. It's company policy that we have to go through these formalities." At this point, I noticed the extremely concerned look on his face. It appeared as if his lower lip was quivering. I thought to myself "No way. This can't be happening." and I asked him "You weren't serious...were you?" The candidate simply nodded.
If it weren't for the fact that he used programmatic HTML, we would have hired him.
Crappy posting software. Doesn't ignore invalid HTML tags...
This posting software...it's so...limp-wristed!
Hey, I thought it was funny.
OK, I agree that throwing things is not professional, but I still find it impolite to walk in on a phone interview. It's a private conversation, and uninvited listeners would be distracting at either end. Would it be OK to walk in on an ongoing interview in a conference room to flip through a magazine? Even if you just sat in a corner and didn't make any noise?
I find it impolite to use crappy posting software.
It could have been, say, Water, SuperX++, or any of a number of XML-based (that is, tag-based) languages that actually exist out there. Or something like MetaL, which is a programme modelling language, also replete with tags and XML-based. Or even something off-the-cuff that was intended to describe the structure in a language-neutral manner, using a familiar metaphor that any programmer worth half a damn would be able to understand. Did you happen to specify a language in which the code should have been written? If you didn't, then you probably laughed somebody more capable than yourself -- someone who groks structure as much as syntax -- out of the office.